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 Parliament of Canada
Date Founded (yyyy.mm.dd): 1867
Last Official Leader: Meighen, Arthur
Leadership Conventions
^ July 7, 1938 (Ottawa, Ontario)
Ballot No. 2

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Manion, Robert James 830 53.00 %
MacPHERSON, Murdoch Alexander 648 41.38 %
Harris, Joseph Henry 49 3.13 %
Massey, Denton 39 2.49 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 1566

Ballot No. 1

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Manion, Robert James 726 46.39 %
MacPHERSON, Murdoch Alexander 475 30.35 %
Harris, Joseph Henry 131 8.37 %
Massey, Denton 128 8.18 %
Lawson, James Earl 105 6.71 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 1565

^ October 12, 1927 (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Ballot No. 2

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Bennett, Richard Bedford 780 50.19 %
Guthrie, Hugh 320 20.59 %
Cahan, Charles Hazlitt 266 17.12 %
Manion, Robert James 148 9.52 %
Rogers, Robert 37 2.38 %
Drayton, Henry Lumley 3 0.19 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 1554

Ballot No. 1

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Bennett, Richard Bedford 594 37.98 %
Guthrie, Hugh 345 22.06 %
Cahan, Charles Hazlitt 310 19.82 %
Manion, Robert James 170 10.87 %
Rogers, Robert 114 7.29 %
Drayton, Henry Lumley 31 1.98 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 1564


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