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 Parliament of Canada
Legislation Section
Senate bills not passed by Senate 1867 to Date
534 bills

^ 39th Parliament (2006/04/03 - ) 1st session (2006/04/03 - 2007/09/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 (Government bill) Marjory LeBreton An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Senate tenure). 19.06.2007 Report Stage. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-203 (Public bill) Percy Downe An Act to amend the Public Service Employment Act (priority for appointment for veterans). 05.04.2006 1st reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-204 (Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act respecting a National Philanthropy Day. 29.05.2007 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-205 (Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (clean drinking water). 25.04.2007 3rd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-206 (Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to amend the Criminal Code (suicide bombings). 31.10.2006 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-207 (Public bill) Céline Hervieux-Payette An Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of children). 22.06.2007 Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights, without amendment. Placed on the Orders of the Day for a 3rd reading at the next sitting. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-208 (Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to require the Minister of the Environment to establish, in co-operation with the provinces, an agency with the power to identify and protect Canada's watersheds that will constitute sources of drinking water in the future. 19.06.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-209 (Public bill) Mira Spivak An Act concerning personal watercraft in navigable waters. 22.06.2007 3rd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-210 (Public bill) Mira Spivak An Act to amend the National Capital Act (establishment and protection of Gatineau Park). 21.06.2007 Debate at Report Stage. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-212 (Public bill) Jack Austin An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (tax relief). 02.05.2006 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-215 (Public bill) Jack Austin Act to amend the Income Tax Act in order to provide tax relief. 20.02.2007 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on National Finance; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-216 (Public bill) Gerry St. Germain An Act providing for the Crown's recognition of self-governing First Nations of Canada. 13.12.2006 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-217 (Public bill) Hugh Segal An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act and the Bank of Canada Act (quarterly financial reports). 18.10.2006 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on National Finance; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-218 (Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act to amend the State Immunity Act and the Criminal Code (civil remedies for victims of terrorism). 02.11.2006 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-219 (Public bill) Serge Joyal An Act to amend the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act. 31.05.2007 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Rules, Procedures and the Rights of Parliament; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-221 (Public bill) Mac Harb An Act to establish and maintain a national registry of medical devices. 19.04.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-222 (Public bill) Gerard Phalen An Act to amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to enact certain other measures, in order to provide assistance and protection to victims of human trafficking. 29.05.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-223 (Public bill) Lorna Milne An Act to amend the Access to Information Act. 15.05.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-224 (Public bill) Grant Mitchell An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Canadian Wheat Board Act. 21.06.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-225 (Public bill) Pat Carney An Act to amend the International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (bulk water removal). 12.06.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-226 (Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to regulate securities and to provide for a single securities commission for Canada. 07.06.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-227 (Public bill) Yoine Goldstein An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (student loans). 31.05.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-228 (Public bill) Mac Harb An Act to amend the Non-smokers' Health Act. 07.06.2007 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
S-229 (Public bill) Charlie Watt An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act (tax relief for Nunavik). 13.06.2007 1st reading. Prorogation on Sept. 14, 2007.
^ 38th Parliament (2004/10/04 - 2005/11/29) 1st session (2004/10/04 - 2005/11/29)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and the Interpretation Act in order to affirm the meaning of marriage. 02.12.2004 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on Feb. 22, 2005; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-5 ( Public bill) Tommy Banks An Act to repeal legislation that has not come into force within ten years of receiving royal assent. 26.10.2004 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications. Bill withdrawn from said Committee and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Oct. 28, 2004; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-6 ( Public bill) Tommy Banks An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (running rights for carriage of grain). 02.11.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-7 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Supreme Court Act (references by Governor in Council). 02.12.2004 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on Feb. 22, 2005; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-8 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Judges Act. 04.05.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on June 16, 2005; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-9 ( Public bill) Joseph A. Day An Act to amend the Copyright Act. 20.10.2004 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-13 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speakership of the Senate). 17.11.2004 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-15 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to prevent unsolicited messages on the Internet. 19.04.2005 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications on Feb. 10, 2005 before 2nd reading. Debate resumed on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-16 (Public bill) Gerry St. Germain An Act providing for the Crown's recognition of self-governing First Nations of Canada. 22.02.2005 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples before 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-20 (Public bill) Terry Stratton An Act to provide for increased transparency and objectivity in the selection of suitable individuals to be named to certain high public positions. 02.02.2005 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs before 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-21 (Public bill) Céline Hervieux-Payette An Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of children). 10.03.2005 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-22 (Public bill) Mac Harb An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (mandatory voting). 08.06.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on Oct. 18, 2005; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-23 (Public bill) Pierre Claude Nolin An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (modernization of employment and labour relations). 18.07.2005 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs before 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-24 (Public bill) John G. Bryden An Act to amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals). 10.03.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-26 ( Public bill) J. Michael Forrestall An Act to provide for a national cancer strategy. 01.06.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-27 ( Private bill) Consiglio Di Nino An Act respecting Scouts Canada. 19.04.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-28 ( Public bill) Wilfred P. Moore An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (student loan). 01.06.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-29 (Public bill) Terry M. Mercer An Act respecting a National Blood Donor Week. 01.06.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-30 (Public bill) Michel Biron An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (RRSP and RESP). 19.10.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-32 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and the Interpretation Act in order to affirm the meaning of marriage. 23.06.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-33 ( Government bill) Jack Austin An Act to amend the Aeronautics Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. 31.05.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Bill withdrawn pursuant to the Speaker's Ruling on June 14, 2005.
S-34 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Department of Justice Act and the Supreme Court Act to remove certain doubts with respect to the constitutional role of the Attorney General of Canada and to clarify the constitutional relationship between the Attorney General of Canada and Parliament. 29.06.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-35 ( Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act to amend the State Immunity Act and the Criminal Code (terrorist activity). 18.07.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-39 (Government bill) Jack Austin An Act to amend the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the Criminal Records Act. 15.06.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-41 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (human rights reports). 22.11.2005 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-42 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (clean drinking water). 25.10.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-43 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act to amend the Criminal Code (suicide bombings). 23.11.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-44 ( Public bill) Pierrette Ringuette An Act to amend the Public Service Employment Act. 18.10.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-45 (Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act. 24.11.2005 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights before 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
S-46 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act respecting a National Philanthropy Day. 22.11.2005 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Nov. 29, 2005.
^ 37th Parliament (2001/01/29 - 2004/05/23) 1st session (2001/01/29 - 2002/09/16)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-6 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to assist in the prevention of wrongdoing in the Public Service by establishing a framework for education on ethical practices in the workplace, for dealing with allegations of wrongdoing and for protecting whistleblowers. 23.10.2001 Referred back to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-8 ( Public bill) Serge Joyal An Act to maintain the principles relating to the role of the Senate as established by the Constitution of Canada. 24.04.2002 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Privileges, Standing Rules and Orders; not reported back before prorogation on Sept.16, 2002.
S-9 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to remove certain doubts regarding the meaning of marriage. 13.06.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-12 ( Public bill) Lorna A. Milne An Act to amend the Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (Census Records). 25.03.2002 Referred back to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology for further study, and that the Committee report its findings to the Senate no later than April 30, 2002; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-13 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the Governor General in the Queen's name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament. 02.10.2001 Bill withdrawn.
S-18 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) Grafstein An Act to Amend the Food and Drugs Act (clean drinking water). 13.06.2002 Motion in amendment that the bill not be read a third time, but be referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs adopted; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-19 ( Public bill) Michael J. Kirby An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act. 17.05.2001 Bill Read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-20 ( Public bill) Terrance R. Stratton An Act to provide for increased transparency and objectivity in the selection of suitable individuals to be named to certain high public positions. 07.05.2002 Speaker's Ruling - debate on 2nd reading can proceed. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-21 ( Public bill) Sheila Finestone An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy. 05.02.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on April 16, 2002; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-26 ( Public bill) Mira Spivak An Act concerning personal watercraft in navigable waters. 19.06.2002 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-29 ( Public bill) Jean-Robert Gauthier An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act (review of decisions). 31.10.2001 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-30 ( Public bill) Norman K. Atkins An Act to amend the Canada Corporations Act (corporations sole). 08.11.2001 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-32 ( Public bill) Jean-Robert Gauthier An Act to amend the Official Languages Act (fostering of English and French). 18.04.2002 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-35 ( Public bill) Thelma J. Chalifoux An Act to honour Louis Riel and the Metis people. 09.05.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-36 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act respecting Canadian citizenship. 11.06.2002 Motion in amendment that the bill not be read a second time but the subject-matter be referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; and the Order to resume debate on the motion for second reading of the bill remain on the Order Paper adopted, April 16, 2002. Prorogation on September 16, 2002.
S-37 ( Public bill) Gérald J. Comeau An Act respecting a National Acadian Day. 27.03.2002 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-38 ( Public bill) Gerry St. Germain An Act declaring the Crown's recognition of self-government for the First Nations of Canada. 01.05.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-39 ( Public bill) Vivienne Poy An Act to amend the National Anthem Act to include all Canadians. 30.05.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-42 ( Public bill) Nicholas W. (Nick) Taylor An Act to amend the Canada Post Corporation Act (householder mailings). 25.04.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-43 ( Public bill) John M. Forrestall An Act to protect heritage lighthouses. 06.06.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.
S-44 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to amend the National Capital Act. 11.06.2002 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Sept. 16, 2002.

2nd session (2002/09/30 - 2003/11/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Public bill) Vivienne Poy An Act to amend the National Anthem Act to include all Canadians. 05.11.2003 Debate on motion for 3rd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-4 ( Public bill) Terry Stratton An Act to provide for increased transparency and objectivity in the selection of suitable individuals to be named to certain high public positions. 27.10.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-6 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to assist in the prevention of wrongdoing in the Public Service by establishing a framework for education on ethical practices in the workplace, for dealing with allegations of wrongdoing and for protecting whistleblowers. 08.10.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-9 ( Public bill) Thelma Chalifoux An Act to honour Louis Riel and the Metis People. 06.05.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-11 ( Public bill) Jean-Robert Gauthier An Act to amend the Official Languages Act (promotion of English and French). 04.11.2003 Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, without amendment. Placed on the Orders of the Day for a 3rd reading at the next sitting. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-12 ( Public bill) Tommy Banks An Act to repeal legislation that has not been brought into force within ten years of receiving royal assent. 27.02.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-14 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to amend the National Anthem Act to reflect the linguistic duality of Canada. 05.11.2003 Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages, without amendment. Placed on the Orders of the Day for a 3rd reading at the next sitting. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-15 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to remove certain doubts regarding the meaning of marriage. 12.06.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dropped from Order Paper on June 05, 2003; had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3). Restored to the Order Paper on June 12, 2003 at debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-16 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speakership of the Senate). 21.10.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-17 ( Public bill) Roch Bolduc An Act respecting the Canadian International Development Agency, to provide in particular for its continuation, governance, administration and accountability. 19.06.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-18 ( Public bill) Jean Lapointe An Act to amend the Criminal Code (lottery schemes). 21.10.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-19 ( Private bill) Consiglio Di Nino An Act respecting Scouts Canada. 09.06.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-20 ( Public bill) Joseph A. Day An Act to Amend the Copyright Act. 08.10.2003 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on Oct. 7, 2003. Withdrawn from the said Committee on Oct. 8, 2003 and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-22 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. Grafstein An Act respecting America Day. 24.09.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-23 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to prevent unsolicited messages on the Internet. 24.09.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.
S-24 ( Public bill) Pierre Claude Nolin An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (modernization of employment and labour relations). 29.10.2003 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Nov. 12, 2003.

