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 Parliament of Canada
House of Commons Section
Indemnities, Salaries and Allowances Members of the House of Commons
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^ 2007


Royal Assent: 2005.04.21
Statute: S.C. 2005, c.16
Coming into Force: Salaries and allowances are no longer adjusted by reference to the increase in the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, but in accordance with the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for each calendar year, resulting from major settlements negotiated with bargaining units of 500 or more employees in the private sector in Canada, as published by the Department of Human Resources Development.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity Members who occupy certain offices and positions are entitled to additional remuneration in accordance with the Parliament of Canada Act as listed. $150,800.00
Prime Minister Salary $150,800.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $72,200.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister of State Salary $72,200.00
Secretary of State Salary $54,100.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $15,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $72,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $37,500.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $72,200.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $51,400.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $37,500.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $15,200.00
Deputy House Leaders - Government and Official Opposition Salary $15,200.00
Deputy House Leaders - Other Parties Salary $5,500.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $27,200.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $27,200.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $10,700.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $10,700.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $10,700.00
Whip Deputy Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,500.00
Caucus Chair - Government and Official Opposition Salary $10,700.00
Caucus Chair - Other Parties Salary $5,500.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $15,200.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $15,200.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $10,700.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,500.00

^ 2006


Royal Assent: 2005.04.21
Statute: S.C. 2005, c.16
Coming into Force: Salaries and allowances are no longer adjusted by reference to the increase in the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, but in accordance with the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for each calendar year, resulting from major settlements negotiated with bargaining units of 500 or more employees in the private sector in Canada, as published by the Department of Human Resources Development.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $147,700.00
Prime Minister Salary $147,700.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $70,800.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister of State Salary $70,800.00
Secretary of State Salary $53,100.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $14,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $70,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $36,800.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $70,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $50,400.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $36,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $14,900.00
Deputy House Leaders - Government and Official Opposition Salary $14,900.00
Deputy House Leaders - Other Parties Salary $5,400.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $26,700.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $26,700.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $10,500.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $10,500.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $10,500.00
Whip Deputy Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,400.00
Caucus Chair - Other Parties Salary $5,400.00
Caucus Chair - Government and Official Opposition Salary $10,500.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,900.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $10,500.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,400.00

^ 2005


Royal Assent: 2005.04.21
Statute: S.C. 2005, c.16
Coming into Force: Salaries and allowances are no longer adjusted by reference to the increase in the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, but in accordance with the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for each calendar year, resulting from major settlements negotiated with bargaining units of 500 or more employees in the private sector in Canada, as published by the Department of Human Resources Development.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $144,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $144,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $69,200.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister of State Salary $69,200.00
Secretary of State Salary $51,900.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $14,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $69,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $36,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $69,200.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $49,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $36,000.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $14,600.00
Deputy House Leaders - Government and Official Opposition Salary $14,600.00
Deputy House Leaders - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $26,100.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $26,100.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $10,300.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $10,300.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $10,300.00
Whip Deputy Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,300.00
Caucus Chair - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Caucus Chair - Government and Official Opposition Salary $10,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,600.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,600.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $10,300.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,300.00

^ 2004


Royal Assent: 2005.04.21
Statute: S.C. 2005, c.16
Coming into Force: Salaries and allowances are no longer adjusted by reference to the increase in the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, but in accordance with the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for each calendar year, resulting from major settlements negotiated with bargaining units of 500 or more employees in the private sector in Canada, as published by the Department of Human Resources Development.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $141,200.00
Prime Minister Salary $141,200.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $67,800.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister of State Salary $67,800.00
Secretary of State Salary $50,700.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $14,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $67,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $35,300.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $67,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $48,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $35,300.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $14,300.00
Deputy House Leaders - Government and Official Opposition Salary $14,300.00
Deputy House Leaders - Other Parties Salary $5,200.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $25,600.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $25,600.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $10,100.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $10,100.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $5,200.00
Caucus Chair - Other Parties Salary $5,200.00
Caucus Chair - Government and Official Opposition Salary $10,100.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,300.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $10,100.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,200.00

^ 2003


Royal Assent: 2001.06.14
Statute: S.C. 2001, c.20.
Coming into Force: Since January 1, 2001, the remuneration reference amount is equal to the amount of the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $139,200.00
Prime Minister Salary $139,200.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $66,816.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Secretary of State Salary $50,112.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $14,100.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $66,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $34,800.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $66,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $47,600.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $34,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $14,100.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $25,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $25,300.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $10,000.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $10,000.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $10,000.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,100.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $14,100.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $10,000.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,200.00

