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CBA Says Recent Changes to the Judicial Appointment Process Must Be Reversed
The CBA is asking the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to recommend that Parliament reverse some recent changes to the federal judicial appointment process.
News Release >
Letter to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (.pdf) >
New on CBA PracticeLink – Blogging Policies and Best Practices for Lawyers and Law Firms
Keyboard spelling out BLOGWhen done right, a blog can be a living, detailed entity that represents you to the world. When done wrong, blogs can be an ethical minefield and an unwelcome expense that produces little return on your effort. The difference can lie in how well you implement blogging policies.

Plus, don't forget to check out our podcasts, interactive features and newsfeeds.
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This Month in National: The Parent Track
National MagazineTaking time off work to deliver and raise a child is no longer automatic career suicide in Canadian law firms. A younger generation of lawyers has opened up new doors to parental leaves unavailable to their predecessors. But be warned: lawyers who embark on the parent track still have a difficult road ahead.
National online >
CBA Welcomes Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Charkaoui
The CBA welcomes the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Charkaoui v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) that says the government can do more to protect individuals detained under security certificates.
News Release >
Build Rule of Law in Developing Countries, CBA Tells Foreign Affairs Committee
The CBA says that Canada should expand its role in promoting democracy, and it will be most successful if its assistance focuses on building the rule of law. In its 10-page submission to the Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, the CBA recommends six best practices in promoting the rule of law to improve the success of international efforts.
News Release >
Submission to the Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (.pdf) >

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Law Day 2007 

Tuesday, April 17: Celebrating 25 years of the Charter.

National Class Action Database 

Submit documents for the National Class Action Database.


Spring CLEs: Health, Charity, Tax, Competition Law and more.

International Development Program 

Vacancies: CBA Young Professionals International Program.

Compensation Survey 

Highlights of the National Legal Practices & Compensation Survey.

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