3rd session (2004/02/02 - 2004/05/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Public bill) Donald Oliver An Act to prevent unsolicited messages on the Internet. 23.03.2004 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications; not reported back before dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-3 ( Public bill) Donald Oliver An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speakership of the Senate). 11.03.2004 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs before 2nd reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-6 ( Public bill) Jean Lapointe An Act to amend the Criminal Code (lottery schemes). 11.02.2004 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-7 ( Public bill) Noel A. Kinsella An Act respecting the effective date of the representation order of 2003. 23.03.2004 Bill withdrawn.
S-9 ( Public bill) Thelma Chalifoux An Act to honour Louis Riel and the Metis People. 28.04.2004 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-10 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and the Interpretation Act in order to affirm the meaning of marriage. 22.04.2004 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-11 ( Public bill) Tommy Banks An Act to repeal legislation that has not come into force within ten years of receiving royal assent. 09.03.2004 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-12 ( Public bill) Pierre Claude Nolin An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (modernization of employment and labour relations). 28.04.2004 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance; not reported back before dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-13 ( Public bill) Terry Stratton An Act to provide for increased transparency and objectivity in the selection of suitable individuals to be named to certain high public positions. 09.03.2004 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-14 ( Public bill) James F. Kelleher An Act to amend the Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act. 22.03.2004 Subject-matter of bill referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce before second reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-16 ( Public bill) Joseph A. Day An Act to amend the Copyright Act. 23.03.2004 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on May 23, 2004.
S-18 ( Public bill) Tommy Banks An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (running rights for carriage of grain). 13.05.2004 First Reading. Dissolution on May 23, 2004
^ 36th Parliament (1997/09/22 - 2000/10/22) 1st session (1997/09/22 - 1999/09/18)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-6 ( Public bill) Colin Kenny An Act to establish a National Historic Park to commemorate the "Persons Case". 25.11.1997 Read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-7 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person’s religion or belief that human life is inviolable. 02.12.1997 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18 1999.
S-8 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to amend the Tobacco Act (content regulation). 14.05.1998 Report stage. Dropped from the Order Paper, Oct. 1, 1998, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-10 ( Public bill) Consiglio Di Nino An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act. 08.09.1999 Motion for the adoption of the 15th Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, with one amendment, presented in the Senate on Dec. 9, 1998 negatived.
S-12 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (abuse of process). 06.05.1998 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-14 ( Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act providing for self-government by the first nations of Canada. 31.03.1998 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-15 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the Governor General in the Queen’s name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament. 08.12.1998 Committee (Legal and Constitutional Affairs) report withdrawn and bill withdrawn.
S-17 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to amend the Criminal Code respecting criminal harassment and other related matters. 02.06.1998 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-19 ( Public bill) John M. Forrestall An Act to give further recognition to the war-time service of Canadian merchant navy veterans and to provide for their fair and equitable treatment. 14.06.1999 Negatived at 2nd reading.
S-24 ( Public bill) Gérald A. Beaudoin An Act to provide for judicial preauthorization of requests to be made to a foreign or international authority or organization for a search or seizure outside Canada. 08.06.1999 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-26 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the Governor General in the Queen’s name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament. 10.03.1999 First Reading. Prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-27 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (hours of polling at by-elections) 16.03.1999 First Reading. Prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-28 ( Public bill) Raynell Andreychuk An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (hours of polling in Saskatchewan) 20.04.1999 First Reading. Prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-29 ( Public bill) Thérèse Lavoie-Roux An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Protection of Patients and Health Care Providers). 15.06.1999 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.
S-31 ( Public bill) Jerahmiel S. (Jerry) Grafstein An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (Parliamentary Poet Laureate). 09.09.1999 First Reading. Prorogation on Sept. 18, 1999.

2nd session (1999/10/12 - 2000/10/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Public bill) Sharon Carstairs An Act to facilitate the making of legitimate medical decisions regarding life-sustaining treatments and the controlling of pain. 23.02.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-4 ( Public bill) Pierre C. Nolin An Act to provide for judicial preauthorization of requests to be made to a foreign or international authority or organization for a search or seizure outside Canada. 02.11.1999 First Reading. Dropped from the Order paper, May 11, 2000, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-6 ( Public bill) Donald H. Oliver An Act to amend the Criminal Code respecting criminal harassment and other related matters. 03.11.1999 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-7 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting the declaration of royal assent by the Governor General in the Queen's name to bills passed by the Houses of Parliament. 22.02.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Privileges, Standing Rules and Orders, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-8 ( Public bill) Ronald D. Ghitter An Act to amend the Immigration Act. 02.11.1999 First Reading. Dropped from the Order paper, May 4, 2000, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-9 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (abuse of process). 04.05.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 1999.
S-11 ( Public bill) Raymond J. Perrault An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable. 04.11.1999 First Reading. Dropped from the Order paper, Feb. 8, 2000, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3). Restored to Order Paper Feb. 23, 2000.
S-12 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Divorce Act (child of marriage). 18.11.1999 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-13 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to assist in the prevention of wrongdoing in the Public Service by establishing a framework for education on ethical practices in the workplace, for dealing with allegations of wrongdoing and for protecting whistleblowers. 22.02.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on National Finance, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-15 ( Public bill) Lorna A. Milne An Act to amend the Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (census records). 19.09.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-16 ( Public bill) Normand Grimard An Act respecting Sir John A. Macdonald Day. 29.06.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-19 ( Government bill) Daniel P. Hays An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and the Canada Cooperatives Act and to amend other Acts in consequence. 06.04.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-21 ( Public bill) John M. Forrestall An Act to protect heritage lighthouses. 01.06.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-22 ( Government bill) Daniel P. Hays A First Act to harmonize federal law with the civil law of the Province of Quebec and to amend certain Acts in order to ensure that each language version takes into account the common law and the civil law. 18.05.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-23 ( Public bill) John Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day. 29.06.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-24 ( Public bill) Sheila Finestone An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act. 17.10.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-27 ( Public bill) Sheila Finestone An Act to guarantee the human right to privacy. 27.06.2000 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, not reported back before dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-28 ( Private bill) Sharon Carstairs An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada. 22.06.2000 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-29 ( Public bill) Lowell Murray An Act to provide for the recognition of the Canadien Horse as the national horse of Canada. 27.06.2000 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-30 ( Government bill) Daniel P. Hays An Act to amend the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act. 05.10.2000 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-31 ( Public bill) Serge Joyal An Act to better assist the Senate to serve Canadians by restoring its rights, opportunities and functions. 19.10.2000 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
S-32 ( Public bill) Noël A. Kinsella An Act to amend the Criminal Code to prohibit trafficking in persons. 19.10.2000 First Reading. Dissolution on Oct. 22, 2000.
^ 35th Parliament (1994/01/17 - 1997/04/27) 1st session (1994/01/17 - 1996/02/02)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 ( Public bill) Jack Marshall An Act to amend the Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act. 10.02.1994 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-6 ( Public bill) Philippe D. Gigantès An Act to amend the Criminal Code (dangerous intoxication). 01.12.1994 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-8 ( Private bill) Michael J. Kirby An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Certified General Accountants’ Association of Canada. 01.03.1995 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-10 ( Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act providing for self-government by the first nations of Canada. 30.03.1995 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-11 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act concerning one Karla Homolka. 17.10.1995 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-13 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (abuse of process). 29.11.1995 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-14 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to restrict the manufacture, sale, importation and advertising of tobacco products. 01.02.1996 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.
S-15 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (plea bargaining). 13.12.1995 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Prorogation on Feb. 2, 1996.

2nd session (1996/02/27 - 1997/04/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (plea bargaining). 10.04.1997 Report (with recommendation) of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs be referred back to Committee for further consideration. Dissolution Apr. 27, 1997.
S-4 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (abuse of process). 28.10.1996 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-5 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to restrict the manufacture, sale, importation and labelling of tobacco products. 21.03.1996 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-6 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act to amend the Criminal Code (period of ineligibility for parole). 26.03.1996 First Reading. Dropped from Order Paper, Nov. 7, 1996, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-9 ( Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act providing for self-government by the first nations of Canada. 13.06.1996 First Reading. Dropped from Order Paper, Nov. 6, 1996, had not been proceeded with during fifteen sittings. Rule 27(3).
S-10 ( Public bill) Fernand Roberge An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal organization). 08.04.1997 Report (with recommendation) of the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Debated. Dissolution Apr. 27, 1997.
S-11 ( Public bill) Consiglio Di Nino An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act. 19.02.1997 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology; not reported back before dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-12 ( Public bill) David Tkachuk An Act providing for self-government by the first nations of Canada. 18.02.1997 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples; not reported back before dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-13 ( Public bill) Sharon Carstairs An Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of health care providers). 27.11.1996 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-14 ( Public bill) Sharon Carstairs An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Department of Health Act (security of the child). 12.12.1996 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
S-16 ( Public bill) Anne C. Cools An Act concerning one Karla Homolka. 16.04.1997 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Apr. 27, 1997.
^ 34th Parliament (1988/12/12 - 1993/09/08) 1st session (1988/12/12 - 1989/02/28)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1989/04/03 - 1991/05/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Public bill) Jack Marshall An Act to amend the War Veterans Allowance Act (Equality of Male and Female Persons). 13.06.1989 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-4 ( Public bill) Jack Marshall An Act to amend the War Veterans Allowance Act (Residence in Canada). 13.06.1989 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-6 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to amend the Tobacco Restraint Act and to amend the Tobacco Products Control Act. 24.10.1989 Motion for 2nd reading defeated. Bill withdrawn from Order Paper.
S-7 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Protection of the unborn child). 28.02.1991 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-8 ( Public bill) Lorna Marsden An Act to amend the Copyright Act. 22.01.1991 Further debated on 3rd reading adjourned until next sitting. Prorogation on May 12, 1991.
S-18 ( Public bill) Charlie Watt Aboriginal Peoples Act. 27.02.1991 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-21 ( Public bill) Jack Marshall An Act to amend certain statutes of Canada to give fair and discrete recognition to the war-time service of the Canadian navy. 08.05.1991 A point of order was raised concerning the admissibility of the bill at 1st reading. Prorogation May 12, 1991.

