The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) was established after Canada ratified the UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region, in 1990, to assist Canada in carrying out its obligations under the terms of this convention. The convention promotes international mobility by advocating wider recognition of higher education and professional qualifications.
Studying in Canada
Information for people who would like to pursue their higher studies in Canada; consult our Directory of Universities, Colleges and Schools in Canada
Working in Canada
Information for people interested in coming to work in Canada, with detailed fact sheets on selected professions and trades
Studying Abroad
Information for people who want to go abroad to study
Foreign Credentials Recognition
Information on the assessment of foreign credentials, on the recognition of qualifications, on prior learning assessment and recognition, and on comparative evaluation services in Canada
Education in Canada
Resources on all aspects of postsecondary and higher education in Canada’s provinces and territories, including CICIC's Directory of Universities, Colleges and Schools in Canada
Education Abroad
Resources on education in the other countries and regions of the world and on regional and international treaties regulating the recognition of foreign degrees, qualifications and credentials

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General Information
Web site: webmaster

This site is under the responsibility of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC).

© 1990-2007 Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
Links to this site may be established without permission.
Its contents may not be reproduced without prior authorization.
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