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Strategic Highway Infrastructure Program (SHIP)
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In order to encourage transportation planning, $5 million has been dedicated for initiatives such as feasibility studies, the development and dissemination of information management tools, and ways to improve connections between modes of transportation.

The Highway Policy Branch, Surface Policy directorate at Transport Canada manages the Studies component of the SHIP.



Projects considered for funding will need to advance one or more of the following objectives: 

·        support tourism, trade and traffic flows on north-south and east-west surface transportation corridors across the Canada-United States land border;

·        increase operational and regulatory efficiencies for system users and public agencies;

·        improve mobility and transportation efficiency, productivity, safety and security for passengers and freight;

·        improve connections between modes, electronic commerce implementation and other strategic data exchange at transfer points and ports of entry;

·        reduce environmental impacts including air emissions and increase the use of alternative transportation modes especially in urban areas;

·        improve traveler information; and,

·        data collection for more effective policy planning and operational management.  

Eligible Recipients and Amount of Contribution

Eligible recipients are provinces, territories, municipalities, First Nations, private enterprises, academia, public or private transportation authorities/agencies (including U.S. authorities/agencies) and not-for-profit organizations.  Partnerships between two or more of these entities are encouraged.

Funding from all the federal government is limited to a maximum contribution of 50% of total eligible costs for each initiative.

Each initiative will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis to determine the contribution amount.  There is no maximum amount for projects.  However, for each initiative submitted by a private enterprise the maximum federal contribution is 50% of total eligible project costs or $100,000, whichever is less. 

Eligible Projects

The type of initiatives eligible for a federal contribution include: 

a)       planning and feasibility studies/projects;

b)       development and dissemination of information management tools;

c)       electronic commerce applications;

d)       technologies that improve connections between modes or modal integration;

e)       development of Canadian academic expertise in surface transportation;

f)         initiatives that facilitate modal partnerships or cross modal/shipper partnerships; and,

g)       development of institutions for the planning and management of transportation activities in urban areas, across Canada and bi-nationally across the Canada-USA land border.

Project Selection Criteria

Priority shall be given to funding projects that meet the majority of the following criteria:

·        increase accessibility and mobility options available to people and for goods in both rural and urban Canada;

·        enhance integration and connections between modes;

·        encourage enhanced cross modal partnerships;

·        increase safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users;

·        promote integration of sustainable transportation principles into transportation planning decisions;

·        encourage the development, diffusion, and implementation of asset management systems, including the establishment/support of bi-national planning entities.

Current Projects

·        Vancouver International Airport Rapid Transit Link Study

·        Ottawa Rapid Transit Study                                  

·        Rail Corridor Study between the Prot of Vancouver and the U.S. Border                                     

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