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 Parliament of Canada
Federal government Section
Women in Cabinet

For further information regarding women in politics, please consult the following document: http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/prb0562-e.htm

Search Criteria
^ 28th Ministry (2006.02.06 - )
PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Ablonczy, Diane Ablonczy, Diane Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism) 2007.08.14 -
Picture of Ambrose, Rona Ambrose, Rona Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs 2007.01.04 -
Minister of Western Economic Diversification 2007.01.04 -
President of the Queen's Privy Council 2007.01.04 -
Minister of the Environment 2006.02.06 - 2007.01.03
Picture of Finley, Diane Finley, Diane Minister of Citizenship and Immigration 2007.01.04 -
Minister of Human Resources and Social Development 2006.02.06 - 2007.01.03
Picture of Guergis, Helena Guergis, Helena Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs and International Trade) (Sport) 2007.01.04 -
Picture of LeBreton, Marjory LeBreton, Marjory Secretary of State (Seniors) 2007.01.04 -
Leader of the Government in the Senate 2006.02.06 -
Picture of Oda, Beverley J. (Bev) Oda, Beverley J. (Bev) Minister for International Cooperation 2007.08.14 -
Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women 2006.02.06 - 2007.08.13
Picture of Skelton, Carol Skelton, Carol Minister of National Revenue 2006.02.06 - 2007.08.13
Minister of Western Economic Diversification 2006.02.06 - 2007.01.03
Picture of Verner, Josée Verner, Josée Minister of Canadian Heritage, Status of Women and Official Languages 2007.08.14 -
Minister for International Cooperation 2006.02.06 - 2007.08.13
Minister for La Francophonie and Official Languages 2006.02.06 - 2007.08.13

^ 27th Ministry (2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Augustine, Jean Augustine, Jean Minister of State (Multiculturalism) 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Minister of State (Status of Women) 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Bennett, Carolyn Bennett, Carolyn Minister of State (Public Health) 2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05
Picture of Blondin-Andrew, Ethel Dorothy Blondin-Andrew, Ethel Dorothy Minister of State (Northern Development) 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Minister of State (Children and Youth) 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Bradshaw, Claudette Bradshaw, Claudette Minister of State (Human Resources Development) 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Minister of Labour 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Minister responsible for Homelessness 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Carroll, M. Aileen Carroll, M. Aileen Minister for International Cooperation 2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05
Picture of Frulla, Liza Frulla, Liza Minister of Canadian Heritage 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Minister of Social Development 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Guarnieri, Albina Guarnieri, Albina Minister of Veterans Affairs 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Associate Minister of National Defence 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Minister of State (Civil Preparedness) 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of McLellan, A. Anne McLellan, A. Anne Deputy Prime Minister 2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 2003.12.12 - 2006.02.05
Picture of Robillard, Lucienne Robillard, Lucienne Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development 2005.01.17 - 2005.05.16
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
President of the Queen's Privy Council 2004.07.20 - 2006.02.05
Minister of Industry 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Scherrer, Hélène C. Scherrer, Hélène C. Minister of Canadian Heritage 2003.12.12 - 2004.07.19
Picture of Sgro, Judy Sgro, Judy Minister of Citizenship and Immigration 2003.12.12 - 2005.01.13
Picture of Stronach, Belinda Stronach, Belinda Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development 2005.05.17 - 2006.02.05
Minister responsible for Democratic Renewal 2005.05.17 - 2006.02.05

