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The SAIP Science III Assessment (2004)

As part of the School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP), the SAIP Science III Assessment (2004) was administered in the spring of 2004 in selected provincial and territorial schools. Overall, a random sample of approximately 25,000 students from about 2,500 schools wrote the assessment in either English or French. The documents in the right-hand column provide information to the participating schools, students, parents, and the public at large about SAIP and the subject being assessed.

SAIP is a pan-Canadian cooperative venture involving the development of a common set of assessment materials, consultations with subject experts, scoring of student responses, and data capture and analysis, as well the publication of various reports outlining the results.

If you require further information about this program, please e-mail the SAIP Coordinator.

Public Report
Highlights [PDF]
Fact Sheet [PDF]
Questions and Answers [PDF]
Press Release
Science-Related Web Sites
Science Assessment Package for the Classroom
Handbook for Schools [PDF]
Information for Parents and Students [PDF]
School Questionnaire [PDF]
Student Questionnaire [PDF]
Teacher Questionnaire [PDF]
Step-by-Step Administration Procedures for the Assessment (for School Coordinators) [PDF]

Information & suggestions: SAIP

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