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Francommunautés virtuelles Competition 2005–2007

agri-food - agriculture

Project title: Agribionet - phase 2

Organization: St. Hyacinthe's City of Agri-Food, Animal Health and Agri-Environmental Biotechnology
Project: National
Subject: Agri-food biotechnology
Province: Quebec
Year 2005-2007


Agribionet - Phase 1, now completed, is a single focal point for information for agri-food environment stakeholders. Agribionet wants to serve its subscribers in more proactive and dynamic ways. Agribionet - Phase 2 will become more targeted, providing specialized newsletters in the agri-food sub-sectors (veterinary science, nutrition, fodder, agro-ecology, etc.). More than 5,000 subscribers will be able to choose the information that interests them. Through the implementation of the website and publication of the electronic “Agribionet Express” newsletter, subscribers can now connect, exchange and build partnerships with other specialists from seven Francophonie technopoles, including France and Belgium. 

Arts and culture
visual arts - traditional celebrations - folklore - literature - music - drama

Project title: La Maison des Arts en ligne

Organization: La Maison des Arts de Russell inc.
Project: Regional
Subject: Arts and culture
Province: Ontario


La Maison des Arts en ligne will offer a varied program of activities including, in particular, courses and workshops, arts camps, shows, after-school activities, a folklore gala, an arts festival and various themed encounters. La Maison des Arts de Russell serves an Eastern Ontario audience extending from Crysler and Moose Creek in the south, to Vars, Hammond and Bourget in the north, Metcalfe in the west and St-Isidore in the east by way of Embrun, Casselman, Russell, Limoges and several other communities.

Project title: Éducation cinématographique en ligne

Organization: Carrousel international du film de Rimouski (CIFR)
Project: regional
Subject: Arts and culture
Province: Quebec

The new website Éducation cinématographique en ligne will provide information on film distribution, the use of learning tools, and the organization and promotion of media distribution activities on French-language youth films in Canada. CIFR also offers a complete range of services and initiatives to stakeholders, educators, and French-language cultural organizations working in the area of youth cinema.

Project title: Francophone Edmonton Online

Organization: Heritage Community Foundation
Project: regional
Subject: Culture
Province: Alberta
Website: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Francophone Edmonton Online project will document and explore Edmonton's unique historical role as the second-largest Francophone city in western Canada (after St. Boniface, Manitoba). This project, which relies on digital records and archives of Campus St.-Jean and the Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta, will lead to the creation of a new generation of documents whose goal is to publicize the dynamic and modern nature of Edmonton's Francophone community.

Project title: Spectacle pRO

Organization: Réseau Ontario des arts de la scène inc.
Project: Regional
Subject: Culture
Province: Ontario

Website: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Spectacle pRO project is intended to provide the Ontario arts community with a management, promotion and results measurement tool for shows put on by Franco-Ontarian artists and the community as a whole. The Spectacle pRO website will let broadcasters efficiently promote their programming to the media and the general public, engendering sizeable economic spin-offs.

Project title: Portail culturel et artistique de la francophonie de la Colombie-Britannique

Organization: Conseil culturel et artistique francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CCAFCB)
Project: Regional
Subject: Culture
Province: British Columbia
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Portail culturel et artistique de la francophonie de la Colombie-Britannique is intended for CCAFCB members, French-speaking artists and for the Francophone and Francophile community of British Columbia. The portal will greatly benefit French-speaking artists in all artistic disciplines (song/music, dance, theatre, visual arts, literature, etc.), as it will enable them to make their art available (distribution) and break through their isolation (communications).

Commerce and economy
business - e-commerce - firms

Project title: Guichet de services

Project: Regional
Subject: Commerce and economy
Province: New Brunswick
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Guichet de services gathers essential data on young entrepreneurs and Acadian and Francophone enterprises in Prince Edward Island. It calls for the creation of multisectoral strategic partnerships to provide a service by recording a community's skills, expertise and interests, with a view to taking new development initiatives and enhancing community knowledge. This service portal will facilitate online searches in such areas as health services, education, human resources, economic and corporate development, cultural affairs, etc.

Project title: 50 ans et plus à l'œuvre

Organization: Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l'Ontario – FAFO
Project: Regional
Subject: Commerce and economy
Province: Ontario
Site (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

FAFO will put up a specialized website for its members and younger Franco-Ontarian retirees where they can offer their services as part-time or volunteer workers. The site will also enable recruiting agencies to advertise, to make offers and to find the candidates they are looking for. It will also include an assistance component for skills presentation and other consulting services.

