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Legal Aid

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
The Legal Services Board of the NWT
(Northwest Territories Legal Aid)
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

Street Address:
4915-48th Street
3rd Floor - Yk Centre East

Telephone: (867) 873-7450
Fax:          (867) 873-5320

Members of the Legal Services Board:

  • Chairperson - vacant
  • Reg Tolton, GNWT Representative
  • vacant, North Slave Representative
  • vacant, South Slave Representative
  • Roy Fabian, Deh Cho Representative
  • John Hazenberg, Deh Cho Representative
  • vacant, Beaufort-Delta Representative
  • Gilbert Thrasher, Beaufort-Delta Representative
  • Sheila MacPherson, Law Society of the NWT Representative
  • Alphonsine McNeely, Sahtu Representative
  • Arlene Hache, Yellowknife Representative

All enquiries to members of the Legal Services Board can be addressed to the above.


This page last reviewed: December 2007
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