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 Parliament of Canada
Political Parties Section
Political Parties
23 political parties

^ Registered Political Parties
Political PartyDate FoundedDate FoldedLast Official Leader
Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada 2005.08.02 White, Liz
Bloc Québécois Members currently sit in the House of Commons. 1991.06.15 Duceppe, Gilles
Canadian Action Party 1997.01.01 Fogal, Constance (Connie)
Christian Heritage Party of Canada 1987.01.01 Gray, Ronald O.
Communist Party of Canada 1921.01.01 Figueroa, Miguel
Conservative Party of Canada (2003) Members currently sit in the Senate and the House of Commons. 2003.12.07 Harper, Stephen Joseph
First Peoples National Party of Canada 2004.04.12 Wardlaw , Barbara (Acting)
Green Party of Canada 1983.08.08 May, Elizabeth
Liberal Party of Canada Members currently sit in the Senate and the House of Commons. 1867.01.01 Dion, Stéphane
Libertarian Party of Canada 1973.07.07 Brisson, Jean-Serge
Marijuana Party 2000.02.01 Longley, Blair T.
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada 1970.03.31 Smith, Sandra L.
New Democratic Party Members currently sit in the Senate and the House of Commons. 1961.08.03 Layton, Jack
Progressive Canadian Party 2004.03.29 Parsons, Tracy
Western Block Party 2005.06.24 Christie, Douglas H.
^ Former Political Parties

© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.02.20

Revised on: 2007.01.15