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REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS (International Programs)

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Title [in alphabetical order] Publication Date
Access, Inclusion and Achievement: Closing the Gap Country Response: CanadaFifteenth Commonwealth Conference of Education Ministers, Edinburgh, Scotland, 27-30 October 2003
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APEC High Level Meeting on Human Capacity Building for the New Economy
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Canada's report on steps taken to apply the Declaration and the Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1995
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Canadian Delegation ReportSEAMEO 36th Council Conference, Sabah, Malaysia, February 10-14, 2001
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Canadian Delegation ReportSEAMEO 42nd Council Conference, Bali, Indonesisa, March 13-15, 2007
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Canadian Delegation Report, OECD Education Chief Executives, September 2005, Danemark
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Canadian Intervention at the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education 1998-10-07
Canadian Report to the Joint Session of the OECD Education Committee and the CERI Governing Board
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Canadian Report for the CONFINTEA V Mid-Term Review of Adult EducationA Follow-Up to the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education
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Canadian Report to the 71st Session of the CERI Governing Board
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Contents and strategies for Living Together in the 21st Century
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Declaration of ScarboroughFourth Meeting of Ministers of Education of the Organization of American States, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, August 10-12, 2005
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Developments in Information Technologies in Education 1997-07-28
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators - 2003 Edition
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Education in a Global Era: Developments in Education in CanadaReport prepared for the 14th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 27-30, 2000
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Education in Canada
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Enhancing Learning through Formative AssessmentCase Studies from Canadian and OECD Research
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Enhancing the role of teachers in a changing world 1996-09-30
Fourth Meeting of Ministers of Education, Organization of American States, August 2005, Tobago
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Informal Meeting of OECD Education Ministers on Vocational Education and Training, January 22-23, 2007Canadian Delegation Report
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Information, Guidance, and Counselling Services in CandaCanada's Response to the OECD International Comparative Review of Policies on Information, Guidance, and Counselling Services
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International School Textbook Seminar (SITE) 2006, Santiago, Chile, April 19–21, 2006Canadian Delegation Report
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Meeting of the OECD Education Committee at Ministerial Level
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Meeting of the OECD Education Ministers - Raising the Quality of Learning for All, 2004Chair's Summary
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Meeting of the OECD Education Ministers, Athens, Greece, June 2006Chair's Summary
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Moscow DeclarationG-8 Ministerial Meeting on Education, Moscow, Russian Federation, 1-2 June 2006
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OECD Education Committee at Ministerial Level (Athens, Greece, June 27-28, 2006)Canadian Delegation Report
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OECD Thematic Review on Adult Learning in Canada, Appendices to the Background Report
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OECD Thematic Review on Adult Learning in Canada, Background Report
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OECD Thematic Review on Adult Learning in Canada, Country Note
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Presentation to FOCAL Symposium on the Second Summit of the Americas: Education Initiatives 1998-11-19
Quality Education for All Young People: Challenges, Trends, and PrioritiesReport of Canada In response to the International Survey in Preparation for the Forty-Seventh Session of the International Conference on Education (ICE)
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Report from the Canadian Delegation to the CRE/CEPES European Regional Forum 1997-09-01
Report of Canada Concerning the Application of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel
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Report of the Canadian Delegation to the 14th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM)
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Report of the Canadian Delegation to the 16th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM)
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the 30th Session of the UNESCO General Conference
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the 31th Session of the UNESCO General Conference
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the 33th Session of the UNESCO General ConferenceOctober 2005
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Report of the Canadian Delegation to the 74th Session of the OECD Education Committee
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the First Meeting of Ministers of Education of the Americas
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Report of the Canadian Delegation to the OECD/US Forum on Trade in Educational Services
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the Second Summit of the Americas
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Report of the Canadian delegation to the UNESCO Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA V)
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Report of the Canadian Delegation to the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education
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Report to UNECE and UNESCO on Indicators of Education for Sustainable Development
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Second Meeting of Ministers of Education of the Americas
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Survey of Trends in Adult Education and Training in Canada (1985-95) 1997-07-15
The Development of Education (45th ICE)
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The Development of Education in Canada (46th ICE)
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The G8/ BMENA DeclarationSecond Meeting of the Education Ministers of the Broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) and the Group of Eight (G8), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 23-24 May 2006
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The Global Classroom 1994-10-03
The UNESCO Recommendation Against Discrimination In Education - The Status in Canada 1997-10-01
Third APEC Education Ministerial Meeting: Ministerial StatementSkills for Coming Challenges
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Understandings Between the CMEC and the Department of External Affairs 1986-03-17
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–14) - Canada's Response to the UNESCO Questionnaire
   Details:  [PDF]
Total Listed: 56

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