^ 2002


Royal Assent: 2001.06.14
Statute: S.C. 2001, c.20.
Coming into Force: Since January 1, 2001, the remuneration reference amount is equal to the amount of the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $135,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $135,050.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $64,824.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Secretary of State Salary $48,618.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $13,700.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $64,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $33,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $64,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $46,100.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $33,700.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $13,700.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $24,500.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $24,500.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $9,700.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $9,700.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $9,700.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $13,700.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $13,700.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $9,700.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $5,100.00

^ 2001


Royal Assent: 2001.06.14
Statute: S.C. 2001, c.20
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $131,400.00
Prime Minister Salary $131,450.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $63,096.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Secretary of State Salary $47,322.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $13,400.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $63,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $32,800.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $63,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $44,900.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $32,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $13,400.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $23,900.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $23,900.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $9,400.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $9,400.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $9,400.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $13,400.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $13,400.00
Chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $9,400.00
Vice-chair of Standing and Standing Joint Committee Salary excluding the Liaison Committee and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament $4,900.00

^ 2000


Royal Assent: 1998.06.18
Statute: S.C. 1998, c.23 (2000)
Coming into Force: Indemnity, salaries and allowances have been increased by 2%, effective January 1, 2000.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $68,200.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $12,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $22,500.00
Prime Minister Salary $74,100.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Minister Salary $49,300.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,122.00
Secretary of State Salary $36,975.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $11,100.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $52,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,061.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $27,200.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $52,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,122.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $31,200.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $25,000.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,700.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,800.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,800.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,800.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,800.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,800.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $11,100.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $11,100.00

^ 1999


Royal Assent: 1998.06.18
Statute: S.C. 1998, c.23
Coming into Force: Indemnity, salaries and allowances have been increased by 2%, effective January 1, 1999.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $66,900.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $22,100.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $12,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $72,700.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,081.00
Minister Salary $48,400.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,081.00
Secretary of State Salary $36,300.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $51,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,040.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $26,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $51,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,081.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $30,600.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $24,600.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,500.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,600.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,600.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,700.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,700.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,700.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,900.00

^ 1998


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $12,000.00


Royal Assent: 1998.06.18
Statute: S.C. 1998, c.23
Coming into Force: Indemnity, salaries and allowances have been increased by 2%, effective January 1, 1998.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $65,600.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $21,700.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $6,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $71,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,040.00
Minister Salary $47,500.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,040.00
Secretary of State Salary $35,625.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,700.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $50,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,020.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $26,200.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $50,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,040.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $30,000.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $24,200.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,400.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,400.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,600.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,600.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,600.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,700.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,700.00

^ 1993


Royal Assent: 1993.04.02
Statute: S.C. 1993, c.13
Coming into Force: Pursuant to s.11 the Members indemnity, the expense allowance and the additional salaries paid to Officers of the House are frozen for 1993, 1994 and 1995 at the 1992 levels.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $64,400.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $21,300.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $6,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $69,920.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $46,645.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Secretary of State Salary Secretaries of State will be paid 75% of a Cabinet Minister's salary and will be entitled to two special assistants and a secretary. (Press release - Office of the Prime Minister, Nov. 4, 1993). $34,984.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $25,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $29,500.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $23,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,100.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00

^ 1992


Royal Assent: 1993.04.02
Statute: S.C. 1993, c.12, s.14
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Prime Minister Salary 5-per-cent cut in the ministerial salary of the Prime Minister and all Ministers, beginning April 1, 1992. (February 25, 1992 Budget) $69,900.00
Minister Salary 5-per-cent cut in the ministerial salary of the Prime Minister and all Ministers, beginning April 1, 1992. (February 25, 1992 Budget) $46,600.00


Royal Assent: 1991.10.02
Statute: S.C. 1991, c.30
Coming into Force: Application to the House of Commons : The Members indemnity, the expense allowance and the additional salaries paid to Officers of the House are frozen for 1992 at the 1991 levels. (Hon. J. Fraser, Speaker of the House. January 27, 1992).