Project title: Portail de l'économie sociale

Organization: Chantier de l'économie sociale
Project: Provincial
Subject: Social economy
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Portail de l'économie sociale will, above all, be a specialized technology platform, containing an array of useful tools and services (directory of social economy enterprises, text bank, content editing, newswire, catalogue of products and services, etc.). This platform will greatly contribute to the general public's awareness of Quebec's social economy enterprises and familiarize them with the products and services provided by these enterprises.

Project title: Logiciels libres pour PME / fr:

Organization: Association des professionnels en développement économique de Laval (APDEL)
Project: Provincial
Subject: Commerce
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Logiciels libres pour PME / fr project aims to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with a new approach that may better suit their needs (manufacturers, services, social economy and non-profit organizations). The purpose of the project, based on the experience of public sector agencies, is to promote the adoption and use of free open-source software (FOSS), to catalogue and group together FOSS publishers, programmers, integrators and end users, and to share knowledge and skills between FOSS service suppliers and end users.

Project title: Réseau - consommation par les TIC

Organization: Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec (CACQ)
Project: Provincial
Province: Quebec
Subject: Consumer affairs
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Réseau-consommation par les TIC project will enable expertise sharing and development among member consumers' associations of the Coalition des associations de consommateurs du Québec. It will lay the groundwork for a multi-user videoconferencing network intended to minimize the economic and logistical barriers of remoteness, to promote full participation by all its members and committees, and to make videoconferencing facilities available to community groups and organizations.

Project title: Les municipalités bilingues du Manitoba – prêtes à affronter l'économie du savoir du XXe siècle

Organization: Economic Development Council for Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities (CDEM)
Project: Regional
Subject: Economy
Province: Manitoba
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

Les municipalités bilingues du MB-prêtes à affronter l'économie du savoir du XXIe siècle is a project that aims to apply the E-index measure to 14 bilingual municipalities in Manitoba. An analysis of their technological and informatics capabilities will give rise to recommendations for partnerships and strategic equipment purchases. The recommendations will be based on users' competencies and training needs, potential equipment use, and the cost of the recommended infrastructure.

Current events and media
newspapers - magazines - radio - television

literacy - second language learning - online and continuing training - teaching materials - resources

Organization: Université Sainte-Anne
Project: National
Subject: Education
Province: Nova Scotia
Website: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Outils Entreprises Franco project aims to develop teaching materials and continuing training modules over the Internet. The project should help companies wanting to improve the quality of their business communications and their commercial relations in French both within their companies, with other provinces or elsewhere in the French-speaking world.

Project title: Portail éducatif interactif - La Dictée P.G.L. en ligne

Organization: Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie
Project: National
Subject: Education
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

A new virtual project, the Portail éducatif interactif - La Dictée P.G.L. en ligne, will be used as a training ground for young people who want to improve their French while having fun; as a “control tower” for parents who want to help their child prepare for the Dictée P.G.L.; and as a guide for educators looking for new enrichment activities for their students.

Project title: Ensemble sous un même toit: Réseau APTICA

Organization: L'Avancement pédagogique des technologies de l'information et de la communication en Atlantique inc. (APTICA)
Project: Provincial
Subject: Information Technology
Province: New Brunswick
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Ensemble sous un même toit: Réseau APTICA project is intended as a website that brings together all positive experiences of ICT use in French-language education in the Atlantic region. The site will, among other things, include a section on electronic educational resources (software, educational games, interesting learning links, use of wikis and blogs) as well as learning activities on ICTs for teachers and parents.

Project title: Projet pilote en logiciels libres de formation en ligne pour la communauté francophone du Canada

Organization: Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal (CRIM)
Project: National
Subject: Training
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

This CRIM project proposes to democratize the use of information and communications technologies for training by providing a free platform. This platform, adapted to the French-Canadian context, will be developed at low cost by making use of existing technology and pooling efforts focusing on the free software development model. The platform will be based on open standards and all content developed will be reusable and interoperable with other platforms employing the same standards.

Project title: Clique sur toi

Organization: Fondation Québec Jeunes
Project: Provincial
Subject: Education
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Clique sur toi! project is an innovative initiative, based on the use of new ICTs, that encourages young people to stay in school, and to develop positive, winning attitudes among potential high-school dropouts. At the same time, project participants will have the chance to acquire practical experience of Web publishing (research, drafting, and publishing, graphics and website activation techniques). It is expected that young people's participation in this initiative will be motivating, rewarding and, more importantly, that it will help encourage them to continue their studies.

land surveying - atlas - geomatics

history of a locality, region or community

Project title: Réseau muséal et patrimonial du Saguenay — Lac-Saint-Jean sur le web au service de ses membres

Organization: Réseau muséal et patrimonial du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
Project: Regional
Subject: History
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Réseau muséal et patrimonial du Saguenay will showcase the region's museums and heritage institutions. The project will encourage and enhance co-operation between the area's museums and heritage institutions through its members area, online exchanges and the tools that will be made available to them, freeing museology and heritage stakeholders from the need to create their own tools and saving them research time.