^ 26th Ministry (1993.11.04 - 2003.12.11)
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Augustine, Jean Augustine, Jean Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) 2002.05.26 - 2003.12.11
Picture of Blondin-Andrew, Ethel Dorothy Blondin-Andrew, Ethel Dorothy Secretary of State (Children and Youth) 1997.06.11 - 2003.12.11
Secretary of State (Training and Youth) 1993.11.04 - 1997.06.10
Picture of Bradshaw, Claudette Bradshaw, Claudette Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) 2002.01.15 - 2002.05.25
Minister of Labour 1998.11.23 - 2003.12.11
Picture of Caplan, Elinor Caplan, Elinor Minister of National Revenue 2002.01.15 - 2003.12.11
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration 1999.08.03 - 2002.01.14
Picture of Carstairs, Sharon Carstairs, Sharon Leader of the Government in the Senate 2001.01.09 - 2003.12.11
Picture of Copps, Sheila Maureen Copps, Sheila Maureen Minister of Canadian Heritage 1997.06.11 - 2003.12.11
Minister of Amateur Sport 1996.07.12 - 1999.08.02
Minister of Canadian Heritage 1996.07.12 - 1997.06.10
Deputy Prime Minister 1996.06.19 - 1997.06.10
Minister of Communications 1996.06.19 - 1996.07.11
Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship 1996.06.19 - 1996.07.11
Minister of Communications 1996.01.25 - 1996.04.30
Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship 1996.01.25 - 1996.04.30
Deputy Prime Minister 1993.11.04 - 1996.04.30
Minister of the Environment 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
Picture of Fairbairn, Joyce Fairbairn, Joyce Leader of the Government in the Senate 1993.11.04 - 1997.06.10
Minister with special responsibility for Literacy 1993.11.04 - 1997.06.10
Picture of Finestone, Sheila Finestone, Sheila Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
Picture of Fry, Hedy Fry, Hedy Secretary of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women) 1996.01.25 - 2002.01.14
Picture of Marleau, Diane Marleau, Diane Minister for International Cooperation 1997.06.11 - 1999.08.02
Minister responsible for La Francophonie 1997.06.11 - 1999.08.02
Minister of Public Works and Government Services 1996.07.12 - 1997.06.10
Minister of Public Works 1996.01.25 - 1996.07.11
Minister of Supply and Services 1996.01.25 - 1996.07.11
Minister of Amateur Sport 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
Minister of National Health and Welfare 1993.11.04 - 1996.01.24
Picture of McLellan, A. Anne McLellan, A. Anne Minister of Health 2002.01.15 - 2003.12.11
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 1997.06.11 - 2002.01.14
Minister of Natural Resources 1995.01.12 - 1997.06.10
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources 1993.11.04 - 1995.01.11
Minister of Forestry 1993.11.04 - 1995.01.11
Picture of Minna, Maria Minna, Maria Minister for International Cooperation 1999.08.03 - 2002.01.14
Picture of Robillard, Lucienne Robillard, Lucienne Minister responsible for Crown Corporations 2002.06.02 - 2003.12.11
Minister responsible for Infrastructure 1999.08.03 - 2002.01.14
President of the Treasury Board 1999.08.03 - 2003.12.11
Minister of Communications (acting) 1996.05.01 - 1996.06.18
Minister of Multiculturalism and Citizenship (acting) 1996.05.01 - 1996.06.18
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration 1996.01.25 - 1999.08.02
Minister of Labour 1995.02.22 - 1996.01.24
Minister responsible for the federal campaign in the upcoming Quebec referendum 1995.02.22 - 1996.01.24
Picture of Stewart, Christine Susan Stewart, Christine Susan Minister of the Environment 1997.06.11 - 1999.08.02
Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa) 1993.11.04 - 1997.06.10
Picture of Stewart, Jane Stewart, Jane Minister of Human Resources Development 1999.08.03 - 2003.12.11
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 1997.06.11 - 1999.08.02
Minister of National Revenue 1996.01.25 - 1997.06.10
Picture of Whelan, Susan Whelan, Susan Minister for International Cooperation 2002.01.15 - 2003.12.11

^ 25th Ministry (1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Browes, Pauline Browes, Pauline Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Picture of Campbell, A. Kim Campbell, A. Kim Minister responsible for Federal-Provincial Relations 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.04
Prime Minister 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Picture of Collins, Mary Collins, Mary Minister of Amateur Sport 1993.06.25 - 1996.11.03
Minister of National Health and Welfare 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Picture of Landry, Monique Landry, Monique Minister of Communications 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Secretary of State of Canada 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Picture of Sparrow, Barbara Jane (Bobbie) Sparrow, Barbara Jane (Bobbie) Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03
Minister of Forestry 1993.06.25 - 1993.11.03

