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Secondary Education in Canada:
A Student Transfer Guide
8th Edition, 2001

Plan of the Transfer Guide AB BC MB NB NL NS NU ON PE QC SK NT YT

Summary Statement
  1. Introduction
  2. Organization of School Systems
  3. Explanation of Terms Used
  4. Course Designation
  5. Time Allotments and Course Load
  6. Curriculum Organization
  7. Testing and Grading Practices
  8. Requirements for Graduation
Summary of Course Content
  1. English Language Arts
  2. French (First Language)
  3. French (Second Language)
  4. French (Immersion)
  5. Mathematics
  6. Science
  7. Social Studies
  8. Prerequisites and/or Co-requisites
  9. Other Types of Programs/Courses
  10. Assessment of Foreign Studies
  11. Contact Persons
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