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 Parliament of Canada
Bloc Québécois
This Party Currently Has Members Sitting In Parliament
Date Founded (yyyy.mm.dd): 1991.06.15
Last Official Leader: Duceppe, Gilles
Currently Sitting Senators: 0
Currently Sitting MPs: 49
^ Party Leader
NameTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Duceppe, Gilles 1997.03.15 -
Gauthier, Michel 1996.02.17 - 1997.03.14
Duceppe, Gilles (Acting) 1996.01.15 - 1996.02.16
Bouchard, Lucien 1990.07.25 - 1996.01.15
^ Leader of The Official Opposition
NameTerm (yyyy.mm.dd)
Duceppe, Gilles 1997.03.15 - 1997.06.01
Gauthier, Michel 1996.02.17 - 1997.03.14
Duceppe, Gilles (Acting) 1996.01.15 - 1996.02.16
Bouchard, Lucien 1993.10.25 - 1996.01.14

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