3rd session (1991/05/13 - 1993/09/08)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-5 ( Public bill) Jack Marshall An Act to amend certain statutes of Canada to recognize the war-time service of the veterans of the Canadian merchant navy. 23.10.1991 Order for 2nd reading discharged and bill withdrawn.
S-13 ( Private bill) Norman K. Atkins An Act to incorporate the Dai al-Mutlaq as a corporation sole in Canada. 04.05.1993 Subject matter of bill referred to Committee.
S-14 ( Public bill) Royce H. Frith An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act. 23.06.1993 2nd reading negatived.
S-18 ( Government bill) Lowell Murray An Act to amend the Currency Act. 28.04.1993 Order for 2nd reading discharged and bill withdrawn.
S-19 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz An Act to amend the Tobacco Restraint Act and the tobacco Products Control Act. 17.12.1992 2nd reading postponed. Prorogation Sept. 8, 1993.
^ 33rd Parliament (1984/11/05 - 1988/10/01) 1st session (1984/11/05 - 1986/08/28)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
( Stanley Haidasz) S-8 Smoking Prohibition Act. 28.05.1986 Motion in amendment that bill be not now read 2nd time, but that the subject matter thereof be referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs concurred in.

2nd session (1986/09/30 - 1988/10/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz Hazardous Products Act (Tobacco and tobacco products). 08.06.1988 Order for 2nd reading rescinded. Bill withdrawn.
S-7 ( Private bill) Rhéal Bélisle An Act to incorporate the Regional Vicar for Canada of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. 17.08.1988 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs with amendments debated. Dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
S-9 ( Government bill) Lowell Murray Forgiveness of Certain Official Development Assistance Debts Act. 26.05.1988 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. Bill withdrawn.
S-12 ( Public bill) Leonard S. Marchand Constitution Act, 1867 (Qualifications of Senator). 03.03.1988 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
S-13 ( Public bill) John M. Godfrey Constitution Act, 1867 (Attendance of Senators). 29.06.1987 Debate on 2nd reading motion. Dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
S-16 ( Public bill) Stanley Haidasz Criminal Code (Protection of the unborn). 07.09.1988 Debate on 2nd reading motion. Dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
S-19 ( Government bill) Lowell Murray Royal Assent Act. 30.09.1988 Debate on motion of 2nd reading. Dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
S-20 ( Public bill) Gildas L. Molgat An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (Speaker of the Senate). 29.09.1988 Debate on motion for 2nd reading. Dissolution on Sept. 30, 1988.
^ 32nd Parliament (1980/04/14 - 1984/07/09) 1st session (1980/04/14 - 1983/11/30)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-9 ( Private member's public bill) Jacques Flynn Privacy Act, 1980. 28.06.1982 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-11 ( Private member's public bill) Jacob (Jack) Austin An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act. 09.03.1982 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-28 ( Private member's public bill) Guy R. Williams Indian-Inuit Week Act. 23.11.1982 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
S-31 ( Government bill) Horace A. (Bud) Olson Corporate Shareholding Limitation Act. 21.12.1982 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Nov. 30, 1983.
S-33 ( Government bill) Horace A. (Bud) Olson Canada Evidence Act, 1982. 28.06.1983 Interim Report of Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs debated. Debate closed.

2nd session (1983/12/07 - 1984/07/09)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-12 ( Government bill) Horace A. (Bud) Olson An Act to amend the Shipping Conferences Exemption Act, 1979. 17.04.1984 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on July 9, 1984.
S-13 ( Public bill) Richard J. Stanbury Prohibited Degrees of Marriage Act. 05.04.1984 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on July 9, 1984.
^ 31st Parliament (1979/10/09 - 1979/12/14) 1st session (1979/10/09 - 1979/12/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn An Act to repeal The Canada-France Trade Agreement Act, 1933 and The Supplementary Canada-France Trade Agreement Act, 1935. 07.11.1979 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
S-5 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn Safe Containers Convention Act. 13.12.1979 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, without amendment. Placed on the Orders of the Day for a 3rd reading at the next sitting. Dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
S-6 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn An Act to amend an Act to provide for the appointment of a Port Warden for the Harbour of Quebec and to amend an Act to amend and consolidate the Acts relating to the office of Port Warden for the Harbour of Montreal. 13.12.1979 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, with amendments. Report to be taken into consideration at the next sitting. Dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
S-8 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn An Act respecting fugitive offenders in Canada. 12.12.1979 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, with amendments. Dec. 13 consideration of report postponed until next sitting. Dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
S-9 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn Bankruptcy Act, 1979. 14.11.1979 2nd reading continually postponed. Dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
S-11 ( Government bill) Jacques Flynn An Act to amend the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act. 13.12.1979 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on Dec. 14, 1979.
^ 30th Parliament (1974/09/30 - 1979/03/26) 1st session (1974/09/30 - 1976/10/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-5 ( Government bill) Raymond J. Perrault Aircraft Registry Act. 29.05.1975 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications, with recommendation adopted and the bill was removed from the order paper.
S-14 ( Private member's public bill) Donald Cameron An Act to amend the Criminal Code (control of weapons and firearms). 21.11.1974 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Oct. 12, 1976.
S-21 ( Private member's public bill) Louis J. Robichaud An Act to amend the Criminal Code (commutation of death sentence). 05.02.1976 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill was withdrawn.
S-22 ( Private member's public bill) Jacques Flynn Senate (Intersessional Authority) Act. 23.04.1975 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Oct. 12, 1976.
S-23 ( Private member's public bill) Hazen R. Argue Total Abolition of Capital Punishment Act. 10.06.1975 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on Oct. 12, 1976.

2nd session (1976/10/12 - 1977/10/17)

No bills during this session

3rd session (1977/10/18 - 1978/10/10)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-7 ( Private bill) Jean-Paul Deschatelets An Act to provide an exception from the public general law relating to marriage in the case of Lucien Roch Morin and Marie Rose Hélène Morin. 22.03.1978 Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs reported the bill to be unnecessary. Report adopted and the bill was withdrawn.
S-11 ( Government bill) Raymond J. Perrault Bankruptcy Act, 1978. 05.04.1978 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before prorogation on Oct. 10, 1978.

4th session (1978/10/11 - 1979/03/26)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-11 ( Government bill) Raymond J. Perrault Trademark Act, 1979. 22.03.1979 Debate on 2nd reading. Dissolution on March 26, 1979.
S-13 ( Private member's public bill) Herbert O. Sparrow Beef Import Act. 01.03.1979 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture; not reported back before dissolution on March 26, 1979.
S-14 ( Government bill) Raymond J. Perrault Bankruptcy Act, 1979. 13.03.1979 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on March 26, 1979.
S-15 ( Government bill) Raymond J. Perrault An Act to amend the Aeronautics Act. 26.03.1979 1st reading. Dissolution on March 26, 1979.
^ 29th Parliament (1973/01/04 - 1974/05/09) 1st session (1973/01/04 - 1974/02/26)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Private member's public bill) Donald Cameron An Act to amend the Criminal Code (control of weapons and firearms). 21.03.1973 Read 2nd time, on division, and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before prorogation on Feb. 26, 1974.
S-3 ( Private member's public bill) Allister Grosart An Act to amend the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1965 (Yukon and Northwest Territories Senate Representation). 14.01.1974 2nd reading continually postponed; prorogation on Feb. 26, 1974.
S-8 ( Private member's public bill) John M. Macdonald An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the National Defence Act (total abolition of capital punishment). 12.07.1973 Order for 2nd reading discharged and the bill was withdrawn.

2nd session (1974/02/27 - 1974/05/09)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 ( Private member's public bill) Donald Cameron An Act to amend the Criminal Code (control of weapons and firearms). 22.04.1974 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs; not reported back before dissolution on May 9, 1974.
^ 28th Parliament (1968/09/12 - 1972/09/01) 1st session (1968/09/12 - 1969/10/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-20 ( Government bill) Alexander H. McDonald An Act to amend the Copyright Act. 06.02.1969 Order for 2nd reading was discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
S-24 ( Private member's public bill) Hazen R. Argue An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (Age of Voters). 26.06.1969 Motion in amendment that the bill be not now read the 3rd time, but that it be referred to Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs concurred in, on divison.
S-40 ( Private member's public bill) John M. Macdonald An Act to amend the Identification of Criminals Act. 22.10.1969 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on Oct. 22, 1969.

2nd session (1969/10/23 - 1970/10/07)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-24 ( Private member's public bill) Sarton Fournier An Act respecting Canada Day. 07.10.1970 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on Oct. 7, 1970.

3rd session (1970/10/08 - 1972/02/16)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Government bill) Paul J. Martin An Act to amend the Government Property Traffic Act. 28.04.1971 Report of Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, recommending that the proceedings on the bill be terminated in view of the letter received by Minister of Public Works, Hon. Arthur Laing, was adopted.
S-17 ( Private member's public bill) William M. Benedickson An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act. 12.01.1972 2nd reading continually postponed; prorogation on Feb. 16, 1972.

4th session (1972/02/17 - 1972/09/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Private member's public bill) John M. Macdonald An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971. 01.06.1972 Motion in amendment that bill be not now read 2nd time, but that the subject matter thereof be referred to Standing Senate Committee on Health, Welfare and Science concurred in.
^ 27th Parliament (1966/01/18 - 1968/04/23) 1st session (1966/01/18 - 1967/05/08)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance charges. 29.03.1966 Motion that bill be not now read the 2nd time, but that the subject matter thereof be referred to the Joint Committee on Consumer Credit concurred in; message sent to House accordingly.
S-19 ( Private member's public bill) Arthur W. Roebuck An Act to extend the grounds upon which courts now having jurisdiction to grant divorces a vinculo matrimonii may grant such relief. 10.05.1966 Read 2nd time and bill subject matter referred to the Special Joint Committee on Divorce.
S-22 ( Private member's public bill) Jean-François Pouliot An Act to repeal the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act. 03.05.1966 Order for 2nd reading discharged and bill was withdrawn.
S-24 ( Private bill) Marianna B. Jodoin An Act to incorporate Guides Catholiques du Canada (secteur français). 08.05.1967 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on May 8, 1967.
S-43 ( Private bill) John T. Haig An Act to incorporate Baptist General Conference of Canada. 21.02.1967 Motion that the Order of the Senate of 7th July 1966, referring the bill to Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills be discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
S-44 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to amend An Act to incorporate the Richelieu Bridge Company. 08.11.1966 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Transport and Communications; not reported back before prorogation on May 8, 1967.
S-49 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to amend the Criminal Code. 20.03.1967 Read 2nd time and referred to the Special Joint Committee appointed to study and report upon amendments to the Criminal Code relating to the dissemination of societies of "hate propaganda" in Canada; not reported back before prorogation on May 8, 1967.
S-60 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act. 08.05.1967 3rd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on May 8, 1967.

