Searching Guide and Lending Policy

Welcome to the Library Catalogue of Canadian Heritage, Parks Canada and of the Canadian Transportation Agency. The library catalogue contains over 100,000 bibliographic records that identify documents of all types held in the collections of the Knowledge Centre and various documentation centres of the Department of Canadian Heritage, the libraries of the Parks Canada Service Centres and selected national parks and historic sites. It also includes the holdings of the Canadian Transportation Agency Library.

You can search the library catalogue using a Web browser with GeoWeb, Geac's web-based library catalogue search engine.

To navigate, please use the GeoWeb buttons; DO NOT use your browser buttons.

How to log in | Database Selection | Keyword Searching | Browse Searching
Result List and Record Display | Marking (Selecting) Records | Help | Exiting | Lending Policy

How to log in

From the GeoWeb home page, you have a choice of logins. Click on the English button if you wish to search the catalogue in English or the Français button if you wish to search in French. It is not necessary to give a user name nor a password to log in. Your choice of language for search purposes does not limit your search to titles in that language.

Database Selection

Once you are logged in, you have access to the Database Selection screen from which you can choose a database to search. By default, GeoWeb will search the All locations database. If you want to limit your search to a part of the catalogue, you must choose one of the databases listed. The Canadian Heritage database contains only those locations belonging to the Department of Canadian Heritage. Likewise, the Parks Canada database contains only those locations belonging to Parks Canada. You can limit your search still further by choosing a specific documentation centre such as Legal Services or one of the Parks Canada regional libraries such as Atlantic Service Centre. By choosing a specific database, you limit your search to only those records with holdings that belong to that location. Click on the name of the database you want to search.

Keyword Searching

GeoWeb will display by default the Simple Keyword Search screen. Enter one or more search terms in the Search For box. Do not use diacritics in your search terms. Click on the down arrow to choose a search index from the pull-down list. Click on the Submit Search button to launch your search.

Select the Advanced button from the Search Controls section to bring up the Advanced Keyword Search screen. The Advanced Keyword Search allows you to combine two searches using Boolean operators, to sort the results by author, title or date and to set the number of records to be displayed per page.

Browse Searching

Click on the Browse Searching button if you want to start a search for headings that begin with the search term or terms you enter. Do not use diacritics in your search terms. Click on the down arrow to choose a search index from the pull-down list. Click on the Submit Search button to launch your search. GeoWeb will display a browsable alphabetical list of matching and nearby headings. Click on a heading to see the records that are attached to it. Note: names of authors must be input using the "last name, first name" format.

Result List and Record Display

GeoWeb displays the result of your search in a Result List. The number assigned to each record refers only to records contained in that particular list. Depending on the information contained in the record, a brief display of title, author, edition and date is given for each record in the list. For a full display of all elements of a particular record including the library holdings and hyperlinks (if any), click on the Full Record button.

Some titles may include a General Material Designation (GMD) such as [videorecording], [electronic resource], etc. after the title. The GMD [electronic resource] indicates that the resource described by the bibliographic record is electronic; for example, a Web page, a multimedia resource or a CD-ROM. If the record contains a hyperlink to an online electronic resource, a section entitled Electronic Resources [Hyperlinks] appears in the Full Record display. Click on the hyperlink to display the electronic resource on your screen. Please note that internal electronic resources are not downloadable if you are connected to GeoWeb via the Internet.

Marking (Selecting) Records

To mark (select) a record, click on the Mark button either from the Record Display screen or from the Result List. You can view the list of marked records by clicking on the Show Marked button on the Search Controls panel. To remove a record from the list of marked records, simply click on the Marked button next to the record in question. To print the marked records, click on the Display button and then use the print function of the browser. You can choose to e-mail the list by clicking on the E-mail button and completing the required information on the E-Mail Records page. The addressee will receive the list of records in an e-mail message sent by the GeoWeb Guest. Please note that the list of marked records is erased upon logging off or after being timed out.


For online help corresponding to any page, click on the Help button.


To exit GeoWeb, click on the Logoff button. Click on Logoff again at the End Your Session screen.

Lending Policy

a) Staff of the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Parks Canada Agency and the Canadian Transportation Agency

Documents cited in this library catalogue may be consulted on site, borrowed in person or through a request by e-mail, telephone or fax only by the staff of the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Parks Canada Agency and the Canadian Transportation Agency. Please contact the library or information resource centre nearest to your place of work for any request to borrow documents cited in this catalogue.

b) External clients

External clients may borrow documents from the collection or obtain a photocopy of an article through the Interlibrary Loans Service of the Library to which they are affiliated.

How to log in | Database Selection | Keyword Searching | Browse Searching
Result List and Record Display | Marking (Selecting) Records | Help | Exiting | Lending Policy

For additional information about the library catalogue, please contact:

Research Services
Knowledge Centre
Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy St. - 2nd Floor
Gatineau QC
K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-994-5478