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $64,400.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $21,300.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance $6,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $73,600.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $49,100.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $25,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $29,500.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $23,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,100.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00

^ 1991


Statute: R.S.C. 1985, c. P-1
Coming into Force: In accordance with the Parliament of Canada Act, Members' salaries and allowances have been adjusted by 3.78 percent, effective January 1, 1991. It should be noted that, as required by section 67(2) of the Parliament of Canada Act, the amounts are rounded to the lowest multiple of one hundred dollars. (Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons)

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $64,400.00
Member of the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance The Board of Internal Econony established the reimbursement of a Travel Status Expenses up to 6,000$ per year. Effective October 1, 1990. (Manual of Allowances and Services, Ch. A-5) $6,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $21,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $73,600.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $49,100.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $25,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $49,100.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $29,500.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $23,800.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $10,100.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $13,200.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,500.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,500.00

^ 1990


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $62,100.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $20,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $71,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $47,400.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $10,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $47,400.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $24,800.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $47,400.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $28,500.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $23,000.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $9,800.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $12,800.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $12,800.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,300.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,300.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,200.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $10,200.00

^ 1989


Statute: R.S.C. 1985, c. P-1
Coming into Force: In accordance with the Parliament of Canada Act, Members' salaries and allowances have been adjusted by 3.05 percent, effective January 1, 1989. It should be noted that, as required by section 67(2) of the Parliament of Canada Act, the amounts are rounded to the lowest multiple of one hundred dollars. (Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons)

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $60,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $19,900.00
Prime Minister Salary $68,600.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $45,800.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $9,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $45,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $24,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $45,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $27,600.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $22,300.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $9,500.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $12,400.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $12,400.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $7,100.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $7,100.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $7,100.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,900.00

^ 1988


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $58,300.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $19,400.00
Prime Minister Salary $66,600.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $44,500.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $9,700.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $44,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $23,300.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $44,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $26,800.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $21,700.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $9,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $12,100.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $12,100.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,900.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,900.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,900.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,700.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,700.00

^ 1987


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $57,400.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $19,100.00
Prime Minister Salary $65,500.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $43,800.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $9,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $43,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $23,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $43,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $26,400.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $21,400.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $9,200.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $11,900.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $11,900.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,800.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,800.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,800.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,600.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,600.00

^ 1986


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $56,100.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $18,700.00
Prime Minister Salary "On January 10, 1986, Cabinet decided that, for the calendar year 1986, the salaries of the Prime Minister and Ministers, pursuant to the Salaries Act, would be retained at the actual level paid in 1985. This actual level entailed a 15% and 10% reduction for the Prime Minister and Ministers respectively." (House of Commons Pay Office)" $52,955.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary "On January 10, 1986, Cabinet decided that, for the calendar year 1986, the salaries of the Prime Minister and Ministers, pursuant to the Salaries Act, would be retained at the actual level paid in 1985. This actual level entailed a 15% and 10% reduction for the Prime Minister and Ministers respectively." (House of Commons Pay Office)" $37,530.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $9,400.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $42,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $22,500.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $42,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $25,800.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $21,000.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $9,000.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $11,700.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $11,700.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,700.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,700.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,700.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,400.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,400.00

^ 1985


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $54,600.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $18,200.00
Prime Minister Salary $62,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $41,700.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $9,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $41,700.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $21,900.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $41,700.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $25,100.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $20,500.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $8,800.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $11,400.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $11,400.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,600.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,600.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,600.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,200.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $9,200.00

^ 1984


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $52,800.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $17,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $60,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $40,400.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $8,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $40,400.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $21,200.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $40,400.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $24,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $19,900.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $8,600.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $11,100.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $11,100.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,400.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,400.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,400.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,900.00

^ 1983


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $50,300.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $16,800.00
Prime Minister Salary $57,500.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $38,500.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $8,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $38,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,200.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $38,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $23,200.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $19,000.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $8,200.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $10,600.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $10,600.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $6,100.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $6,100.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $6,100.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,500.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,500.00

^ 1982


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force: This is the indemnity that Members and officials of the House of Commons were entitled to for 1982.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $46,400.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $15,500.00
Prime Minister Salary $53,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $35,600.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $7,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $35,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $18,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $35,600.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $21,400.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $17,500.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $7,600.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $9,800.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $9,800.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,700.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $5,700.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $5,700.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $7,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $7,900.00


