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Home > Industry Sectors > Agri-Food > Environment


Environmentally friendly growth
Canada ’s 250,000 farms adopt new practices to ensure the protection and preservation of Canada ’s natural heritage. Recognizing their responsibility as environmental stewards, Canadian farmers are moving proactively to:

    • Take practical actions to protect water quality by modifying feeding systems to reduce nutrient levels (e.g. Nitrogen, Phosphorus) in manure
    • Improve air quality around hog and beef operations by careful site selection, good facility design and management, and changes in cattle diets to reduce ammonia emissions
    • Reduce the emission from farming of greenhouse gases, especially nitrous oxide and methane.
    • Use farm practices that increase organic carbon stored in soil and vegetation
    • Use management practices that conserve soil and water
    • Integrate environmental considerations into their day-to-day planning, for example by developing environmental farm plans.