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Search Link to Advanced Search > Military History > Chronology > War and the Foundation of Canada
Chronology of Canadian Military History Canadian Military History, Colonial Period, New France, First Peoples, Seven Years War, French Indian War Canadian Military History, British North America, American Invasion, War of 1812, Dominion of Canada, Riel Rebellion, South African War Canadian Military History, World War 1 History, 1914-1918, Canadian Armed Forces, conscription Canadian Military History, World War 2, 1939-1945, Battle of the Atlantic, conscription, invasion, Dday, Normandy, Germany, axis, allies, Hong Kong, Dieppe 1946-today
Chronology of Canadian Military History, War and the Foundation of Canada, First Peoples, New France, Colonial Period, French Indian Wars
Image Courtesy/Courtoisie of Bill Richie and/et The 
Provincial Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador
Collision of Cultures
Permanent European Settlement
New France and the Iroquois Wars
New France's Militarized Society
Clash of Empires
The Seven Years' War
The Siege of Québec
The Fall of New France
American Invasion
Native American history, First Peoples, New France, Colonial history, Colonial period, Armed forces



British and Canadiens co- operated to defend Canada during the American Revolution.

Fifteen years after the surrender of Montreal, governor Sir Guy Carleton revived the Canadien militia. This measure was put to the test when, alienated by British attempts to raise revenue to pay for the Seven Years’ War, Britain’s American colonies rebelled in 1775.

Two American armies, intent on weakening Britain’s position in North America, invaded Canada. One advanced up Lake Champlain, captured Montréal, and advanced on Québec. There, they joined a second army that had made a difficult overland trek through Maine. On 31 December 1775, a force of British soldiers and French- and English-speaking militia soundly defeated an assault on Québec City. The Americans remained outside Québec, suffering from cold, hunger, and disease. In May 1776, British reinforcements arrived by sea and the Americans withdrew.

Courtesy/Courtoisie Alan Daniels

1000-1774 - 1774-1914 - 1914-1931 - 1931-1946
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American Invasion, American Revolution
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Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M8

Created: April 2, 2003, Last update: May 17, 2005
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