National Gallery of Canada
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Keyword Author Title Subject Call number ISBN/ISSN

Search by keyword


By default, multiple words are searched as a phrase. The phrase search will only retrieve records containing the words side-by-side and in the same order, for example

turner prize

If no search results are found with the phrase search, the system tries a different search by putting the boolean operator 'and' between the search terms, for example

turner and prize

Enclosing search terms in quotation marks will stop the system from trying a boolean search, for example

"turner prize"


1 character may be internally or right-hand truncated using a question mark, for example

reali?ation - retrieves: realisation, realization
putt? - retrieves: putto, putti

1 to 5 characters may be internally or right-hand truncated using one asterisk, for example

environ*ment - retrieves: environment, environnement

Any number of characters may be right-hand truncated using 2 asterisks, for example

romant** - retrieves: romantic, romanticism


Use 'near' to specify words within 10 words of each other, for example

inuit near sculpture

Use 'within n' to specify words within n words of each other; the value n has no limit; for example

restoration within 3 ceramic*

Use 'before' to specify the sequence of the words, for example

saint before andrew

Use 'after' to specify the sequence of the words, for example

saint after andrew

National Gallery of Canada Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography Canada