2nd session (1967/05/08 - 1968/04/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-5 ( Government bill) Jean-Paul Deschatelets An Act to amend the Criminal Code. 21.11.1967 Read 2nd time, on division, and referred to the Special Committee of the Senate on Hate Propaganda; not reported back before dissolution.
S-30 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to amend the Excise Act. 19.02.1968 Order for 3rd reading discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
S-31 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to provide for the dissolution of the Dominion Coal Board. 27.03.1968 Resumption of the debate on the motion for 2nd reading continually postponed. Dissolution on April 23, 1968.
S-34 ( Private member's public bill) Hazen R. Argue An Act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act. 27.03.1968 2nd reading continually postponed. Dissolution on April 23, 1968.
^ 26th Parliament (1963/05/16 - 1965/09/08) 1st session (1963/05/16 - 1963/12/21)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-6 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make Provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 21.11.1963 Motion in amendment that bill be then read 2nd time, but that the subject-matter thereof be referred to the Joint Committee on Consumer Credit concurred in. Prorogation on Dec. 21, 1963.
S-32 ( Private member's public bill) Jean-François Pouliot An Act to amend the Marriage and Divorce Act. 09.10.1963 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills, Oct. 24th recommendations of Committee for printing of proceedings of bill concurred in. Not reported before prorogation on Dec. 21, 1963.
S-38 ( Government bill) William R. Macdonald An Act to provide for the Establishment of Harbour Commissions. 11.12.1963 Motion in amendment that bill be not now read 3rd time, but that it be referred back to Standing Committee on Transport and Communications for further consideration concurred in. Not reported back before prorogation on Dec. 21, 1963.

2nd session (1964/02/18 - 1965/04/03)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make Provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 17.03.1964 Not read 2nd time but bill subject matter referred to the Joint Committee on Consumer Credit; not reported back before prorogation on April 3, 1965.
S-16 ( Private member's public bill) Jean-François Pouliot An Act to amend the Marriage and Divorce Act. 02.03.1965 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on April 3, 1965.
S-19 ( Private bill) Jean-François Pouliot An Act to incorporate Les Scouts Catholiques du Canada. 19.05.1964 Order for 2nd reading discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
S-20 ( Private bill) John W. Farris An Act to incorporate Bank of British Columbia. 04.03.1965 Motion in amendment that the Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce be not adopted but that it be referred back to the Committee for further consideration, debated and concurred in. No further reports before prorogation on April 3, 1965.
S-29 ( Private member's public bill) Jean-François Pouliot An Act to repeal the Dissolution and Annulment of Marriages Act. 16.09.1964 Bill was withdrawn and order for 2nd reading discharged.

3rd session (1965/04/05 - 1965/09/08)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance charges. 30.06.1965 2nd reading continually postponed. Dissolution on Sept. 8, 1965.
S-13 ( Private bill) John W. Farris An Act to incorporate the Bank of British Columbia. 26.05.1965 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. Not reported back before dissolution on Sept. 8, 1965.
S-15 ( Government bill) John J. Connolly An Act to Revise and Consolidate the Interpretation Act and Amendments thereto, and to Effect Certain Consequential Amendments to the Canada Evidence Act and the Bills of Exchange Act. 23.06.1965 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Sept. 8, 1965.
S-16 ( Private bill) Alfred J. Brooks An Act respecting United Baptist Woman's Missionary Union of the Maritime Provinces. 28.06.1965 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills; not reported back before dissolution on Sept. 8, 1965.
S-17 ( Private bill) Thomas D. Leonard An Act respecting General Mortgage Service Corporation of Canada. 30.06.1965 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. Not reported back before dissolution on Sept. 8, 1965.
^ 25th Parliament (1962/09/27 - 1963/02/06) 1st session (1962/09/27 - 1963/02/06)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-3 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make Provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 06.12.1962 Read 2nd time on division and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Feb. 6, 1963.
S-23 ( Private bill) Lionel H. Choquette An Act respecting Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company. 30.01.1963 Read 2nd time on division and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on Feb. 6, 1963.
^ 24th Parliament (1958/05/12 - 1962/04/19) 1st session (1958/05/12 - 1958/09/06)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1959/01/15 - 1959/07/18)

No bills during this session

3rd session (1960/01/14 - 1960/08/10)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-6 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Capital punishment). 21.06.1960 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill was withdrawn.
S-25 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make Provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 23.06.1960 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, not reported back before prorogation on Aug. 10, 1960.

4th session (1960/11/17 - 1961/09/29)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-4 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 23.05.1961 Resumption of debate for 2nd reading; 2nd reading negatived on division.

5th session (1962/01/18 - 1962/04/19)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
S-2 ( Private member's public bill) David A. Croll An Act to make Provision for the Disclosure of Information in respect of Finance Charges. 03.04.1962 Read 2nd time on division and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce; not reported back before dissolution on April 19, 1962.
^ 23rd Parliament (1957/10/14 - 1958/02/01) 1st session (1957/10/14 - 1958/02/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
L ( Government bill) John T. Haig An Act to amend the Territorial Lands Act. 21.11.1957 Report of the Natural Resources Committee recommending that authority be granted for printing 800 copies in English and 200 copies in French of its proceedings on the bill is adopted. No further reports. Prorogation on Feb. 1, 1958.
^ 22nd Parliament (1953/11/12 - 1957/04/12) 1st session (1953/11/12 - 1954/11/20)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1955/01/07 - 1955/07/28)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
H-10 ( Private member's public bill) William D. Euler An Act to amend the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1952. 25.05.1955 Resumption of adjourned debate for 2nd reading; after further debate motion for 2nd reading negatived.
O-6 ( Private member's public bill) Walter M. Aseltine An Act respecting Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. 23.03.1955 Resumption of adjourned debate for 2nd reading; after further debate motion for 2nd reading negatived.
S ( Private bill) John J. Connolly An Act to incorporate Gerling General Insurance Company of Canada. 27.01.1955 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce. Not reported back before prorogation on July 28, 1955.

3rd session (1956/01/10 - 1956/08/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
I-5 ( Private member's public bill) Walter M. Aseltine An Act to amend the Exchequer Court Act. 30.05.1956 Resumption of adjourned debated for 2nd reading, after further debate motion for 2nd reading negatived.

4th session (1956/11/26 - 1957/01/08)

No bills during this session

5th session (1957/01/08 - 1957/04/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Government bill) William R. Macdonald An Act to confirm an Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Province of New Brunswick respecting Indian Reserves. 12.04.1957 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on April 12, 1957.
Y-7 ( Government bill) William R. Macdonald An Act to amend the Government Property Traffic Act. 12.04.1957 Motion to resume debate for 3rd reading, and proposed amendment that bill be now read 3rd time but that it be referred back to Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, continually postponed. Prorogation on April 12, 1957.
^ 21st Parliament (1949/09/15 - 1953/06/13) 1st session (1949/09/15 - 1949/12/10)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1950/02/16 - 1950/06/30)

No bills during this session

3rd session (1950/08/29 - 1951/01/29)

No bills during this session

4th session (1951/01/30 - 1951/10/09)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
Z-12 ( Private bill) Walter M. Aseltine (for Arthur W. Roebuck) An Act to incorporate Ogdensburg Bridge Authority. 28.06.1951 Bill was withdrawn and the fees were refunded to the petitioners less printing and translation costs.

5th session (1951/10/09 - 1951/12/29)

No bills during this session

6th session (1952/02/28 - 1952/11/20)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E-11 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act respecting Food, Drugs, Cosmetics and Therapeutic Devices. 10.06.1952 Read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Committee on Public Health and Welfare; not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 20, 1952.
H-8 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act respecting the Criminal Law. 20.06.1952 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with, is adopted.
P-11 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act relating to Trade Marks and Unfair Competition. 17.06.1952 Read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, not reported back before prorogation on Nov. 20, 1952.

7th session (1952/11/20 - 1953/05/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
Z ( Private member's public bill) George H. Ross An Act to amend the Indian Act. 11.02.1953 Resumption of adjourned debate on the motion for 2nd reading; after further debate, the bill was withdrawn.
^ 20th Parliament (1945/09/06 - 1949/04/30) 1st session (1945/09/06 - 1945/12/18)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1946/03/14 - 1946/08/31)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A5 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act respecting Bankruptcy. 15.08.1946 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with at the present session, but that during the recess of Parliament, the Government give consideration to the representation embodied in the printed copy of the minutes, is adopted.
G ( Private member's public bill) William D. Euler An Act to amend the Dairy Industry Act. 08.05.1946 Resumption of debate on the motion for the 2nd reading; after further debate the motion was lost on division.
L5 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1940. 20.06.1946 Bill was withdrawn.

3rd session (1947/01/30 - 1947/07/17)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private member's public bill) William D. Euler An Act to amend the Dairy Industry Act. 27.03.1947 Resumption of adjourned debate for 2nd reading, motion that bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce declared out of order. After further debate, motion for 2nd reading was lost on division.

4th session (1947/12/05 - 1948/06/30)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private member's public bill) William D. Euler An Act to amend the Dairy Industry Act. 05.05.1948 Resumption of adjourned debate for the 2nd reading, after further debate motion for 2nd reading was lost on division.
E ( Private member's public bill) Gordon P. Campbell An Act respecting the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company and Canadian National Railway Company. 24.06.1948 Application having been made for leave to withdraw the bill, the Standing Committee on Transport and Communications recommend that leave be granted accordingly. Report is adopted.
F7 ( Private bill) Thomas A. Crerar An Act to incorporate Western Pipe Lines. 10.06.1948 Application having been made for leave to withdraw the bill, the Standing Committee on Transport and Communications recommends that leave be granted accordingly. Report is adopted.
L-11 ( Government bill) Wishart M. Robertson An Act respecting Bankruptcy. 02.06.1948 Read 1st time, 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation on June 30, 1948.

5th session (1949/01/26 - 1949/04/30)

No bills during this session
^ 19th Parliament (1940/05/16 - 1945/04/16) 1st session (1940/05/16 - 1940/11/05)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1940/11/07 - 1942/01/21)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E3 ( Private member's public bill) John T. Haig An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1940. 04.06.1941 Resumption of adjourned debate on the motion for 2nd reading; after further debate motion lost on division.

