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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora


The checklists contain the accepted scientific names for various species. In some cases, the lists are specific to the taxa contained in the CITES Appendices; in other cases, they are generic lists approved by the Conference of the Parties.

The recently adopted Resolution Conf 12.11 provides all necessary information with regard to nomenclature. It also ADOPTS the Checklist of CITES species, compiled by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 2001, with updates accepted by the Nomenclature Committee, as the standard reference for species included in the Appendices.

Information on all CITES taxonomic sources is also available for animals and plants.

Resolution Conf. 12.11 also RECOGNIZES that, in the case of new proposals for listing in the Appendices, the Parties should use adopted standard references whenever available; this applies also to the names used when issuing permits.

Further, the same Resolution Conf. 12.11 AGREES that the adoption of a standard checklist or reference by the Conference of the Parties does not by itself change the status vis-à-vis CITES of any entity, whether it is listed in the Appendices or not, and the status of the entity remains as intended in the proposal adopted by the Conference unless specifically changed by the adoption of a further proposal.

Finally, the Resolution also AGREES that species of fungi are covered by the Convention.

These lists compiled by UNEP-WCMC can also be used as reference tools:

CITES publications may be obtained from the CITES Secretariat.

Note that the document Checklist of CITES Species 2005 from the CITES Secretariat is now available.