Integrated Financial Supervisors Conference

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions hosted a conference of integrated financial supervisors in Toronto on May 22 & 23, 2000. Senior representatives from ten national agencies responsible for the prudential supervision of both banking and insurance and, in some cases, securities operations in their respective jurisdictions met to discuss areas of common interest.

The following were represented at the conference:

United Kingdom
- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
- Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
- The Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial Supervisory Agency
- Financial Supervisory Service
- The Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Financial Supervisory Authority
- Financial Services Authority

Topics included the supervision of financial holding companies and financial conglomerates, progress made in integrating banking, insurance and securities supervisory methodology, and measuring supervisory performance and ensuring supervisory accountability.

To aid the discussion, participating agencies were asked to complete three questionnaires prior to the conference. The responses to these questionnaires are available for download below.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) hosted the first Integrated Financial Supervisors Conference in Sydney in May 1999. Information on this conference may be found on the APRA Web site at