3rd session (1942/01/22 - 1943/01/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) Arthur B. Copp An Act to amend the Divorce Jurisdiction Act, 1930. 17.03.1942 Was, on division, read the 2nd time and referred to the Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills.

4th session (1943/01/28 - 1944/01/26)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
W2 ( Private member's public bill) John W. Farris An Act to enable a married person in certain circumstances to apply to a court of competant jurisdiction for a declaration that the other party to the marriage be presumed dead and for the dissolution of marriage. 13.04.1943 Resumption of adjourned debate on the motion for the 2nd reading. After further debate, the motion was lost on division.

5th session (1944/01/27 - 1945/01/31)

No bills during this session

6th session (1945/03/19 - 1945/04/16)

No bills during this session
^ 18th Parliament (1936/02/06 - 1940/01/25) 1st session (1936/02/06 - 1936/06/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Private member's public bill) James J. Hughes An Act respecting the remarriage of divorced persons. 07.05.1936 Motion in amendment for 6 months' hoist of 2nd reading is concurred in.

2nd session (1937/01/14 - 1937/04/10)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Government bill) Raoul Dandurand An Act to establish a Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, with authority in respect of transport by railways, ships, aircraft and motor vehicles. 18.03.1937 Motion for 3rd reading further debated and lost on division.
G3 ( Private member's public bill) William Duff An Act respecting Employers and Employees. 08.04.1937 Bill read 1st time and placed on Order of the Day for 2nd reading on the following Tuesday. Prorogation on April 10, 1937.

3rd session (1938/01/27 - 1938/07/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
M1 ( Private bill) Joseph-Henri-Gustave Lacasse An Act respecting Madame Belle Hervey Harper Cazzani. 04.04.1938 Motion in amendment for 6 months' hoist of 2nd reading, is carried.
Z2 ( Private bill) Edgar S. Little An Act to incorporate International Highway Forwarders. 30.06.1938 Application having been made for leave to withdraw the bill, the Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills recommend that leave be granted accordingly. Report is adopted, bill withdrawn.

4th session (1939/01/12 - 1939/06/03)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
O2 ( Private member's public bill) James J. Hughes An Act to amend the Farmer's Creditors Arrangement Act, 1934. 28.04.1939 Resumption of adjourned debate on the motion for 2nd reading; after further debate the bill was withdrawn.

5th session (1939/09/07 - 1939/09/13)

No bills during this session

6th session (1940/01/25 - 1940/01/25)

No bills during this session
^ 17th Parliament (1930/09/08 - 1935/08/14) 1st session (1930/09/08 - 1930/09/22)

No bills during this session

2nd session (1931/03/12 - 1931/08/03)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act respecting the registration of all British and Alien subjects in the Dominion of Canada. 13.05.1931 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
A1 ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to provide for Alien Identification Cards. 29.07.1931 Motion in amendment for a "six months' hoist" of the third reading was withdrawn and the bill was withdrawn.
G ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Criminal Code as regards the use of force to prevent escapes by flight. 20.05.1931 Read 2nd time and referred to a Special Committee, not reported back before prorogation on Aug. 3, 1931.
K1 ( Private member's public bill) William A. Griesbach An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Army and Navy Veterans in Canada (Sweepstakes). 06.07.1931 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.

3rd session (1932/02/04 - 1932/05/26)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A1 ( Private member's public bill) Gerald V. White (for Aimé Bénard) An Act with respect to Hospital Sweepstakes. 02.03.1932 Motion for 2nd reading further debated and negatived on division.
B1 ( Government bill) Arthur Meighen An Act respecting the Status and Powers of British and Foreign Insurance Companies in Canada. 10.03.1932 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that the bill be withdrawn and a new bill be introducted in lieu thereof upon the wishes of the Government, is adopted. Bill withdrawn.
C1 ( Government bill) Arthur Meighen An Act respecting the Status and Powers of Dominion Insurance Companies. 10.03.1932 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that the bill be withdrawn and a new bill be introduced in lieu thereof (upon the wishes of the gov't) is adopted. The bill was withdrawn.
D1 ( Private bill) Frédéric Béique An Act respecting the Quebec, Montreal and Southern Railway Company. 13.05.1932 The Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours reports that the Preamble of the bill is not proven, because the passage of the bill would not be in the public interest. The report was adopted.
V1 ( Private bill) Lendrum McMeans An Act for the relief of Gordon Alexander Cowan. 11.05.1932 Motion for 3rd reading passed in the negative.

4th session (1932/10/06 - 1933/05/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
J ( Government bill) Arthur Meighen An Act respecting Shipping in Canada. 26.04.1933 The Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce reports that the government desires to withdraw the bill. The report was adopted and the bill was withdrawn.

5th session (1934/01/25 - 1934/07/03)

No bills during this session

6th session (1935/01/17 - 1935/07/05)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B2 ( Private bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act respecting a patent of Lillian Towy. 06.06.1935 The Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills reports that the Preamble of the bill is not proven because the passage of the bill would not be in the public interest. The report is adopted.
G ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to amend the Combines Investigation Act and the Criminal Code. 03.04.1935 Motion in amendment for 6 months' hoist of 2nd reading, carried.
N2 ( Private bill) James A. Calder An Act to incorporate the Northern Telephone Company. 26.06.1935 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn, upon the request of the petitioners, is adopted.
S ( Private member's public bill) James J. Hughes An Act respecting the remarriage of divorced persons. 12.04.1935 Motion for 2nd reading withdrawn. Bill withdrawn.
^ 16th Parliament (1926/12/09 - 1930/05/30) 1st session (1926/12/09 - 1927/04/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
M2 ( Private bill) Joseph P. Casgrain (for James H. Ross) An Act to incorporate the Quebec Occidental Railway Company. 24.03.1927 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted. Fees were refunded.

2nd session (1928/01/26 - 1928/06/11)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) Edward L. Girroir An Act to make Venereal Disease an impediment to marriage. 07.06.1928 Report of Standing Committee on Public Health and Inspection of Foods recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with and that further information be secured on the whole question, is adopted.

3rd session (1929/02/07 - 1929/06/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Criminal Code as regards the use of force to prevent escapes by flight. 17.05.1929 Bill withdrawn.
K9 ( Private bill) Prosper-Edmond Lessard An Act respecting the Great Lakes and Atlantic Canal and Power Company, Limited. 14.06.1929 2nd reading continually postponed, died on prorogation on June 14, 1929.
P7 ( Private member's public bill) Charles-Philippe Beaubien An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Fines and Forfeitures). 31.05.1929 Order of the Day for consideration of the bill in a Committee of the Whole was discharged.
V3 ( Government bill) Raoul Dandurand An Act respecting Investment Companies. 04.06.1929 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that further proceedings on the bill be discontinued for the present session due to the probable early prorogation, is adopted.
X1 ( Private member's public bill) Edward L. Girroir An Act to make Mental or Physical Unfitness an Impediment to Marriage. 29.05.1929 Standing Committee on Public Health and Inspection of Foods reports that such a measure, before it is placed on the Statute book, must be preceded by a thorough campaign of education amongst the public. Report is adopted.

4th session (1930/02/20 - 1930/05/30)

No bills during this session
^ 15th Parliament (1926/01/07 - 1926/07/02) 1st session (1926/01/07 - 1926/07/02)

No bills during this session
^ 14th Parliament (1922/03/08 - 1925/09/05) 1st session (1922/03/08 - 1922/06/28)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Lendrum McMeans An Act to extend the Right of Appeal from Convictions for Indictable Offences. 07.06.1922 Report of the Special Committee recommending that further consideration be postponed until the next section of Parliament and that when the bill is reintroduced consideration should be given to the advisability of adding a clause providing for a new trial, is adopted.
P3 ( Private member's public bill) Gustave B. Boyer An Act to amend the Explosives Act. 22.06.1922 Order for 2nd reading discharged and bill was withdrawn.
V4 ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act respecting the Great West Bank of Canada. 21.06.1922 The Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce reports that the Preamble of the bill is not proven because the granting of the extension of time proposed by the bill would not be in the public interest.

2nd session (1923/01/31 - 1923/06/30)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to amend Part IV of the Canada Temperance Act by providing for the abolition of licenses to manufacture Intoxicating Liquor in Provinces wherein the sale thereof is prohibited. 13.03.1923 Motion in amendment for "6 months' hoist" of 2nd reading carried.
C ( Private member's public bill) Laurent-Olivier David An Act to amend the Dominion Elections Act (as regards the qualifications of Female Electors). 01.03.1923 Motion for 2nd reading negatived, on division.
K3 ( Private bill) Charles E. Tanner An Act respecting the Frontier College. 23.03.1923 Report of Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted.
M2 ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Soliciting purchase of shares in Company). 20.03.1923 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, not reported back before prorogation, June 30, 1923.

3rd session (1924/02/28 - 1924/07/19)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A2 ( Private member's public bill) Richard S. White An Act to amend the Ticket of Leave Act. 16.07.1924 Report of Special Committee recommending that further consideration of the bill be deferred until the next session of Parliament, is adopted.
A6 ( Private bill) Gerald V. White An Act respecting a certain Patent of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, Limited. 01.07.1924 Report of Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills stating that the Preamble is not proven, because the granting of extension of time proposed in the bill would not be in the public interest, is adopted.
C6 ( Private bill) Frédéric Béique An Act respecting the Montreal Central Terminal Company. 10.07.1924 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours stating that the Preamble is not proven, because the granting of extension of time proposed in the bill would not be in the public interest, is adopted.
R3 ( Private member's public bill) Pierre É. Blondin An Act respecting the application of the Bankruptcy Act, 1919, to the province of Quebec. 03.07.1924 Order for the consideration of the bill in a Committee of the Whole. House discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
S5 ( Private member's public bill) John D. Reid An Act to amend the Customs Act (Valuation of Foreign Goods for Duty). 02.07.1924 Bill dropped on the point of order that "Bills for appropriating any part of the public revenue for imposing any tax or impost shall originate in the House of Commons".
Y ( Private member's public bill) Richard S. White An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Bail on Charges and Committals for Indictable Offences). 16.07.1924 Report of Special Committee that the Department of Justice has under consideration legislation along similar lines, and that changes in the administration of the Criminal Law in the province of Quebec are receiving the consideration of the Attorney General of the province and that the Committee recommend the bill be not further proceeded with in this session, is adopted.
Y4 ( Private member's public bill) Lendrum MacMeans An Act to amend the Loans Companies Act, 1914. 08.07.1924 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that, in view of the approaching prorogation, it is not expedient to proceed further with this bill. Report adopted.
Z ( Private member's public bill) Richard S. White An Act to amend the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act as regards Bail on certain charges. 16.07.1924 Report of Special Committee that the Department of Justice has under consideration legislation along similar lines, and that changes in the administration of the Criminal Law in the Province of Quebec are receiving the consideration of the Attorney General of that province and that the Committee recommend the bill be not further proceeded with at the present session, is adopted.

