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Home > Industry Sectors > Agri-Food > Markets


A Global Exporter
Canada is the fourth largest agri-food exporter and exports more than US$20.3 billion worth of food products every year to more than 175 countries. Our exports represent half of all the products our farmers grow and harvest as commodities or indirectly as processed goods.

    • Japan , the European Union, China , Hong Kong and Mexico are other major export markets.
    • Offshore Asian markets can be reached in half the time it takes from Western European ports
    • Duty-free access to the NAFTA region
    • More than 61 percent shipped to the U.S.

Seamless Access to the North American Market
Canadian agriculture and agri-food companies enjoy open access to a North American market. Most global agri-food companies have operations in Canada and often supply the U.S. market on a product-mandate basis.

    • NAFTA provides streamlined procedures for:
      • border facilitation
      • movement of personnel
      • production certification
      • and investment and intellectual property protection.

    • Easy to reach
      • Highly integrated transportation infrastructure make it easy for companies in Canada to serve key markets in the U.S. Interstate highways lead directly to major Canadian processing sites.
      • Almost half of the U.S. population lives within a 10-hour drive of Toronto
      • Over 60 percent of the US population lives within a two-hour flight.

    • Access to one of the largest Markets:
      • Consumer base of 400 million people with a combined GDP of more than US$11.4 trillion
      • Total consumer sales in excess of US$1.1 trillion.