
What's New for September 2007

1) Climate Change and Sea ice in Canadian Arctic

A new page on climate change and sea ice in the Canadian Arctic is now available on the CIS web site. This provides up to date information on ice conditions in the Canadian Arctic.


2) Record minimum ice extent in the Canadian Arctic?

It’s been reported that the ice extent this summer in the Arctic ocean may reach a record minimum. This document provides the Canadian Ice Service position on the ice conditions in the Canadian arctic.

PDF: Download.

What's New for July 2007

Annual Arctic Ice Atlas - Winter 2007

This atlas is part of a continuing series of annual publications graphically depicting the mid-winter Arctic ice conditions using satellite pictures and maps. This product is primarily prepared as a climate record of mid-winter ice conditions and as a general interest document for Arctic travellers. This latest edition has been expanded to act as a basis for research and planning for the International Polar Year.

To obtain your free CD/ROM version by mail, please contact us.


What's New for June 2007

Colour Charts Available in the On-line Archive

All WMO CT and SD colour charts produced by CIS since their first issue in December 2003 are now available in the archive section of the web. Users will be able to selectively retrieve the Regional or Daily WMO colour charts in GIF format by selecting one of the 2 new collections offered in the On-line Charts interface.
Go to the On-line Chart interface

Seasonal Outlook - North American Arctic Waters Summer 2007

This joint publication gives an indication of the expected pattern of breakup and clearing of ice in the North American Arctic waters. It is freely available on our public web site in PDF format with the menu selection "Ice Conditions/My Products/Ice Forecast/Seasonal Outlook". It will be updated throughout the summer by the twice monthly issue of the 30-day ice forecast bulletin.

What's New for April 2007

Ice Cover Products and Tool for Climate Variability

A suite of new Ice Cover Graph products has been introduced to allow users to easily compare the current week’s or season’s ice cover over a region to those of other weeks and years.  The products can be used in studies on climate variability and extremes. The new products are based on the regional charts and will be produced weekly for the Great Lakes, East Coast, Western Arctic, Eastern Arctic and Hudson Bay (please note that during the winter season only the Great Lakes and East Coast products are produced).  For more information on the ice cover bar graphs generated by the CIS please go to our Climate Variability page.

In addition to the standard Ice Cover products above, a web version of the Ice Graph Tool used to generate the products is now available on the web.  With this tool, the user will be able to generate ice cover products for other regions as well as other types of products.

“Ice Graph” Tool on the web

The Ice Graph tool is an on-line program used to generate ice cover statistics in Canadian waters for a number of pre-defined areas such as the CISIRR  areas (Canadian Ice Service Ice Regime Regions and Sub-regions), the Regional Charts areas and other areas  including each of the Great Lakes and the Northwest Passage.  The data is based on the Canadian Ice Service Digital Archive - Regional Charts collection. For every available area, information regarding the concentration of various stages of development of ice is extracted from all available Regional Ice Charts in Geographic Information System (GIS) compatible data and summarized in a database that is used by this tool.  The final output from the tool is a series of bar graphs depicting ice statistics and trends based on user controlled input.

Try the Ice Graph Tool

What's New for March 2007

What is IPY?

International Polar Years (IPYs) are internationally coordinated periods of intensive, interdisciplinary scientific research focused on the Earth’s Polar Regions. IPY 2007-08 is the fourth International Polar Year (the others having taken place in 1882-83, 1932-33, 1957-58 - see history) and will actually run from March 2007 to March 2009.

What is the role of CIS in IPY?

The Canadian Ice Service (CIS) is expected to play a major supporting role during IPY 2007-08, given the increase in scientific research activity that will take place in the Canadian Arctic during this time.

Visit the CIS International Polar Year web site.