4th session (1925/02/05 - 1925/06/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
J6 ( Private bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to incorporate the Detroit and Windsor Subway Company. 20.06.1925 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours stating that the Preamble is not proven because the construction of the tunnels contemplated by the bill would not be in the public interest at the present time, is adopted.
K5 ( Private bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act to incorporate Mutual Plan Company of Canada. 22.06.1925 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with in this session in view of the approaching prorogation of Parliament and the necessity of obtaining further information on the scheme proposed by the bill, is adopted.
W ( Private member's public bill) Lendrum McMeans An Act to amend the Canada Evidence Act as regards the evidence of persons charged with offences. 07.05.1925 Pending a report from the Provincial Attorneys General, the Chief Justices of the Courts in each province, and the judges administering criminal law whose views were asked for on the proposed legislation, the Special Committee reported recommending that no further action be taken at this session. The reports is adopted.
^ 13th Parliament (1918/03/18 - 1921/10/04) 1st session (1918/03/18 - 1918/05/24)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
J ( Private members' public bill) George H. Bradbury An Act to amend the Dominion Elections Act. 06.05.1918 Bill discharged from the Order Paper.
Y ( Private member's public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to amend the Senate and House of Commons Act. 20.05.1918 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

2nd session (1919/02/20 - 1919/07/07)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C3 ( Government bill) James A. Lougheed An Act respecting the Adulteration of Food and Drugs. 26.05.1919 Bill withdrawn.
D ( Private member's public bill) George H. Bradbury An Act to provide that Naturalized Enemy Subjects and Russians shall not for ten years be deemed to be British Subjects. 26.03.1919 Bill discharged from the Order Paper.
E ( Government bill) James A. Lougheed An Act respecting Copyright. 27.06.1919 Report of Special Committee recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with in this session, is adopted.
H2 ( Private bill) Leverette G. DeVeber An Act respecting the Montreal Central Terminal Company. 06.06.1919 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the promoters request, is adopted.
O ( Private member's public bill) Charles-Philippe Beaubien An Act to provide for the time of Canada being in advance of the accepted Standard time during the summer months. 29.04.1919 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
P3 ( Private member's public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to provide for the cases of certain Persons to be employed in the Public Service of Canada. 25.06.1919 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

3rd session (1919/09/01 - 1919/11/10)

No bills during this session

4th session (1920/02/26 - 1920/07/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) George H. Barnard An Act respecting Divorce. 08.04.1920 Order for 2nd reading discharged and the bill was withdrawn.
M3 ( Private bill) Joseph A. Chapais (for Charles-Philippe Beaubien) An Act respecting the Montreal Central Terminal Company. 10.06.1920 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted.
W ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act for the Identification of Traders in German Goods. 28.04.1920 Motion in amendment for "six months' hoist" of the 3rd reading is carried. Prorogation on July 1, 1920.
X2 ( Government bill) Gideon D. Robertson An Act to amend the Immigration Act (Deportation of Undesirable Persons). 09.06.1920 Senate was put into Committee of the Whole. Motion "that the Chairman do now leave the Chair" decided in the affirmative.

5th session (1921/02/14 - 1921/06/04)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Gold and Silver Marking Act. 13.05.1921 Report of Standing Committee of the Senate recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted.
C3 ( Private bill) Joseph A. Chapais An Act respecting the Montreal Central Terminal Company. 21.04.1921 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours. Not reported back before prorogation, June 4, 1921.
M3 ( Private member's public bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act to amend certain provisions of the Criminal Code respecting the possession of weapons. 10.05.1921 Bill read 2nd time and referred to a Special Committee, not reported back before prorogation on June 4, 1921.
O3 ( Private bill) Richard Blain An Act to incorporate the Commonwealth Bank of Canada. 18.05.1921 The Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce reports that the preamble of the bill is not proven. Their decision based on the grounds that the incorporation of the Company proposed would not be in the public interest. Report adopted.
^ 12th Parliament (1911/11/15 - 1917/10/06) 1st session (1911/11/15 - 1912/04/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A3 ( Private bill) Daniel Derbyshire An Act to incorporate the Canadian Central and Labrador Railway Company. 19.03.1912 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn, is adopted.
C ( Private member's public bill) James Domville An Act to amend the Senate and the House of Commons Act. 22.02.1912 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day on a point of order. (Money bill, cannot be originated in the Senate).
C2 ( Private bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act respecting the British Canadian Loan and Investment Company, Limited. 20.03.1912 Report of Committee on Banking and Commerce, recommending that bill be withdrawn, is adopted.
D ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act respecting the Sale of Bread. 14.03.1912 Motion for 2nd reading "3 months' hoist" carried.
E ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act concerning the payment of salaries on wages of employees of Railway Companies. 06.02.1912 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
G ( Private member's public bill) Richard W. Scott An Act to check the spreading of typhoid fever. 08.02.1912 Chairman of the Committee of the Whole left the Chair; no further proceedings before prorogation on April 1, 1912.
N2 ( Private member's public bill) James Domville An Act to amend the Militia Act, and to change the name thereof to the Canadian Army Act. 15.03.1912 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
O ( Private bill) Robert Watson (for William C. Edwards) An Act respecting the Protectorate Life Assurance Company of Canada. 20.03.1912 Report of Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce recommending that leave be given to promoter to withdraw the bill. Report adopted.
P ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to repeal the Naval Service Act. 28.02.1912 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
V ( Private bill) William Gibson An Act respecting the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company. 26.03.1912 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
Y ( Private member's public bill) Daniel Derbyshire An Act to require the use of Under-water Exhausts on Mufflers on certain Motor Boats. 22.02.1912 2nd reading and referred to Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours.

2nd session (1912/11/21 - 1913/06/06)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) Henry J. Cloran An Act to restrict the Evils of Divorce. 20.02.1913 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
D3 ( Private member's public bill) George Taylor An Act to regulate the keeping of certain articles of Food in Cold Storages. 08.05.1913 Referred to Standing Committee on Agriculture. Not reported back before prorogation on June 6, 1913.
N3 ( Private bill) Alphonse A. LaRivière An Act to incorporate the Western Canada Railway Company. 22.05.1913 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn at the request of the promoters. Report is adopted.
T3 ( Private member's public bill) Pascal Poirier An Act respecting Damages for Loss on Delay of Goods carried by Railway Companies on Express Companies. 30.05.1913 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending the bill be withdrawn, in consideration of the advanced stage of the session and the advisability of giving the bill fuller consideration. Report adopted.
W3 ( Private bill) George Taylor An Act to incorporate the Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church). 23.05.1913 Report of Standing Commmittee on Miscellaneous Private Bills recommending that the bill be withdrawn at the request of the promoters, is adopted.

3rd session (1914/01/15 - 1914/06/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B2 ( Government bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to consolidate and amend the Railway Act. 29.05.1914 Report of Standing Committee of the Senate recommending that further proceedings be discontinued for the present session, is adopted.
D ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to amend the Criminal Code. 22.04.1914 Bill withdrawn.
F ( Private bill) Daniel Derbyshire An Act to incorporte the United Empire Life Insurance Company of Canada. 14.05.1914 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, reporting that the Preamble is not proven, is adopted.
L3 ( Private bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act respecting certain patents of the Dominion Forged Steel Can Wheel Company, Limited. 05.06.1914 Report of Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills, recommending that bill be discontinued upon request of the promoters, is adopted.

4th session (1914/08/18 - 1914/08/22)

No bills during this session

5th session (1915/02/04 - 1915/04/15)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) James Domville An Act to amend an Act incorporating Companies. 11.03.1915 Not read 2nd time and bill is withdrawn.
N ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act respecting Canadian Provident Insurance Company. 23.03.1915 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, not reported back before prorogation on April 15, 1915.
Y ( Private bill) Peter McSweeney An Act to amend the Act relating to the Grand Council of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association of Canada. 30.03.1915 Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce reports that the Preamble is not proven and recommends that the bill be not passed. Report is adopted.

6th session (1916/01/12 - 1916/05/18)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B2 ( Private bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to incorporate the Atlantic Park Association. 12.05.1916 Report of Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills referred back to said Committee for re-consideration. Not reported back before prorogation on May 18, 1916.
C ( Private member's public bill) James Domville An Act to amend the Companies Act. 16.05.1916 Bill not read 2nd time and discharged from the Orders of the Day.
S ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to amend "The Bank Act as regards unclaimed balances". 16.03.1916 Point of order stating that "This is a money bill and should not be further proceeded with". Speaker ruled point of order well taken.
Y ( Private bill) William C. Edwards An Act to incorporate the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. 15.05.1916 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

7th session (1917/01/18 - 1917/09/20)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to amend the Companies Act. 07.09.1917 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending the bill be not further proceeded with is adopted.
C ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Canada. 18.07.1917 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
H ( Private bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to incorporate the Khaki League. 28.05.1917 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills, not reported back before prorogation on Sept. 20, 1917.
L2 ( Private member's public bill) George Lynch-Staunton An Act to amend the Railway Act. 12.07.1917 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
U ( Private bill) Charles E. Tanner An Act to incorporate the Great War Veterans Association of Canada. 19.09.1917 Bill withdrawn and fees refunded to the promoters.
^ 11th Parliament (1909/01/20 - 1911/07/29) 1st session (1909/01/20 - 1909/05/19)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Private member's public bill) James McMullen An Act to amend the Railway Act with respect to persons in vehicules crossing Railways. 21.04.1909 Bill withdrawn.
E ( Private bill) George W. Ross An Act to incorporate the Dominion of Canada Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance Company. 14.05.1909 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that leave be granted to promoters to withdraw the bill, is adopted.
G ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to amend the law relating to Protest of Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Promissory Notes. 24.03.1909 Motion in amendment for six months' hoist carried. Prorogation May 19, 1909.
M ( Private member's public bill) James McMullen An Act to amend the Conciliation and Labour Act. 16.03.1909 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
T ( Private member's public bill) Henry J. Cloran An Act to restrict the Evils of Divorce. 21.04.1909 Bill withdrawn.
QQ ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to provide for the incorporation of Railway Companies. 19.05.1909 Resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion for 2nd reading postponed. Prorogation May 19, 1909.
XX ( Private bill) Peter McSweeney An Act to incorporate the Fundy Tidal Power Company. 05.05.1909 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.

