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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Bengal Cat

The Bengal Cat is a hybrid between the Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) and the domestic cat (Felis catus). The wild leopard cat is widely distributed in eastern Asia and is listed in Appendix II of CITES with the exception of populations from Bangladesh, India and Thailand which are listed in Appendix I. As a hybrid of a CITES listed species, the Bengal Cat is subject to the same provisions of the Convention as the Leopard Cat. Most of the Bengal cats originate from Appendix II Leopard cats and for the purpose of CITES permitting, all Bengal cats will be treated as Appendix II animals.

The canadian policy allowing importation and exportation of Bengal Cats is currently under review. This policy is based on CITES Resolution Conf. 10.17, which first came into effect September 18, 1997. However, as the United States has not implemented a similar policy based on the above mentioned Resolution, Bengal Cats travelling between Canada and the United States must have the following documentation:

  1. People residing in Canada and travelling to the United States with their pets for personal or exhibition purposes must have a CITES Pet Passport for each animal.
  2. Bengal cats relocating from Canada to the United States permanently, either with their current owner or to a new owner, require a regular CITES Export Permit.
  3. With either application, please provide a pedigree when available to at least five and preferably six generations.
  4. United States residents should contact the U.S. Office of Management Authority (703-358-2104) to obtain the appropriate documentation for their Bengal cats before travelling to Canada.

Before travelling to other countries, please check with the appropriate CITES authorities to confirm CITES documentation requirements.

Bengal Cat
Bengal Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) Appendix I
© Art Wolfe/www.artwolfe.com