^ 24th Ministry (1984.09.17 - 1993.06.24)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Blais-Grenier, Suzanne Blais-Grenier, Suzanne Minister of State (Transport) 1985.08.20 - 1985.12.31
Minister of the Environment 1984.09.17 - 1985.08.19
Picture of Browes, Pauline Browes, Pauline Minister of State (Employment and Immigration) 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Environment) 1991.04.21 - 1993.01.03
Picture of Campbell, A. Kim Campbell, A. Kim Minister of National Defence 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of Veterans Affairs 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 1990.02.23 - 1993.01.03
Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 1989.01.30 - 1990.02.22
Picture of Carney, Pat Carney, Pat President of the Treasury Board 1988.03.31 - 1988.12.07
Minister for International Trade 1986.06.30 - 1988.03.30
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29
Picture of Champagne, Andrée Champagne, Andrée Minister of State (Youth) 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29
Picture of Collins, Mary Collins, Mary Minister of State (Environment) 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of Western Economic Diversification 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 1990.02.23 - 1993.11.03
Associate Minister of National Defence 1989.01.30 - 1993.01.03
Picture of Landry, Monique Landry, Monique Secretary of State of Canada 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 1991.04.21 - 1993.01.03
Minister for External Relations 1986.06.30 - 1993.01.03
Minister responsible for La Francophonie 1986.06.30 - 1993.01.03
Picture of MacDonald, Flora Isabel MacDonald, Flora Isabel Minister of Communications 1986.06.30 - 1988.12.07
Minister of Employment and Immigration 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29
Picture of Martin, Shirley Martin, Shirley Minister of State (Transport) 1991.04.21 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 1990.02.23 - 1991.04.20
Minister of State (Transport) 1988.09.15 - 1990.02.22
Picture of McDougall, Barbara Jean McDougall, Barbara Jean Secretary of State for External Affairs 1991.04.21 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Youth) (acting) 1990.01.24 - 1990.02.22
Minister of Employment and Immigration 1988.03.31 - 1991.04.20
Minister of State (Privatization) 1986.06.30 - 1988.03.30
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 1986.06.30 - 1990.02.22
Minister of State (Finance) 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29
Picture of Vézina, Monique Vézina, Monique Minister for External Relations 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister responsible for La Francophonie 1993.01.04 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Seniors) 1988.09.15 - 1993.06.24
Minister of State (Employment and Immigration) 1988.03.31 - 1993.01.03
Minister of State (Transport) 1987.08.27 - 1988.03.30
Minister of Supply and Services 1986.06.30 - 1987.08.26
Minister for External Relations 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29
Minister responsible for La Francophonie 1984.09.17 - 1986.06.29

^ 23rd Ministry (1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Bégin, Monique Bégin, Monique Minister of National Health and Welfare 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16
Picture of Erola, Judith A. Erola, Judith A. Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16
Minister of State for Social Development 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.01
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 1984.06.30 - 1984.09.16

^ 22nd Ministry (1980.03.03 - 1984.06.29)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Bégin, Monique Bégin, Monique Minister of National Health and Welfare 1980.03.03 - 1984.06.29
Picture of Erola, Judith A. Erola, Judith A. Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs 1983.08.12 - 1984.06.29
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 1981.09.22 - 1984.06.29
Minister of State (Mines) 1980.03.03 - 1983.08.11
Picture of Hervieux-Payette, Céline Hervieux-Payette, Céline Minister of State (Youth) 1984.01.10 - 1984.06.29
Minister of State (Fitness and Amateur Sport) 1983.08.12 - 1984.01.09

^ 21st Ministry (1979.06.04 - 1980.03.02)
PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of MacDonald, Flora Isabel MacDonald, Flora Isabel Secretary of State for External Affairs 1979.06.04 - 1980.03.02

^ 20th Ministry (1968.04.20 - 1979.06.03)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Bégin, Monique Bégin, Monique Minister of National Health and Welfare 1977.09.16 - 1979.06.03
Minister of National Revenue 1976.09.14 - 1977.09.15
Picture of Campagnolo, Iona Campagnolo, Iona Minister of State (Fitness and Amateur Sport) 1976.09.15 - 1979.06.03
Picture of Sauvé, Jeanne Sauvé, Jeanne Minister of Communications 1975.12.05 - 1979.06.03
Minister of the Environment 1974.08.08 - 1975.12.04
Minister of State for Science and Technology 1972.11.27 - 1974.08.07

^ 19th Ministry (1963.04.22 - 1968.04.19)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of LaMarsh, Julia Verlyn (Judy) LaMarsh, Julia Verlyn (Judy) Secretary of State of Canada 1965.12.18 - 1968.04.09
Minister of Amateur Sport 1963.04.22 - 1965.12.17
Minister of National Health and Welfare 1963.04.22 - 1965.12.17

^ 18th Ministry (1957.06.21 - 1963.04.21)
Prime Minister:
Government Party:

PictureNamePortfolioTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Picture of Fairclough, Ellen Louks Fairclough, Ellen Louks Postmaster General 1962.08.09 - 1963.04.21
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration 1958.05.12 - 1962.08.08
Secretary of State of Canada 1957.06.21 - 1958.05.11

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.08.14

Revised on: 2007.08.15