2nd session (1909/11/11 - 1910/05/04)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private member's public bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act to amend the Act respecting the Protection of Navigable Waters. 04.05.1910 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
D ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to provide for the incorporation of Railway Companies. 04.05.1910 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
H ( Private bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act respecting certain patents of Henry Alexander Wise Wood. 09.03.1910 Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills, upon re-examination of the bill, report the Preamble not proven, for want of proof of manufacture in Canada, and of sufficient reason for non-payment of the fee. Report adopted.
M ( Private member's public bill) Richard W. Scott An Act to regulate the Transportation of Intoxicating Liquors. 19.04.1910 Bill in Committee of the Whole. Committee rose without reporting.
V ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to amend the Dominion Lands Act. 20.04.1910 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
CC ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act to incorporate the Nipigon-Albany Canal and Transportation Company. 21.04.1910 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that bill be withdrawn, is adopted.
BBB ( Private bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act to incorporate the St. Lawrence and Ungava Railway Company. 07.04.1910 Bill referred to Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours not reported back before prorogation on May 4, 1910.
CCC ( Private member's public bill) Napoléon A. Belcourt An Act to amend the Criminal Code. 03.05.1910 Motion for 2nd reading 6 months' hoist withdrawn and bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
NNN ( Private member's public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to provide for the cases of certain persons ceasing to be employed in the Public Service of Canada. 27.04.1910 2nd reading postponed. Prorogation on May 4, 1910.

3rd session (1910/11/17 - 1911/07/29)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to provide for the incorporation of Railway Companies. 18.01.1911 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours.
B ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to amend the Dominion Lands Act. 21.02.1911 Bill withdrawn.
D ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to amend the Judges Act. 25.01.1911 Bill withdrawn on a point of order. (Because it is a money bill, it should not have originated in the Senate.)
F2 ( Private bill) Findlay M. Young An Act to incorporate the Nipigon-Albany Canal and Transportation Company. 04.04.1911 Referred to Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours.
Q2 ( Private bill) Daniel Derbyshire An Act for the relief of Joseph Doust. 02.05.1911 Bill and report of Committee on Divorce referred back to Committee; not reported back before dissolution on May 19, 1911.
^ 10th Parliament (1905/01/11 - 1908/09/17) 1st session (1905/01/11 - 1905/07/20)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) James K. Kerr (on behalf of Joseph P. Casgrain) An Act to amend the Railway Act, 1903, as regards to free transportation of Senators and Members of the House of Commons. 06.06.1905 Order for putting House into Committee of the Whole discharged. Bill was withdrawn.
P ( Private bill) James Domville An Act to incorporate the British Canadian Empire League. 17.05.1905 Bill dropped for non-payment of fees.
T ( Private bill) William J. Macdonald An Act respecting the Bank of Montreal. 28.06.1905 Upon recommendation of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce the bill was withdrawn.
CC ( Private bill) Lawrence Power An Act respecting the British America Pulp, Paper and Railway Company. 04.05.1905 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that bill be dropped because the fee on the bill was not paid, is adopted.
OO ( Private member's public bill) James McMullen An Act to amend the Insurance Act as respects the investments of funds of Life Insurance Companies in Securities of Trust Companies. 29.06.1905 Bill withdrawn.
PP ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to amend the Railway Act, 1903, as respects the amount of securities to be issued by Railway Companies. 15.07.1905 Bill withdrawn.
QQ ( Private member's public bill) John Ellis An Act to amend the Criminal Code 1892, as respects Lotteries. 19.07.1905 Bill withdrawn.

2nd session (1906/03/08 - 1906/07/13)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Government bill) Richard J. Cartwright An Act to further amend the General Inspection Act. 03.07.1906 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
H ( Private member's public bill) Frédéric L. Beique An Act to amend the Railway Act, 1903, with respect to the operation of mortgages. 26.06.1906 Order of the Day for putting the House into a Committee of the Whole was discharged.
I ( Private member's public bill) Donald Ferguson An Act respecting the Extra Judicial Employment of Judges. 19.06.1906 Order for putting the House into a Committee of the Whole was discharged and the bill was withdrawn.

3rd session (1906/11/22 - 1907/04/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Government bill) Richard W. Scott An Act to amend the Criminal Code, 1892. 30.01.1907 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
F ( Private member's public bill) James McMullen An Act to amend the Conciliation Act, 1900. 20.03.1907 Motion for six months' hoist carried on a division.
I ( Private bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to incorporate the Canadian Musical and Dramatic Association, Limited. 05.04.1907 Report of Standing Committee on Miscellaneous and Private Bills recommending again that leave be granted the promoters to withdraw the bill, is adopted.
J ( Private bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to incorporate the St. Joseph Transportation Company. 20.02.1907 Report of the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that leave be granted the promoters to withdraw the bill, is adopted.
K ( Private member's public bill) Philippe A. Choquette An Act to incorporate the Stratford and St. Joseph Radial Railway Company. 20.02.1907 Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours reports the Preamble of the bill not proven on the grounds that the incorporation of the proposal Railway is within the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario. Report adopted.
M ( Private member's public bill) Thomas O. Davis An Act to amend the Railway Act, 1903, so as to provide for meals for travellers. 04.04.1907 Order for 2nd reading discharged. Bill withdrawn.
T ( Private member's public bill) Laurent-Olivier David An Act to amend the Militia Act as regards the calling out of the Active Militia in Aid of the Civil Power. 06.03.1907 Motion for resumption of the adjourned debate for 2nd reading withdrawn.
RR ( Private member's public bill) James K. Kerr An Act respecting the City of Toronto Yonge Street Bridge. 20.03.1907 Report of the Standing Committe on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that leave be granted the Promoters to withdraw the bill, is adopted.
SS ( Private bill) James Domville An Act to amend An Act respecting the Canadian Assessment Policy-holders in the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company. 18.04.1907 Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce reports, recommending that the bill be withdrawn ; however, point of order was raised, that the time for receiving reports from Standing Committees had expired - point was well taken.
VV ( Private bill) Findlay M. Young An Act to incorporate the International Canal and Power Company. 17.04.1907 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours stating that the preamble was not proven, is adopted.
FFF ( Government bill) Richard W. Scott An Act respecting Juvenile Delinquents. 24.04.1907 Read 2nd time and referred to Committee of the Whole.

4th session (1907/11/28 - 1908/07/20)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) James McMullen An Act to amend the Railway Act as respects the furnishing of intoxicating liquor to railway employees on duty. 12.02.1908 Bill put into Committee of the Whole. Committee rose without reporting.
D ( Private bill) Archibald Campbell (for William Gibson) An Act respecting the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada. 15.05.1908 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted.
I ( Private bill) Lyman M. Jones An Act to incorporate the Manufacturers' Mutual Liability Insurance Company. 12.03.1908 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, recommending that the bill be withdrawn upon the request of the promoters, is adopted.
X ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act to incorporate the Ontario and Michigan Power Company. 15.05.1908 Report of Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill not be passed inasmuch as the powers asked for by the bill are within the legislative jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario, is adopted.
HH ( Private member's public bill) Henry J. Cloran An Act to restrict the Evils of Divorce. 31.03.1908 Motion for 2nd reading negatived on division.
PP ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act to amend the Railway Act as regards the preferential change created by the issue of Securities. 02.07.1908 Again put into Committee of the Whole. Committee rose without reporting.
XX ( Private bill) James K. Kerr (for Robert Jaffray) An Act to incorporate Traders Life Insurance Company. 09.07.1908 Report of Standing Committe on Banking and Commerce recommending that leave be given to promoters withdrawn the bill, is adopted.
^ 9th Parliament (1901/02/06 - 1904/09/29) 1st session (1901/02/06 - 1901/05/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Government bill) William Templeman An Act to amend the Trade Mark and Design Act. 18.04.1901 Committee on Banking and Commerce reports that passage of the bill would be contrary to the spirit of the Trade Mark and Design Act and to sound public policy. Report adopted.
F ( Private bill) Donald McMillan An Act respecting the Bell Telephone Company of Canada. 15.05.1901 Bill withdrawn.
H ( Private bill) William J. Macdonald An Act respecting The Dawson City Electric Company (Limited). 15.05.1901 Report of Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, stating that Preamble has not been proved, is adopted.
I ( Private bill) David MacKeen An Act to incorporate the Alaska and North-Western Railway Company. 10.05.1901 Report of Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, stating that Preamble has not been proved, is adopted.
J ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act respecting Applications for Railway Charters. 15.05.1901 Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, bill was withdrawn.
K ( Private bill) William D. Perley An Act for the relief of James Stovel. 30.04.1901 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Divorce.
L ( Government bill) David Mills An Act to amend chapter sixteen of the Statutes of 1887, intituled: "An Act to amend the Supreme and Exchequer Courts Act and to make better provision for the trial of claims against the Crown". 02.05.1901 2nd reading postponed.
N ( Private member's public bill) Raoul Dandurand An Act to amend the Patent Act. 21.05.1901 Report of Special Committee recommending that no further action be taken on the bill during the present session. Report adopted.
O ( Private bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to incorporate the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Actuaries and Finance. 08.05.1901 Report of Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that bill be not continued during this session, adopted.

2nd session (1902/02/13 - 1902/05/15)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Joseph P. Casgrain An Act respecting Applications for Railway Charters. 07.04.1902 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
C ( Private bill) Clarence Primrose An Act for the relief of John Hamilton Ewart. 05.05.1902 Report of Committee on Divorce adopted and bill withdrawn.
E ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act for the relief of Thomas Henry Radford. 09.05.1902 Report of Committee on Divorce recommending that bill be withdrawn adopted.
T ( Private bill) George Landerkin An Act to incorporate the St. Joseph and Lake Huron Ship Canal Company. 25.04.1902 Report of Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that the bill be withdrawn is adopted.
BB ( Private member's public bill) John V. Ellis An Act to amend the Bank Act. 06.05.1902 Bill withdrawn.

3rd session (1903/03/12 - 1903/10/24)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) Robert Watson An Act respecting Labor Union Labels. 23.06.1903 Motion for six months' hoist carried on division.
E ( Private bill) Robert Watson An Act for the relief of Florence Gough. 27.05.1903 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Divorce.
U ( Private member's public bill) Donald Ferguson An Act respecting the extra Judicial Employment of Judges. 21.07.1903 Bill withdrawn.

