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Home > Industry Sectors > Agri-Food > R&D;


One Step ahead: Leading-edge Science and Innovation
Canada is committed to becoming the world leader in food safety, innovation, and environmentally responsible production. Science and innovation are the cornerstones of this strategy. To achieve this mandate Canada established and supports research centres. The country has also implemented a favourable tax environment for R&D.;

R&D; Financial Support
    • Canada 's R&D; tax treatment is the most generous in the industrialized world.
      • Immediate, full write-offs for all expenditures in R&D; capital equipment, and appreciable tax credits, whether it be for direct investment or subcontracting in Canada.
      • Canada has a 21 per cent cost advantage over the United States.
    • Matching Investment Initiative: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) offers companies dollar-for-dollar matching funds when they participate in qualifying collaborative research projects

Research Facilities
    • AAFC operates 19 research centres as part of a strong network formed by Canadian provincial governments, universities and private sectors.
    • Many of Canada’s world-class universities offer specialized programs in agricultural life sciences and they are at the leading edge of in the field.

The convergence of scientific and information technology disciplines is accelerating the pace of research to create new products and farming practices. This introduces exciting economic opportunities in new applications for agricultural commodities such as nutraceuticals, medicinal ingredients, substances, bioproducts, and renewable fuels.

Related Links

KPMG Competitive Alternatives 2004 Cost Study
Read the comprehensive report from KPMG

Canada Revenue Agency: R&D; Tax Treatment
Learn about the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Investment Tax Credit Program

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Putting Science First
Overview of the Canada’s R&D; Strategy and additional resources

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Research Centres
Contact information for all AAFC Research Centres