Government of Canada

Job Placement Program

The Job Placement Program assists Regular Force members, as well as some Reservists, in getting practical help finding a job. The Program focuses on job-search training, career counselling and job-finding assistance.

Delivered by: Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

Eligibility Information

Participants must be one of the following:

  • a Regular Force member/veteran who has completed basic training
  • a Reservist/veteran who has Special Duty Service or Emergency Service (and who suffers job loss or reduction in pay after this service)
  • a Reservist who has completed at least 21 months of full-time service in 24 consecutive months
  • a Canadian Forces (CF) veteran who receives Canadian Forces Income Support (CFIS)
  • a survivor of a CF member or veteran
  • other criteria may apply

Contact Information

  • General Inquiries: 1 866 522-2122

Related Information

  • In most cases, an application must be made within two years of release from the Forces. This time limit does not apply if applicants receive CFIS.
  • Applicants will not qualify for Job Placement if they were released for misconduct or unsatisfactory service.
  • In most cases, the Job Placement Program is a one-time benefit.