Transportation Safety Board of Canada / Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada
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Transportation Safety Board of Canada

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This page guides you in using our site.


Each TSB web page has the same layout.

TSB Sample page layout: Top menu bar, side navigation bar, content area and footer.

Top Menu Bar

You can navigate through our site using buttons on the top menu bar or the left-side navigation bar.

First Row
Français Toggles between the English and French version of the page you are viewing.

Contact Us Provides an automated form that you can use to request information and make comments. Also provides the mailing addresses and phone and fax numbers of all TSB offices across Canada.

Help Links to pages that help you use this site.

Search A search capability that enables you to search the entire TSB site or isolate the search to specific modes and sections, such as Reports and Statistics.

Canada Site Links to the Government of Canada web site.

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Second Row
TSB Home Returns you to the main TSB web page.

Media Room Provides a media relations contact, as well as speeches, communiqués and fact sheets.

Reports Lists and links to completed investigation reports for all four transportation modes in chronological order of the date of the occurrence.

StatisticsLists and links to monthly and annual statistics for all four transportation modes.

What's New Provides updates on new or revised information on the site.

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Third Row:
Marine Provides a compilation of all marine-related reports, statistics and Investigation Updates that are available on the site.

Pipeline Provides a compilation of all pipeline-related reports, statistics, and Investigation Updates that are available on the site.

Rail Provides a compilation of all rail-related reports, statistics, and Investigation Updates that are available on the site.

Air Provides a compilation of all air-related reports, statistics, and Investigation Updates that are available on the site.

Site Map Lists all page links in the TSB site for quick reference.

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Left-Side Navigation Bar

A left-side navigation bar appears on every TSB web page. If appropriate, the items in the side bar are specific to the section of the site that you are viewing. Use the side bar to navigate in that section.

The content portion of the web page varies depending on the section of the site that you are viewing.

The footer displays the following items:

  • Updated: Shows the last time the current page was updated in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Back to top  Top of Page arrow: returns you to the top of the current web page.
  • Important Notices: provides a disclaimer, copyright, and privacy information.

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Site Specifications
This site uses 216 colours. Your system should be configured to display at least 256 colours in 640 x 480 resolution or higher. Your WWW browser should be capable of displaying tables, handling electronic forms, displaying graphic images, and support all HTML extensions. A minimal connection of 28,800 BPS is also recommended.

    Most content is available in HTML format (like this page). Other documents are available in their original format:

    • RTF - Text documents are available in Rich Text Format. This is a standard format for most word processors.
    • PDF files can be viewed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader "plug-in". You may download this "plug-in" for free from Adobe.
    • WMV files can be viewed with Windows Media Player. You may download the player for free from Microsoft
    • MOV files can be viewed with QuickTime Player. You may download the player for free from Apple

    JavaScript is used on some sub-sites for efficient use, but it is not required. If your browser supports scripting and you are experiencing difficulty, it is possible that your browser has scripting disabled. Please see below to see if your browser supports JavaScript, and if it is enabled.

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This web site has been designed with a view to making the information accessible to all users, including persons with disabilities who use adaptive technologies to receive and disseminate information. We encourage accessible Internet site development and maintenance and invite your comments and suggestions for improvement of the accessibility of this site. Contact us by e-mail at or by telephone at (819) 994-3741.

Access Keys
The following three access keys have been enabled mainly for use with Screen Readers and personal digital assistants:

    Access Key M: brings you to the start of the common menu bar (tab once to go to the French Language button, tab twice to go to the "Contact Us" button, etc.).

    Access Key 1: skips the common menu bar and brings you to the subnavigation links (these links are more specific to the web page you are viewing).

    Access Key 2: skips all menus and takes you directly to the content of the page.

    Please note that how the Access Keys work differs between browsers, as well as which keys are used depends on the platform. For example, Internet Explorer uses "ALT" M - since "ALT" is a Microsoft standard for Access Keys, another platform may use a different key altogether.

Site Map
Consult the site map if you need help finding your way around the site.

Use the following tips when using the search feature.

At its simplest, a query can be just a word or a phrase. But with the tips on this page, you can change the focus of your query to give you more precise results. These tips will get you started with basic query language and acquaint you with the power of the search engine.

    Word Searching
    Type one or more key words separated by the operator AND (see below for more information on the use of Boolean operators).

    Sample search: computer AND printer will give a list of documents containing both computer and printer. The documents containing the most instances of the key words will appear at the top of the search results list.

    Phrase Searching
    Type key words together to ensure that the search results contain only perfect matches (the same words in the same order).

    Sample search: "meal rates" will give results containing the phrase meal rates.

    Put quotation marks around keywords if your query contains one of the Boolean operators (used to combine two or more key words into one search, as described below) and you want the Index Server to take them literally.

    Sample search: "Privatization and quality services" will give results containing the phrase Privatization and quality services.

    Replace the ending of a key word with an asterisk (*) as a wild card character to retrieve documents containing various root word endings.

    Example: financ* will retrieve documents containing the variations finance, finances, financial, finance's, etc.

    "Fuzzy" Searching
    Add two asterisks (**) as wild card characters to the end of a key word to search for all forms of that word.

    Example: sink** will retrieve documents containing sink, sinking, sank, and sunk.

    Boolean operators
    Boolean operators are used to combine key words into one search.

  • & (and): used to include two or more concepts in a search. (i.e., & narrows a search) Example: "risk & audit" will retrieve documents containing both concepts.
  • |(or): used to search for synonyms, related words or different forms of a word. (i.e., | expands a search) Example: "personnel | human resources" will retrieve documents containing either or both of the concepts.
  • &! (and not): used to exclude documents containing certain key words. (i.e., &! narrows a search.) Example: "apple &! pie" will retrieve only documents about the apples, not the pie.
  • ~ (near): used rather than & to search for words close to each other (proximity searching). Example: both of these queries, system & manager and system ~ manager, look for the words system and manager on the same page. But with ~, the returned pages are ranked in order of proximity. The closer together the words are in the document, the higher the document will be ranked and the closer the document will be to the top of the search results list.

Updated: 2007-06-21

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