Project title: Informatisation, numérisation et diffusion nationale des collections de Pointe-à-Callière

Organization: Musée d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal, Pointe-à-Callière
Project: National
Subject: History
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The project will enable the Pointe-à-Callière museum to computerize, digitize and disseminate artifacts and printed works (old books, maps, and plans and drawings) from its ethno-historical and archaeological collections. Pointe-à-Callière plans to integrate textual data and photographs into a database, to be managed by its own team, which will then be added to Canadian Heritage Information Network's Artefacts Canada database and the Réseau Info-Muse database of the Société des musées Québécois.

Informatics and Internet services
chats - databases - multimedia - networking - newgroups - portals - resources and manuals

Project title: Rural

Organization: Communities of Eastern Ontario Network (CEONet)
Project: Regional
Subject: Technology
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Rural project will channel the energy of the new “rural French broadband champions” of the Prescott-Russell, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry regions. The project will include a training program and online co-operation on initiatives to mobilize the local and regional French-speaking public through the use and adoption of application solutions and technologies.

Project title: Parenting the Net Generation

Organization: Media Awareness Network
Project: National
Subject: Technology
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Parenting the Net Generation project is an integrated, interactive approach for parents and young Net surfers to help them surf smarter. The project comprises the development of a self-training workshop, creation of tipsheets and reference documents on the various subjects dealt with in the workshop, a quiz for parents and young Net surfers to let them test their Net smarts.

Project title:

Organization: Canadian Foundation for Cross-Cultural Dialogue
Project: National
Subject: Technology and youth
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.) is a plan to merge this portal with the monPIF portal. is the general public interface for 15- to 25-year-olds whereas monPIF is the interface more specifically targeted to schoolchildren aged 10 to 15. Both interfaces provide the same functionalities but monPIF is different in that its content is more educational and it carries no advertising at all. The expansion phase should make a fixture of young Francophones' and Acadians' day-to-day Internet life, a reference point for the Canadian Francophonie and virtual meeting place. The project is also intended to broaden the range of content currently offered and to develop tools to support young people in their transition from school to the labour market.

Project title: Le Nunavut à l'heure des TIC

Organization: L'Association des francophones de Nunavut
Project: Provincial
Subject: Technology
Territory: Nunavut
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

Le Nunavut à l'heure des TIC seeks to build a single portal for all French-language Nunavut community organizations: the daycare centre Les Petits Nanooks, the École des Trois Soleils, OdysséeNunavut, DestinationNunavut, DéfiNunavut, Nordicité.com, the Commission scolaire franco-nunavoiseand FrancoNunavut. The Odyssé and sites will feature an e-commerce mechanism to enable users to acquire cultural products. In this way, both service providers and tourists will have access to Nunavut products.

Project title: Vidéoconférence mobile

Organisation: Société d'aide au développement des collectivités de la Neigette inc.
Project: Regional
Subject: Videoconferencing
Province: Quebec

The purpose of the Vidéoconférence mobile project is to acquire equipment for volunteer organizations across the territory of Neigette communities. This project will help fill the needs identified by these organisations, particularly in the field of telelearning and webcasting. All of this will be support by a public online forum.

law - legal services - rights

Project title: Carrières en justice

Organization: Éducaloi
Project: Provincial
Subject: Law
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Carrières en justice project will explain to young people, fully but in a fun way, the career opportunities available to them in the legal area. Among the careers included are: legal secretary, court clerk, police officer, stenographer, court usher, legal aid lawyer, staff lawyer, lawyer in private practice, paralegal-researcher, translator-interpreter, notary, correctional officer, probation or parole officer, bailiff, social worker, judge, etc.

Project title: Guichet Internet sur la planification successorale

Organization: DieppeNet Ltée
Project: National
Subject: Law
Province: New Brunswick
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Guichet Internet sur la planification successorale will develop and offer interactive tools to facilitate the succession process in family enterprises. The site's goals are planning initiation, improvement and awareness. It will serve as a complete resource centre for French-speaking Canadians to support business owners who are retiring and those who will take over.

