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Parliament of Canada
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36th Parliament, 2nd Session
(October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)
Other Bills

Private Senator Public Bills
Private Senator Private Bills

Private Senator Public Bills

An Act to facilitate the making of legitimate medical decisions regarding life-sustaining treatments and the controlling of pain
The Honourable Senator Carstairs
An Act to provide for judicial preauthorization of requests to be made to a foreign or international authority for a search and seizure outside Canada
The Honourable Senator Nolin
An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Poet Laureate)
The Honourable Senator Grafstein
An Act to amend the Criminal Code respecting criminal harassment and other related matters
The Honourable Senator Oliver
An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the Governor General in the Queen`s name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament
The Honourable Senator Lynch-Staunton
An Act to amend the Immigration Act
The Honourable Senator Ghitter
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (abuse of process)
The Honourable Senator Cools
An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable
The Honourable Senator Perrault, P.C.
An Act to amend the Divorce Act (child of the marriage)
The Honourable Senator Cools
An Act to assist in the prevention of wrongdoing in the Public Service by establishing a framework for education on ethical practices in the workplace, for dealing with allegations of wrongdoing and for protecting whistleblowers
The Honourable Senator Kinsella
An Act to amend the Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (census records)
The Honourable Senator Milne
An Act respecting Sir John A. Macdonald Day
The Honourable senator Grimard
An Act to enable and assist the Canadian tobacco industry in attaining its objective of preventing the use of tobacco by young persons in Canada
The Honourable Senator Kenny
An Act to protect heritage lighthouses
The Honourable Senator Forrestall
An Act respecting Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day
The Honourable Senator Lynch-Staunton
An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act
The Honourable Senator Finestone
An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy
The Honourable Senator Finestone
An Act to provide for the recognition of the Canadien Horse as the national horse of Canada
The Honourable Senator Murray, P.C.
An Act to better assist the Senate to serve Canadians by restoring its rights, opportunities and functions
The Honourable Senator Joyal, P.C.
An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit trafficking in persons
The Honourable Senator Kinsella

Private Senator Private Bills

An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Board of Elders of the Canadian District of the Moravian Church in America
The Honourable Senator Taylor
An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada
The Honourable Senator Carstairs