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 Parliament of Canada
Provinces and Territories Section
Party Leaders and Standings
For further information regarding women in politics, please consult the following document: http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/prb0562-e.htm
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^ Current Provincial and Territorial Party Standings
Political PartySeats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party 256 60 23.44%
Progressive Conservative Party 198 38 19.19%
New Democratic Party 137 36 26.28%
Action démocratique du Québec / Équipe Mario Dumont 41 7 17.07%
Independent 38 5 13.16%
Parti Québécois 35 9 25.71%
Saskatchewan Party 28 8 28.57%
Yukon Party 10 2 20.00%
Alberta Alliance Party 1 0 0.00%

^ Alberta - Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2004.11.22
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.06.12
Total of Seats 83
Seats Occupied 83
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 13 (15.66%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Progressive Conservative Party Stelmach, Ed 2006.12.02 61 10 16.39%
Liberal Party Taft, Kevin 2004.03.27 16 3 18.75%
New Democratic Party Mason, Brian 2004.09.18 4 0 0.00%
Alberta Alliance Party Hinman, Paul 2005.11.19 1 0 0.00%
Independent 1 0 0.00%

^ British Columbia - Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2005.05.17
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2005.05.17
Total of Seats 79
Seats Occupied 79
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 17 (21.52%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party Campbell, Gordon 1993.09.11 46 10 21.74%
New Democratic Party James, Carole 2003.11.23 33 7 21.21%

^ Manitoba - Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.05.22
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.05.22
Total of Seats 57
Seats Occupied 57
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 18 (31.58%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
New Democratic Party Doer, Gary 1988.03.30 36 13 36.11%
Progressive Conservative Party McFadyen, Hugh 2006.04.29 19 5 26.32%
Liberal Party Gerrard, Jon 1998.10.18 2 0 0.00%

^ New Brunswick - Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2006.09.18
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.04.17
Total of Seats 55
Seats Occupied 55
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 7 (12.73%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party Graham, Shawn 2002.05.11 32 4 12.50%
Progressive Conservative Party Volpe, Jeannot (Acting) 2007.01.31 23 3 13.04%

^ Newfoundland and Labrador - House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.09
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.09
Total of Seats 48
Seats Occupied 47
Vacant Seats 1
Seats Occupied by Women 10 (21.28%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Progressive Conservative Party Williams, Danny 2001.01.31 43 9 20.93%
Liberal Party Reid, Gerry 2006.05.29 3 1 33.33%
New Democratic Party 1 0 0.00%

^ Northwest Territories - Council of Northwest Territories
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.01
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.02
Total of Seats 19
Seats Occupied 19
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 3 (15.79%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Independent Roland, Floyd 2007.10.18 19 3 15.79%

^ Nova Scotia - Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2006.06.13
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.02
Total of Seats 52
Seats Occupied 52
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 10 (19.23%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Progressive Conservative Party MacDONALD, Rodney 2006.02.11 23 3 13.04%
New Democratic Party Dexter, Darrell 2001.06.04 20 6 30.00%
Liberal Party McNeil, Stephen 2007.04.28 9 1 11.11%

^ Nunavut - Legislative Assembly of Nunavut
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2004.02.16
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2006.04.22
Total of Seats 19
Seats Occupied 18
Vacant Seats 1
Seats Occupied by Women 2 (11.11%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Independent Okalik, Paul 1999.02.15 18 2 11.11%

^ Ontario - Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.10
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.10
Total of Seats 107
Seats Occupied 107
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 29 (27.10%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party McGuinty, Dalton 1996.12.01 71 19 26.76%
Progressive Conservative Party Tory, John 2004.09.18 26 7 26.92%
New Democratic Party Hampton, Howard 1996.06.22 10 3 30.00%

^ Prince Edward Island - Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.05.28
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.15
Total of Seats 27
Seats Occupied 27
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 7 (25.93%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party Ghiz, Robert 2003.04.05 24 6 25.00%
Progressive Conservative Party Crane, Olive (Acting) 2007.09.04 3 1 33.33%

^ Quebec - National Assembly of Quebec
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.03.26
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.10.17
Total of Seats 125
Seats Occupied 124
Vacant Seats 1
Seats Occupied by Women 32 (25.81%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Liberal Party Charest, Jean J. 1998.04.30 48 16 33.33%
Action démocratique du Québec / Équipe Mario Dumont Dumont, Mario 1994.05.11 41 7 17.07%
Parti Québécois Marois, Pauline 2007.06.26 35 9 25.71%

^ Saskatchewan - Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2003.11.05
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2007.03.05
Total of Seats 58
Seats Occupied 58
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 15 (25.86%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
New Democratic Party Calvert, Lorne Albert 2001.01.27 30 7 23.33%
Saskatchewan Party Wall, Bradley 2004.03.15 28 8 28.57%

^ Yukon - Legislative Assembly of Yukon
Last General Election (yyyy.mm.dd) 2006.10.10
Last Update (yyyy.mm.dd) 2006.10.10
Total of Seats 18
Seats Occupied 18
Vacant Seats 0
Seats Occupied by Women 2 (11.11%)

Political PartyParty LeaderAs of (yyyy.mm.dd)Seats OccupiedSeats Occupied by WomenPercentage of Women
Yukon Party Fentie, Dennis 2002.06.16 10 2 20.00%
Liberal Party Mitchell, Arthur 2005.06.04 5 0 0.00%
New Democratic Party Hardy, Todd 2002.09.21 3 0 0.00%

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.10.29

Revised on: 2007.10.29