Royal Assent: 1982.08.04
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.122
Coming into Force: Indemnity received in 1982 because of override as of 1 July 1982.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $48,600.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $16,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $55,500.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $37,200.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $8,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $37,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $19,600.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $37,200.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $22,400.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $18,400.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $7,900.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $10,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $10,300.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,900.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $5,900.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $5,900.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $8,300.00

^ 1981


Royal Assent: 1981.07.10
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.77, s.2(2)
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $43,800.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $14,700.00
Prime Minister Salary $50,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $33,600.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $7,500.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $33,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $17,700.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $33,600.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $20,200.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $16,600.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $7,200.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $9,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $9,300.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,400.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $5,400.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $5,400.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $7,500.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $7,500.00

^ 1980


Royal Assent: 1981.07.10
Statute: 1980-81-82-83, c.77
Coming into Force: This amount indicates a retroactive increase.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $40,200.00 per anum
Prime Minister Salary $45,900.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $30,800.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $6,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $30,800.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $16,300.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $30,800.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $18,600.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $15,300.00
House Leader - Other Parties Salary $6,000.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $8,600.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $8,600.00
Whip Whip - Other Parties - Salary $5,000.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $5,000.00
Whip Deputy Opposition Whip - Salary $5,000.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $6,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $6,900.00


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $30,600.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $13,500.00
Prime Minister Salary $37,800.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $22,600.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,900.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $22,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $9,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $22,600.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,900.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,900.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,900.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,900.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,900.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,900.00

^ 1979


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $28,600.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $12,700.00
Prime Minister Salary $35,400.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $21,200.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,600.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $21,200.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,500.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $21,200.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,600.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,600.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,600.00
Whip Deputy Government Whip - Salary $5,600.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,600.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,600.00

^ 1978


Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $26,900.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $12,000.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00

^ 1977


Royal Assent: 1976.06.15
Statute: 23-24-25 Eliz. II, c.99
Coming into Force: Specific amounts shown as of 1 January 1977 are received from the House of Commons Pay Office.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $25,500.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $11,300.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00

^ 1974


Royal Assent: 1975.05.08
Statute: 23-24 Eliz. II, c.44
Coming into Force: For the period commencing July 8, 1974 and ending Dec. 31, 1975.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $10,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister of State Salary Only Ministers of State at head of Ministry of State $20,000.00
Minister of State Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00


Royal Assent: 1976.06.15
Statute: 23-24-25 Eliz. II, c.99
Coming into Force: For the period commencing July 8, 1974 and ending Dec. 31, 1976.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $10,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister of State Salary Only Ministers of State at head of Ministry of State $20,000.00
Minister of State Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00


Royal Assent: 1945.12.18
Statute: 9-10 Geo. VI, c.29
Coming into Force: In accordande with this Act, the Member's expense allowance shall be non-taxable.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $10,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister of State Salary Only Ministers of State at head of Ministry of State $20,000.00
Minister of State Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00


Royal Assent: 2005.04.21
Statute: S.C. 2005, c.16
Coming into Force: Salaries and allowances are no longer adjusted by reference to the increase in the annual salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, but in accordance with the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for each calendar year, resulting from major settlements negotiated with bargaining units of 500 or more employees in the private sector in Canada, as published by the Department of Human Resources Development.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $24,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $10,600.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Salary $33,300.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Salary $20,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister of State Salary Only Ministers of State at head of Ministry of State $20,000.00
Minister of State Car Allowance $2,000.00
Parliamentary Secretary Salary $5,300.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $8,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $20,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $5,300.00
Opposition House Leader Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Government Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Whip Chief Opposition Whip - Salary $5,300.00
Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00
Assistant Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole Salary $5,300.00

^ 1970


Royal Assent: 1971.06.10
Statute: 19-20 Eliz. II, c.45
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $18,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Deduction Beyond 21 days $60.00
Member of the House of Commons Transportation, Travelling and Telecommunication $0.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance Rate depends on the electoral district member represents as listed in Schedule III to the Canada Elections Act $8,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $9,000.00 per anum
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $3,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Rent Allowance $1,500.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary Non-taxable $15,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance Non-taxable $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $4,000.00
Whip Chief Whip - Salary $4,000.00

^ 1969


Royal Assent: 1969.03.28
Statute: 17-18 Eliz. II, c.28, Part XIII
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Prime Minister Salary $25,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $15,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister of State Salary Only Ministers of State at head of Ministry of State $15,000.00
Minister of State Car Allowance $2,000.00

