Upcoming FNS Meetings

Click here for 2007 Meeting Calendar

Next Summit Meeting

March 14 -16, 2007
Squamish Nation Recreation Centre,
100 Capilano Road,
North Vancouver, BC

Next Chief Negotiator's Meeting

January 16-19, 2007
Tsleil-Waututh Nation Recreation Centre,
3010 Sleil Waututh Road,
North Vancouver, BC

go to Calendar page for Map

FNS Resolutions Process

Deadline to submit resolutions for the for 2006 FNS Meetings
[44 kb]
Download a copy of the FNS Resolutions Process overview and submission form
[215 kb]


Latest from the SUMMIT

FNS Press Releases


First Nations Health Plan Memorandum of Understanding

November 27 - Today, the BC Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit and Union of BC Indian Chiefs (collectively referred to as the First Nations Leadership Council) and federal and provincial governments signed a First Nations Health Plan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The Leadership Council and Province of British Columbia also released a joint BC First Nations Health Plan (Health Plan). The purpose of these agreements is to close the gaps in health outcomes between First Nations and other British Columbians, through increasing collaboration and joint decision-making.

Documents for download:

First Nations Leadership Council Press Release re: First Nations Health Plan and MOU
First Nations Leadership Council Backgrounder re: First Nations Health Plan and MOU
The Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan – Supporting the Health and Wellness of First Nations in British Columbia
First Nations Health Plan Memorandum of Understanding
The UN Human Rights Council Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

On Thursday 29 June 2006, the UN Human Rights Council, the premier international body to deal with human rights, adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and recommended its adoption by the General Assembly. Sadly, the General Assembly failed to back up the important work of the Council and, in a vote in the on November 28th, 2006, rejected the adoption of the Declaration.

November 28, 2006: Indigenous People's Caucus Press Release. "The Indigenous Caucus is shocked and outraged by the actions of the United Nations, who today failed to adopt the most important international instrument for the promotion and protection of human rights for Indigenous Peoples..." Read More... [pdf]

November 28, 2006: First Nations Leadership Council Troubled By Today's Vote at the United Nations Inaction on Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Inexcusable [pdf]

Link to Resolution and Declaration

OCTOBER, '06: NDP Leader, Jack Layton, supports the world's Indigenous Peoples, calls on UN to adopt Declaration [pdf]

Ten good reasons to support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [pdf]

LINK: UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

LINK: Website of the Inigenous People's Caucus: Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Related: Press Release, August 9th: First Nations Summit recognizes International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

First Nations New Relationship Trust Fund

In the September 2005 Budget Update, the Province of British Columbia announced a $100 million First Nations New Relationship Trust Fund. The purpose of the fund to assist First Nations to build their capacity to participate in activities under the New Relationship, such as land and resource management, land use planning processes, and social, economic and cultural initiatives. The New Relationship Trust Act was passed by the provincial legislature, and took effect on March 31, 2006.

This first New Relationship Trust Board of Directors has been appointed to an eight-month term and, during that time, they will consult with First Nations to develop a strategic plan, policies and procedures, and subsequent director criteria, for the Trust. The first of these Regional Engagement Meetings will be held on August 21, 2006 in Haida Gwaii.

For further information on the New Relationship Trust,
visit their website at www.newrelationshiptrust.ca

Download the complete New Relationship Trust regional engagement schedule [PDF, 1 mb]

Tripartite Accord Signed in Kelowna

At the conclusion of the November 2005 First Ministers Meeting in Kelowna, the First Nations Leadership Council secured a made-in-B.C. tripartite accord, the Transformative Change Accord, signed by the Leadership Council, Prime Minister Paul Martin and Premier Gordon Campbell.

Transformative Change Accord [PDF, 2.7 mb]

Emergency Forum addresses impact of Mountain Pine Beetle

Carrier Sekani Tribal Council & BC First Nations Leadership Council emergency forum addresses impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic.

First Nations Mountain Pine Beetle Working Group site

In the News: "A New Relationship"

The result of discussions with senior provincial government officials on how to establish a new government-to-government relationship based on respect, recognition and accommodation of Aboriginal title and rights, this document was agreed to and signed by the Leadership Council (FNS, AFN, UBCIC)

Backgrounder: "A New Relationship"

The First Nations Summit represents the interests of First Nations working to negotiate treaties throughout the province of British Columbia.

Operating from its office in North Vancouver, the Summit does not carry out the actual negotiations, providing instead crucial support and resources to First Nations working to make treaties.

The Summit recognizes that some B.C. First Nations have chosen not to participate in the treaty-making process. The Summit respects each First Nation's right to determine its own course of action.

The 1991 Report of the British Columbia Claims Task Force Report lays the foundation for the treaty process in this province. The First Nations Summit adopted fundamental principles, which are the basis of our discussions with Canada and British Columbia.

The Summit works hard to provide a friendly, inclusive environment where people can share ideas and strategies as they work to negotiate treaties in an effective and timely manner.


First Nations Leadership Council Info Bulletins

For Past Leadership Council Updates, go to the PDF Document Library

New Relationship PROGRESS REPORT

For Past New Relationship Progress Reports, go to the PDF Document Library

Community to Community (C2C) Program

C2C Connect Newsletter

For Past Issues of C2C Connect, go to the PDF Document Library

C2C | Community Forums

The Union of BC Municipalities and First Nations Summit are pleased to announce that funding for local government and First Nation regional Community to Community Forums is available again this year with renewed financial support from the provincial and federal governments.

Launch Letter -
October, 2006

C2C Application Kit
(updated October, 2006)


Treaty Negotiations in BC
First Nations Summit and the Treaty Process

The Six-Stage Process to Treaty-Making in BC

"Cautious Optimism: The Summit Perspective on Treaty Negotiations"
— published in February, 2003 Bartalk, a publication of the Canadian Bar Association [PDF, requires Acrobat Reader].

Treaties in British Columbia: A Timeline

© FN Summit
All Rights reserved. Please send all comments to info@fns.bc.ca