Programs and Services


Elder Abuse


Ontario’s Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse is the first of its kind in Canada . It has three key priorities:

  • Coordination of community services
  • Training for front-line staff
  • Public education to raise awareness.

What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse, or the abuse of older adults, is often defined as any act or omission that harms a senior or jeopardizes his or her health or welfare. The World Health Organization defines abuse of older adults as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring in any relationship where there is an expectation of trust that causes harm or distress to an older person”. Elder abuse can take place in the home, in other residential settings, or in the community. It is estimated that between four and ten per cent of Ontario ’s seniors experience some type of abuse.


The Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat developed Ontario ’s Strategy to Combat Elder Abuse and is partnering with the Ontario Victim Services Secretariat, Ministry of the Attorney General, and the Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA) to implement the Strategy. The Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to the prevention of elder abuse and neglect. Elder Abuse Regional Consultants are in place across the province to help promote and support efforts in addressing and preventing elder abuse. The consultants act as a key resource to justice and community service providers and local elder abuse networks addressing elder abuse throughout Ontario .

Learn more at the ONPEA website .

The Minister Responsible for Seniors marked October 19, 2004 as the first Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Ontario. Elder Abuse Awareness Day is recognized annually across the province. You can learn more about Elder Abuse Awareness Day on the Seniors’ Secretariat website and download the following informative fact sheets:

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