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Learner Pathways and Transitions

Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC)
Postsecondary Education Project

September 1999

All the documents in this project are in PDF format. To display and read them, you must have the free Acrobat Reader software installed on your computer.

You may download the complete document (total size is 723 Kb), instead of each section separately. Be warned, though, that this may take an inordinate amount of time, especially if your connection is slow, or you attempt the download in the afternoon (North American Eastern Standard Time).

  An Overview of the CMEC Project (11Kb)
  1. Learner Pathways and Transitions - Summary Report (38Kb)

  2. The Background Paper. Norman Henchey (51Kb)

  3. The Evolving Information Base for Learner Pathways and Transitions. Statistics Canada (14Kb)

  4. Challenge Papers
    1. About the challenge papers and their authors (10Kb)
    2. Summary of recommendations by theme (17Kb)
    3. The initial transition from K-12 to PSE
      1. Tom Collins:   An educator’s perspective (366Kb)
      2. Kelly Foley:   A learner’s perspective (22Kb)
      3. Alex Usher:   Income-related barriers (22Kb)
    4. Pathways through PSE
      1. John Blevins:   A provincial perspective (25Kb)
      2. Janet Donald:   An educator’s and researcher’s perspective (42Kb)
      3. Kelly Lamrock:   A recent learner’s perspective (35Kb)
    5. Initial earning to learning transition
      1. Graham Lowe:   A researcher’s perspective (25Kb)
      2. Ken Snowdon:   A public perspective (40Kb)
    6. Cross-cutting issues
      1. Roland Chrisjohn:   An Aboriginal perspective (32Kb)

  5. The Roundtables
    1. The Roundtable Process (7Kb)
    2. Participants in Regional Roundtables (5Kb)

For more information, email Robert Patry, Coordinator, Postsecondary Education, CMEC:

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