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Welcome to the Calendar Club!

Welcome to the Calendar Club!

Hey kids, we know you care about the environment! And we know you have lots of great ideas about how Canadians can protect the environment by conserving energy. Here's your chance to share those ideas with others and help make Canada a cleaner, healthier place to live.

Every year, we produce a calendar featuring artwork by kids from every province and territory. This year, we are using the ecoENERGY Efficiency Initiative theme – using less, living better. Want to be included? All you have to do is enter our art contest – use your creative powers to show others how to use less energy!

Need some ideas? This web site has lots of great stuff about energy and energy conservation. There are games, quizzes and more! Your charming host, NRCat, along with Inspector Joules and Simon, will guide you through the site and help you discover how you can conserve energy at home and at school.

The Club House

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