^ 1963


Royal Assent: 1963.08.02
Statute: 12 Eliz. II, c.14
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $12,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Deduction Beyond 21 days $60.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance $6,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Transportation, Travelling and Telecommunication $0.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $9,000.00 per anum
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary Non-taxable $15,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance Non-taxable $2,000.00
Leader - Other Parties Salary $4,000.00
Whip Chief Whip - Salary $4,000.00

^ 1954


Royal Assent: 1954.03.04
Statute: 2-3 Eliz. II, c.21
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Prime Minister Salary $25,000.00
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Salary $15,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00

^ 1953


Royal Assent: 1954.02.16
Statute: 2-3 Eliz. II, c.10
Coming into Force: Pursuant to s.35 proclaimed in force November 12, 1953, the length of the session no longer applies. Members of the House of Commons receive annual salary paid monthly; s.43 proclaimed in force April 1, 1954.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity $8,000.00 per anum
Member of the House of Commons Deduction Beyond 21 days $40.00
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance $2,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $9,000.00 per anum
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary Non-taxable $15,000.00
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance Non-taxable $2,000.00

^ 1945


Royal Assent: 1945.12.18
Statute: 9-10 Geo. VI, c.29
Coming into Force: In accordande with this Act, the Member's expense allowance shall be non-taxable.

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +65 days $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -65 days $4,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Deduction For each day beyond 15 $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Non-Taxable Expense Allowance $2,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Additional Expense Allowance Taxable $2,000.00

^ 1931


Royal Assent: 1931.08.03
Statute: 21-22 Geo. V, c.61, Sch.A Vote 352
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +65 days $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -65 days $4,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Deduction For each day beyond 15 $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Travel Expense For Members residing at a greater distance than 400 miles from Ottawa $15.00 per diem
Prime Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Minister Car Allowance $2,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Car Allowance $1,000.00
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Car Allowance $2,000.00

^ 1923


Royal Assent: 1923.06.30
Statute: 13-14 Geo. V, c.68
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +65 days $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -65 days $4,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Deduction For each day beyond 15 $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Travel Expense For Members residing at a greater distance than 400 miles from Ottawa $15.00 per diem
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $10,000.00

^ 1920


Royal Assent: 1920.07.01
Statute: 10-11 Geo. V, c.69
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -50 days $4,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +50 days $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Deduction For each day beyond 15 $25.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Travel Expense For Members residing at a greater distance than 400 miles from Ottawa. $15.00 per diem
Prime Minister Salary $15,000.00
Minister Salary $10,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $6,000.00 per anum
Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $10,000.00

^ 1906


Royal Assent: 1906.07.13
Statute: 6 Edw. VII, c.48
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -30 days $2,500.00
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +30 days $20.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Deduction $15.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Travel Expense For Members residing at a greater distance than 400 miles from Ottawa $15.00 per diem
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $7,000.00

^ 1905


Royal Assent: 1905.07.20
Statute: 4-5 Edw. VII, c.12
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Prime Minister Salary $12,000.00


Royal Assent: 1905.07.20
Statute: 4-5 Edw. VII, c.43
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -30 days $2,500.00
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +30 days $20.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Deduction $15.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Moving or Transportation Expenses $0.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum
Leader of the Opposition in the House of Commons Salary $7,000.00

^ 1901


Royal Assent: 1901.05.23
Statute: 1 Edw. VII , c.14
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +30 days $10.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -30 days $1,500.00
Member of the House of Commons Deduction $8.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Mileage For each mile $0.10
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum

^ 1873


Royal Assent: 1873.05.23
Statute: 36 Vict., c.31
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -30 days $1,000.00
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +30 Days $10.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Deduction $8.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Mileage For each mile $0.10
Prime Minister Salary $8,000.00
Minister Salary $7,000.00
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $4,000.00 per anum

^ 1868


Royal Assent: 1868.05.22
Statute: 31 Vict., c.33
Coming into Force:

^ 1867


Royal Assent: 1867.12.21
Statute: 31 Vict., c.3
Coming into Force:

Parliamentary FunctionType of IndemnitySalary
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity +30 days $6.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Basic Sessional Indemnity -30 days $600.00
Member of the House of Commons Deduction $5.00 per diem
Member of the House of Commons Mileage For each mile $0.10
Speaker of the House of Commons Salary $3,200.00 per anum

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.04.27

Revised on: 2007.04.30