Government of Canada

Ontario AIG Application Guide

In order to assist Ontario apprentices in appropriately completing their AIG application packages and to avoid delays due to incomplete / incorrect information being received by Service Canada, the following key points should be recognized when an apprentice from Ontario is completing her / his AIG application package:

  1. Completing the AIG Application Form (EMP 5391)
    1. Ensure that all application fields marked with an asterisk (*) are completed. These fields are mandatory and must be completed.
    2. Ensure that Part 2 (Apprentice On-The-Job Training History over the Last 12 Months) of the application form is completed. This section is mandatory for Ontario apprentices.
    3. Ensure that Part 3 (Apprentice In-School Technical Training Information) of the application form is completed. This section is mandatory for Ontario apprentices.
    4. If you applying for the Level 1 grant, in Part 3 of the application form:
      1. Enter the date when you completed your Level 1 technical training in BOX *44.
    5. If you are applying for the Level 2 grant, in Part 3 of the application form:
      1. Enter the date when you completed your Level 2 technical training in BOX *44.
    6. Ensure that Part 6 (Declaration) of the application form is completed. Service Canada will not be able to process the AIG application if you have not signed the application form and indicated the date of signature.

  2. Attaching Supporting Documentation to your Application Form

    In addition to completing the AIG application form, an Ontario applicant must also provide:

    • Proof that she / he is registered as an apprentice; and
    • Proof that she / he has progressed in her / his apprenticeship program.

    1. Proof of Apprenticeship Registration

      To be eligible for the AIG, you must provide proof that you are registered as an apprentice in a designated Red Seal trade in Ontario. Therefore, along with the AIG application form, please include a copy of both sides of your apprenticeship registration wallet card that was provided by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU).

      • The apprenticeship registration wallet card is used by Service Canada to confirm that you are registered as an apprentice and registered in a Red Seal trade designated by the province of Ontario.
      • The date on the wallet card is used by Service Canada to determine if you are eligible for the first or second level grant.
        • In order to be eligible for the Level 1 grant, you will need to have been registered as an apprentice for at least 12 months (from the effective date noted on your wallet card).
        • In order to be eligible for the Level 2 grant, you will need to have been registered as an apprentice for at least 24 months (from the effective date noted on your wallet card).

    2. Proof of Progression

      To be eligible for the AIG, you must also provide proof that you have successfully completed either the first or second level of your apprenticeship.

      • In order to be eligible for the Level 1 grant, you will need to have completed all of the technical training requirements for the Level 1 of your apprenticeship.
      • In order to be eligible for the Level 2 grant, you will need to have completed all of the technical training requirements for the Level 2 of your apprenticeship.

      Therefore, along with the AIG application form and a copy of both sides of the apprenticeship registration wallet card, please include a copy of your official student college transcript / letter or union letter that indicates the following information:

      • Your name.
      • The name of the training delivery institution.
      • The address of the training delivery institution.
      • The names of the courses you attended and/or the apprenticeship level you completed.
      • A clear indication of the pass mark for the courses.
      • The end date of training.

      If applicable, along with the AIG application form and a copy of both sides of the apprenticeship registration wallet card, if you have been exempted for the technical in-class training for either the Level 1 training or Level 2 training, please provide Service Canada with a copy of the letter that confirms you have been exempted (MTCU or college exemption test letter or MTCU Portfolio Assessment letter).

Please note: Incomplete applications or applications without the appropriate supporting documents will not be processed.