Government of Canada

Health Benefits Program

The Health Benefits Program helps eligible Canadian Forces (CF) veterans and their families who would not otherwise qualify for the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) after their release from the Forces.

Delivered by: Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

Eligibility Information

Participants must be one of the following:

  • a CF veteran who has been approved for benefits under the Service Income Security Insurance Plan Long Term Disability (SISIP LTD) and does not otherwise qualify for the PSHCP
  • a CF veteran with a rehabilitation need related to service who does not otherwise qualify for the PSHCP
  • the survivor of a CF member or CF veteran whose death is service-related, who does not otherwise qualify for the PSHCP
  • other criteria may apply

Financial Information

  • Monthly contributions are required for group health insurance benefits.

Contact Information

  • General Inquiries: 1 866 522-2122

Related Information

  • Most expenses will be reimbursed at 80%, with a 20% co-payment amount and annual deductibles that participants will need to pay before reimbursements can be made.
  • If participants receive Canadian Forces Income Support, VAC will pay their monthly contributions, deductibles and co-payments.