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 Parliament of Canada
Bloc Québécois
This Party Currently Has Members Sitting In Parliament
Date Founded (yyyy.mm.dd): 1991.06.15
Last Official Leader: Duceppe, Gilles
Currently Sitting Senators: 0
Currently Sitting MPs: 49
Leadership Conventions
^ March 15, 1997 (Montreal, Quebec)
Ballot No. 2

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Duceppe, Gilles 25561 52.77 %
Duhaime, Yves 16408 33.87 %
Biron, Rodrigue 6468 13.35 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 48437

Ballot No. 1

NameNumber of Votes% of Votes
Duceppe, Gilles 21268 43.91 %
Duhaime, Yves 16408 33.87 %
Biron, Rodrigue 6468 13.35 %
Lalonde, Francine 2671 5.51 %
Turp, Daniel 1081 2.23 %
Venne, Pierrette 541 1.12 %
Spoiled Ballots 0
TOTAL 48437


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