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WHEREAS education in Canada is a provincial responsibility;

WHEREAS the ministers of education are committed to the improvement of the quality of education provided in their provinces and territories and believe that inter-jurisdictional cooperation can contribute to the realization of that objective;

WHEREAS the ministers recognize that we share many common educational goals and agree to ensure greater harmonization of the ways we set about achieving them;

WHEREAS the ministers of education wish to enter into an agreement to facilitate curriculum collaboration among the provinces and territories, recognizing that shared resources, both human and financial, can increase the quality and efficiency of the curriculum development process;

WHEREAS the ministers wish all citizens to have a fair and equitable opportunity in education and wish to provide increased accessibility to education; and

WHEREAS the ministers recognize and respect the distinct character of francophone and anglophone education;

THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

PART 1 - Object of Collaboration

    The following matters relating to education for learners from entry to end of secondary schooling (grade 12) may be the object of collaboration among interested parties:

    1.1      identification of curriculum outcomes and related standards;
    1.2      curriculum in the English language;
    1.3      curriculum in the French language;
    1.4      assessment of student performance;
    1.5      application of technology to curriculum and the use of distance education for delivery;
    1.6      the establishment of means for exchanging information electronically and in other ways among the parties.

    The parties will encourage and support the spirit and intent of this agreement and explore future possibilities for cooperation among the parties, including educational institutions and agencies within their jurisdictions.

PART 2 - Definitions
    For the purposes of this agreement, "curriculum" includes learning outcomes associated either with a specific grade, level of schooling or area of study and may also include any one or more of the following, as identified for a particular project:

    2.1      a vision statement and broad goals for a program of study for a specific grade or level of schooling;
    2.2      curriculum objectives for a program of study at a specific grade or level of schooling;
    2.3      program components, learning activities, teaching strategies, resource materials, and formative evaluation strategies;
    2.4      summative evaluation procedures and instruments.

PART 3 - Operations and Procedures
    3.1      Projects may be undertaken through written agreement of any two or more jurisdictions.

    3.2      Priority will be given to projects and initiatives that meet the needs of all the signatories to this agreement.

    3.3      The deputy ministers of the participating parties will approve each project plan and will resolve problems that may arise in the implementation of a project plan.

    3.4      Working groups will be established for each project from among the participating jurisdictions.

    3.5      A lead party for each project will be selected from among those participating and will be responsible for coordinating that working group.

    3.6      Work on projects and initiatives will be by consensus among the parties. Consensus points will be established to ensure approval at critical stages of each project.

    3.7      Jurisdictions will be responsible for and must ensure that appropriate consultation is undertaken with stakeholders in their province or territory.

    3.8      Human and financial resources for a given project will be determined by the participating parties.

    3.9      Each jurisdiction is responsible for decisions regarding field testing, piloting and implementation for each project.

    3.10      Overall management of this Protocol, based on advice from senior officials responsible for curriculum, is the responsibility of the Advisory Committee of Deputy Ministers of Education.

    3.11      This protocol will be periodically reviewed and, if necessary, amended by the Advisory Committee of Deputy Ministers of Education.

    3.12      A party may terminate its participation in this agreement by giving three hundred sixty-five (365) days written notice to all other parties of its intention to do so.

Revision : 1997 10 16
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