Project title: L'École citoyenne Phase II

Organization: Groupe Femmes, Politique et Démocratie
Project: National
Subject: Politics
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

L'École citoyenne Phase II is open to themes that go beyond Quebec alone. As part of this project the organization will produce a new series of training themes on citizenship and democracy in action. Six new training themes on citizenship and democracy in action will be processed during the period covered by the project: 1) e-democracy, 2) participatory democracy, 3) political mentoring, 4) planning for political activity, 5) development of political skills, 6) equality and parity policies.

Health and science
telemedicine - science and technology - sports

Project title: Prendre soin de moi

Organization: Fondation Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Project: Provincial
Subject: Health
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Prendre soin de moi website will deal with both stress management training for caregivers and the creation of an online support network. This tool targets a number of client groups, including: seniors, volunteers working with dependent people, and workers dealing with vulnerable seniors and their families. The website will contain two main sections: electronic interactive stress management training and a building support network.


Project title: Réseautage des femmes ayant vécu de la violence et des organismes francophones de l'Ontario travaillant dans le domaine de la violence faite aux femmes, à l'aide des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC)

Organization: Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes
Project: Provincial
Subject: Women
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Réseautage des femmes project targets some one hundred French-speaking workers dealing with violence against women in Ontario. This site will become a reality through the creation of a networking hub on the site. The purpose of the project is to encourage women who are or have been victims of violence to use ICTs to collect and share information and personal experiences.

Project title: - Vivre et s'épanouir en français

Organization: L'Association canadienne française de l'Ontario (ACFO) de London-Sarnia (CSF)
Project: Regional
Subject: Society
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The London-Sarnia chapter of ACFO (CSF) is planning the et s'épanouir en français website with the goal of reaching all Francophones in the region to enable them to better assert their language rights. In a region where Francophones account for only 10% of the general public, the Internet is the ideal tool to overcome their isolation and facilitate integration of new arrivals.

Project title: L'exercice de la citoyenneté à votre portée

Organization: Centre spécialisé de transfert des connaissances inc. (CSTC)
Project: National
Subject: Society
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The project entitled L'exercice de la citoyenneté à votre portée is targeted to some 8,000 persons with disabilities interested in improving their socio-professional skills and fully exercising their citizenship. For those who have difficulty using the Internet in the usual way because of their handicap, the portal will be fitted with specialized and adapted equipment. In addition, awareness officers will be available to support these persons in their efforts to integrate into this new virtual community.

Project title: Stratégie de mise en place d'un portail afin de créer un environnement virtuel qui favorisera l'épanouissement des communautés francophones et acadiennes de la province

Organization: Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL)
Project: Provincial
Subject: Communities
Province: Newfoundland
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The FFTNL will develop a strategy for deployment of a virtual environment portal to revitalize the francophone and Acadian communities in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The portal concept will shrink distances, cut through the isolation of the French-speaking communities in the various areas of activity, and rationalize and facilitate access to these online services.

Project title: L'action communautaire autonome en ligne

Organization: Centre de Ressources en Intervention Populaire de l'Est Inc. (CRIPE)
Project: Regional
Subject: Community networking
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The purpose of the Action communautaire autonome en ligne portal is to enhance the visibility of community groups in the Lower St. Lawrence region by giving them a =Net presence. Data will be gathered from community groups to determine what Net presence they now have, their degree of awareness and their specific needs. This portal will cover all community sectors we find. During the design phase, and during actual use, more news on a broad range of community issues will be put up on the site and made available to all French-speaking communities in Canada.

Project title: Portail immigrant pour Lanaudière francophone

Organization: Connexion-Lanaudière
Project: Regional
Subject: Integration of immigrants
Province: Quebec
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The Portail immigrant pour Lanaudière francophone site will serve the Lanaudière public in three ways: the portal will provide immigrants with all the information they need to properly understand regional reality (history, culture, institutions, economic data etc); it will sensitize community members to the presence of new immigrants in the area; and, finally, it will serve as a job search site, attempting to match up regional businesses and newly arrived labour.


Project title: Accroître le tourisme francophone dans la région de Niagara, Ontario

Organization: Club 2000 Niagara Inc.
Project: Regional
Subject: Tourism
Province: Ontario
Site: (Will be displayed once the project is completed.)

The project entitled Accroître le tourisme francophone dans la région de Niagara, Ontario intends to attract more French-speaking tourists to the Niagara region. The Club means to use the Internet to inform and to invite Francophones and Francophiles from other French-speaking communities in Canada or elsewhere in the world to come and enjoy the fine wines, excellent food and open-air and cultural activities unique to the Niagara region. An influx of francophone tourists will increase the number of French-language or bilingual jobs and help boost the region's socioeconomic status.

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Last updated: 2007-3-23

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