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 Parliament of Canada
Legislation Section
Crown Consent to Bills

Compiled by the Journals Branch of the House of Commons, updated by the Library.


2001.10.04 Bill S-34
An Act respecting royal assent to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament The Leader of the Government in the Senate informed the Senate of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the Senate, October 4, 2001, p.
2000.06.29 Bill C-20
An Act to give effect to the requirement for clarity as set out in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Quebec Secession Reference The Leader of the Government in the Senate informed the Senate of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the Senate, June 29, 2000, p. 819
1983.11.25 Bill C-171
An Act to amend the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, November 25, 1983, p. 6598
1980.06.27 Bill C-38
An Act to provide for the garnishment or attachment of Her Majesty in right of Canada and for the diversion of pension benefits payable by Her Majesty in right of Canada under certain enactments A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
After first reading and the reading of the message of His Excellency the Governor General recommending the Bill.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, June 27, 1980, p. 311
1978.04.26 Bill C-49
An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act (garnishment) A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
Immediately after leave was granted to introduce the Bill, but before first reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 26, 1978, p. 696
1970.12.14 Bill C-175
An Act respecting Grain While Crown Consent is required where the personal property of Crown is concerned, it is not required in the case of property held by the Crown for the Crown's subjects.
A point of order was raised about the need for Crown Consent on such a matter on the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, December 14, 1970, p.201-202
1966.04.25 Bill C-168
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Repeal of power to commute a sentence of death). The Bill in no way affects the prerogative to grant mercy, since it proposes to repeal a section which had no affect on that prerogative.
A point of order was raised as to the affect this bill would have on the Royal Prerogative of Granting Mercy and whether it would require Crown Consent.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 25, 1966, p. 434-435
1963.08.02 Bill C-76
An Act to promote increased employment in Canada by financial assistance by way of loans to municipalities to enable municipalities to augment or accelerate municipal capital works programs The Minister sponsoring the Bill claimed that none of the powers of the Crown would be adversely affected, the Speaker had to accept this.
A point of order was raised as to whether the Bill affected the prerogatives of the Crown, requiring Crown consent.

Source: Debates of the House of Commons of Canada, August 2, 1963, p. 2980-2982
1961.06.13 Bill C-109
An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons of Canada, June 13, 1961, p. 664
1959.07.14 Bill S-6
An Act to confirm an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Gorvernment of the Province of New Brunswick respecting Indian Reserves A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, July 14, 1959, p. 706-707
1959.07.14 Bill S-25
An Act to confirm an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of Nova Scotia respecting Indian Reserves A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, July 14, 1959, p. 707
1959.07.13 Bill S-2
An Act to amend the Public Lands Grants Act A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, July 13, 1959, p. 704
1958.07.16 Bill C-36
An Act to amend the National Parks Act respecting the boundaries of Cape Breton Highlands National Park A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
At report stage.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, July 16, 1958, p. 260
1953.12.10 Bill 28
An Act to amend the National Parks Act A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, December 10, 1953, p. 97
1953.01.23 Bill 105
An Act respecting the Liability of the Crown for Torts and Civil Salvage A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for first reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, January 23, 1953, p. 174
1951.05.29 Bill 192
An Act to amend the Petition of Right Act A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
At report stage.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, May 29, 1951, p. 430
1948.05.12 Bill 280
An Act to amend the National Housing Act, 1944 A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, May 12, 1948, p. 441
1946.05.14 Bill 63
An Act respecting the boundaries of certain National Parks A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, May 14, 1946, p. 215
1916.03.29 Bill 67
An Act relating to the St. Peter's Indian Reserve Mr. Speaker ruled that the consent of the Crown could be intimated at any time during the consideration of the Bill and that consent would be required for this Bill.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, March 29, 1916, p. 207
1891.09.28 Bill 111
An Act authorizing the Transfer of certain Public Property to the Provincial Governments The Prime Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
Immediately preceding the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, September 28, 1891, p. 548
1888.04.18 Bill
An Act respecting Defective Letters Patent and the discharge of Securities to the Crown A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 18, 1888, p. 197
1884.03.17 Bill
An Act to confirm the lease of the Ontario and Quebec Railway to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and for other purposes The Prime Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, March 17, 1884, p. 244
1877.04.11 Bill
An Act respecting the Northern Railway of Canada A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 11, 1877, p. 247
1874.04.17 Bill 6
An Act to consolidate the Mortgages and other Preferential Charges of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, and for raising further Capital, and for establishing a Superannuation and Provident Fund Association, and for other purposes A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 17, 1874, p. 76
1873.04.09 Bill 18
An Act to extend the provisions of The Grand Trunk Arrangements Act, 1862, so far as relates to certain Preferential Bonds, for a further period, and for other purposes A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
Consent intimated the day before the bill was reported back from the Committee (this was a Private Bill wich had been petitioned for) and before the Bill had been given second reading in the House.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 9, 1873, p. 145
1871.03.30 Bill
An Act to authorize the Northern Railway Company of Canada to make arrangements for the leasing, using and working of the lines of railway of other companies A Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
The Committee reported that it could not consider the bill further until it had received Crown consent.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, March 23, 1871, p. 135 and March 30, 1871, p. 160
1870.04.01 Bill 20
An Act to amend the Acts of Incorporation of the Great Western Railway Company The Prime Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, April 1st, 1870, p. 137
1867.12.10 Bill 10
An Act to amend The Grand Trunk Arrangements Act, 1862 The Prime Minister informed the House of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
A question having been asked about the need for Crown consent on such a matter immediately preceding the motion for third reading.

Source: Journals of the House of Commons, December 10, 1867, p. 61
^ Appendix - Pre-Confederation Crown Consent to Bills
1854.09.22 Bill
An Act to give effect on the part of this Province, to a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America A Minister informed the Assembly of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for second reading.

Source: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, September 22, 1854, p. 109-110
1853.04.08 Bill
An Act to define the rights of Seigniors and Censitaires in Lower Canada, and to facilitate the redemption thereof The Attorney-General informed the Assembly of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
During the Committee study.

Source: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, April 8, 1853, p. 697-699
1849.05.26 Bill
An Act for the reversal of the Attainder of Oliver Grace, and for other purposes therein mentioned The Attorney-General informed the Assembly of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
On the motion for first reading.

Source: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, May 26, 1849, p. 348
1844.12.16 Bill
An Act for the relief of John Montgomery and to reinvest his land forfeited under attainder The Attorney-General informed the Assembly of the consent of the Crown to the consideration of the measure.
After the motion for first reading.

Source: Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, December 16, 1844, p. 55

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Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15