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CITES in Canada

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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Duties and Responsibilities of the Management Authority

  • Administering the Convention nationally;

  • Coordinating the CITES Permit Program within Canada and issuing CITES permits and certificates within the CITES Office;

  • Coordinating with other CITES Management Authorities within Canada;

  • Developing policies, procedures, permit forms and automated systems to control wildlife trade;

  • Developing and amending regulations pertaining to international trade in wildlife and updates WAPPRIITA’s Schedules as required;

  • Coordinating the implementation of CITES with other Parties and the CITES Secretariat;

  • Promoting awareness of CITES in Canada by developing pamphlets, Information Notes and articles in different Canadian publications and by maintaining pertinent and up-to-date information on the Web site;

  • Producing all annual reports on international trade in wildlife for Canada;

  • Coordinating the preparation of, reviews proposals for and participates in CITES Conferences of the Parties (COP) and other CITES committee meetings.