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Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project

2003 12 23

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La trousse de formation en francisation (in French only) including 3 components:
  1. La francisation : scenarios pour la formation [PDF, 1.65 Mb]
  2. La francisation : parcours de formation [The CD-ROM on line]
  3. Au fil des saisons : journal d'une enseignante, [PDF, 512 kb]
Francisation: Taking Stock
May 2002 [PDF, 370 kb]

In February 1995, the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) adopted the Pan-Canadian Protocol for Collaboration on School Curriculum. Pursuant to this protocol, where ministers recognize and respect the distinct character of francophone education, CMEC established the Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project (PCFFLP). In identifying this project as a priority for CMEC, ministers recognize that it is essential to promote, within francophone schools in minority settings, conditions for learning French as a first language that are more conducive to improving school achievement.

Assessment results in the Pan-Canadian School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) indicate that the performance of francophone students in minority settings requires special attention. In most provinces and territories, recent SAIP assessments consistently show that minority francophone 13- and 16-year-old students performed less well overall than their anglophone counterparts across Canada, their performance also being lower than that of francophones in Quebec.

Studies have already shown that these results are not exclusively attributable to teaching or learning issues, but are also affected by sociocultural and economic issues. These students need to acquire the skills necessary to an increased and effective use of French as a language of instruction, as well as the sociocultural skills required to use the language as a tool for learning, communication, and self-realization.

Jurisdictions have therefore collaborated on a contextual analysis of the SAIP results of minority francophone students in order to determine what may be the underlying causes and remedial measures. At the same time, immediate concrete actions have been carried out in the Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project to address the challenge of francisation. Hence, the overall project includes two distinct but related segments:

  • Segment A involves developing an in-depth analysis of minority francophone students' performance on SAIP mathematics, science, and reading and writing assessments. A report on the analysis is scheduled for publication in spring 2004.
  • Segment B pertains to the development of a francisation training kit for teachers from kindergarten to grade 2. The kit can be downloaded, free of charge, from the CMEC web site and can also be obtained in a multimedia version, for the current price of $6.50 plus shipping cost, through CMEC.

This undertaking marks the first time jurisdictions from across the country have collaborated on a joint development project in this area. All provinces and territories except Yukon and Quebec have participated in the project, recognizing that shared expertise and resources, both human and financial, can increase the quality and efficiency of the project's processes and procedures. The Steering Committee for the project was made up of representatives of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Manitoba. The two lead provinces, Ontario and Manitoba, co-chaired the Steering Committee and coordinated the work of the pan-Canadian working groups for segment A and segment B respectively.

Funds for the Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project have been provided by participating jurisdictions through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, and by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Communication is essential to the success of the Pan-Canadian French as a First Language Project, including communication within and among ministries and departments of education, with educational partners, and with partner organizations. On a provincial and territorial level, ministries and departments of education will ensure appropriate communication with partners and stakeholders within the context and mechanisms of their jurisdictions at key times throughout the project. On a national level, information will be disseminated by CMEC via the CMEC Secretariat.

Hanca Chang, CMEC
Tel.: (416) 962-8100, ext. 233
E-mail: h.chang

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