4th session (1904/03/10 - 1904/08/10)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Private member's public bill) James Domville An Act to make the King's Shilling a Legal Tender in Canada. 09.07.1904 Bill withdrawn.
L ( Private bill) William Gibson An Act respecting the British America Pulp, Paper and Railway Company. 28.06.1904 Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private bills; not reported back before prorogation Aug. 10, 1904.
^ 8th Parliament (1896/08/19 - 1900/10/09) 1st session (1896/08/19 - 1896/10/05)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C ( Private member's public bill) James A. Lougheed An Act respecting the payment of Policies of Insurance by Foreign Companies. 14.09.1896 Motion to refer bill to a Committee of the Whole withdrawn.
E ( Private bill) Thomas R. McInnes An Act for the relief of Charles Edward Uton Pointon. 23.09.1896 Report of the Committee on Divorce, recommending that the bill be withdrawn is adopted on division.
G ( Private bill) William J. Macdonald An Act to incorporate the Wesleyan Methodist Connection in the Dominion of Canada. 29.09.1896 Standing Committee on Miscellaneous Private Bills reports they have taken the bill into consideration. Fee returned.

2nd session (1897/03/25 - 1897/06/29)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Government bill) Oliver Mowat An Act respecting the Employment of Children. 09.06.1897 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
B ( Government bill) Oliver Mowat An Act to further amend the Criminal code, 1892. 13.05.1897 Bill withdrawn, but leave was given to introduce another bill on the same subject.
G ( Government bill) Oliver Mowat An Act as to the jurisdiction of the Exchequer Court with respect to Railway debts. 19.05.1897 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours. Not reported back before prorogation June 29, 1897.

3rd session (1898/02/03 - 1898/06/13)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Private member's public bill) Charles A. Boulton An Act to amend the Canadian Mining Regulations for the Yukon. 31.03.1898 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
I ( Private bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to incorporate the Klondike and Peace River Railway Company. 03.06.1898 Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, the bill was withdrawn.
J ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act to incorporate the Lake Superior and Rocky Mountain Navigation Company. 03.06.1898 Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, the bill was withdrawn.

4th session (1899/03/16 - 1899/08/11)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
G ( Private bill) Mackenzie Bowell An Act respecting the Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada. 26.07.1899 Report of the Committee on Banking and Commerce, recommending that the bill be withdrawn was adopted.
L ( Private bill) Alexander Ogilvie An Act respecting the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. 26.07.1899 Report of the Committee on Banking and Commerce, recommending that the bill be withdrawn was adopted.

5th session (1900/02/01 - 1900/07/18)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private bill) William J. Macdonald An Act respecting the Royal Trust Company. 07.06.1900 Report of the Committee on Banking and Commerce, recommending that the bill be withdrawn was adopted.
S ( Private member's public bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to secure proportionate representation of shareholders on Boards of Directors of Corporations. 14.06.1900 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
^ 7th Parliament (1891/04/29 - 1896/04/24) 1st session (1891/04/29 - 1891/09/30)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private member's public bill) Francis Clemow An Act to amend Chapter ninety-one of the Revised Statutes of Canada, intituled "An Act respecting the Protection of Navigable Waters". 25.06.1891 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
O ( Private member's public bill) William J. Macdonald An Act respecting Divorce. 02.07.1891 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

2nd session (1892/02/25 - 1892/07/09)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
I ( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act respecting the Internal Economy of the Senate. 15.06.1892 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
J ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of Robert Bennett. 06.06.1892 Report of Select Committee on Divorce finding the Preamble not proven recommend that bill not be passed, adopted.
M ( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act to consolidate and amend the Act respecting Land in the Territories. 06.06.1892 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

3rd session (1893/01/26 - 1893/04/01)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
M ( Private member's public bill) George W. Allan An Act respecting the Trial of Juvenile Offenders. 23.03.1893 Bill withdrawn.

4th session (1894/03/15 - 1894/07/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
H ( Private bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Rocky Mountain Railway and Coal Company. 13.04.1894 Bill withdrawn.
J ( Private bill) James A. Lougheed An Act declaring and confirming to William Roper Hall, certain water rights and priviledges in Fish Creek, in the District of Alberta. 11.07.1894 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
R ( Private bill) Thomas-Alfred Bernier An Act respecting the Wood Mountain and Qu'Appelle Railway Company. 18.04.1894 Bill withdrawn.
BB ( Private member's public bill) Charles A. Boulton An Act to enable the Government of the North-West Territories to unite with the Government of the Province of Manitoba in the Construction of a Railway to Hudson Bay as a public work. 08.06.1894 Motion in amendment for 2nd reading in 6 months' hoist resolved in the affirmative.

5th session (1895/04/18 - 1895/07/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Government bill) Mackenzie Bowell An Act respecting Insolvency. 29.05.1895 Debate on motion to read the Bill six months hence, was adjourned.
B ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of William Wallace Colton. 17.07.1895 Report of the Standing Committee on Divorce recommending that the bill be not proceeded with is adopted.

6th session (1896/01/02 - 1896/04/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of James Pearson. 17.03.1896 5th report of the Standing Committee on Divorce recommending that leave be given to withdraw the bill is adopted.
G ( Private bill) James A. Lougheed An Act respecting the Rocky Mountain Railway and Coal Company. 13.04.1896 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
O ( Government bill) Donald Ferguson An Act further to amend the Fisheries Act. 16.04.1896 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
^ 6th Parliament (1887/04/13 - 1891/02/03) 1st session (1887/04/13 - 1887/06/23)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
K ( Private member's public bill) Thomas R. McInnes An Act to provide for the conveyance of Legislators and Judges free of charge over Railways. 10.06.1887 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
L ( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act to amend Chapter forty-three of the Revised Statutes of Canada, otherwise known as the "Indian Act". 10.06.1887 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
P ( Private member's public bill) Alexander Vidal An Act to repeal the Chinese Immigration Act. 17.06.1887 Motion that bill be restored to the Order papers and read 2nd time, withdrawn.

2nd session (1888/02/23 - 1888/05/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private bill) George C. McKindsey An Act for the relief of Mary Matilda White. 19.04.1888 Report of Select Committee given on April 13, 1888 recommending that the bill be not passed, was adopted.
K ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of William Henry Middleton. 21.05.1888 2nd report of Select Committee on Divorce adopted whereby the petitioner be allowed to continue proceedings next session of Parliament.
( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act to incorporate the Royal Victoria College. 11.05.1888 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

3rd session (1889/01/31 - 1889/05/02)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
H ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of Bennett Rosamond. 26.03.1889 Report of Select Committee on Divorce recommending that the bill be not further proceeded with and that it be withdrawn, is adopted.
K ( Private members' public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to amend Chapter 127 of the Revised Statutes, "An Act respecting Interest". 18.03.1889 Motion in amendment "six months' hoist" resolved in the affirmative.
Q ( Private member's public bill) Lawrence G. Power An Act to review certain Regulations respecting Fisheries in Nova Scotia. 03.04.1889 Motion in amendment for 3rd reading "this day three months" carried on a division.
R ( Private member's public bill) Francis Clemow An Act further to amend "The Bank Act" chapter one hundred and twenty of the Revised Statutes of Canada 03.04.1889 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
U ( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act further to amend the Adulteration Act, chapter one hundred and seven of the Revised Statutes. 15.04.1889 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

4th session (1890/01/16 - 1890/05/16)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
F ( Private member's public bill) William J. Macdonald An Act to amend "An Act respecting offences against the Law of Marriage". 04.03.1890 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
I ( Private bill) Francis Clemow An Act for the relief of David Philip Clapp. 22.04.1890 Select Committee on Divorce reported without amendment. Motion to adopt report negatived on division.
P ( Private member's public bill) Thomas R. McInnes An Act to provide for the use of the Gaelic Language in Official Proceedings. 18.03.1890 Order of the Day for 2nd reading lost on division.
Y ( Private member's public bill) Donald MacInnes An Act respecting the Reckoning of Time. 29.04.1890 Report of the Select Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours recommending that leave be granted to withdraw the bill, is adopted.
AA ( Private member's public bill) Robert B. Dickey An Act to amend "The Canada Temperance Act". 22.04.1890 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
EE ( Government bill) John J. Abbott An Act further to amend "The Dominion Lands Act". 14.05.1890 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private member's public bill) James A. Lougheed An Act to amend "The Railway Act" as respects running powers. 06.03.1890 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private member's public bill) Alexandre Lacoste An Act respecting Escapes from Industrial Schools in the Province of Ontario. 14.03.1890 Bill withdrawn.
^ 5th Parliament (1883/02/08 - 1887/01/15) 1st session (1883/02/08 - 1883/05/27)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
D ( Private bill) Henry A. Kaulback An Act for the relief of Peter Nicholson 23.04.1883 3rd report of the Select Committee recommending that the bill be not passed, as they find the Preamble not proven, is adopted.
J ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to amend and consolidate the Penitentiary Act of 1875, and the Acts in amendment thereof. 16.03.1883 Order of the Day for 2nd reading discharged.
M ( Private member's public bill) David Reesor An Act for the protection of Settlers on Dominion Lands in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. 30.04.1883 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
N ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act respecting certain offences against the State. 24.04.1883 Bill read 2nd time and referred to Select Committee, not reported back before prorogation May 25, 1883.
( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to further amend "The Indian Act, 1880". 07.05.1883 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

2nd session (1884/01/17 - 1884/04/19)

No bills during this session

3rd session (1885/01/29 - 1885/07/20)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private bill) Robert Read An Act for the relief of Charles Smith. 19.03.1885 2nd report of the Select Committee recommending that the bill be not passed, inasmuch as they found that there had been collusion and connivance on the part of the petitioner relative to the acts of adultery committed by his wife, is adopted.
Q ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to further amend "The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879". 27.05.1885 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
S ( Private member's public bill) James R. Gowan An Act to amend an Act respecting Offences against the Person. 01.05.1885 3rd reading negatived on division.

4th session (1886/02/25 - 1886/06/02)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
B ( Private member's public bill) James R. Gowan An Act to make further provision respecting Pawnbrokers. 17.05.1886 Order for 2nd reading discharged from the Orders of the Day.
^ 4th Parliament (1879/02/13 - 1882/05/18) 1st session (1879/02/13 - 1879/05/15)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
O ( Private member's public bill) François-Xavier-Anselme Trudel An Act to authorize and facilitate the liquidation of the affairs of Building Societies in the Province of Quebec. 12.05.1879 Report of the Select Committee on Banking and Commerce recommending that they be discharged from further consideration of the bill since the objects of the bill are fully met by the amendments since made to another bill on the same subject, which already passed both Houses. Report adopted.

2nd session (1880/02/12 - 1880/05/07)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Private bill) George W. Allan An Act to incorporate the Sault Ste. Marie Railway and Bridge Company. 13.04.1880 Select Committe on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours report that the promoters of the bill wish to withdraw it, wherefore the Committee wishes to be discharged from further consideration of the bill. Report adopted.
K ( Government bill) James C. Aikins An Act to remove doubts as to the true intent and meaning of Sub-section 2 of section 9 of the Canada Temperance Act 1878 and to further amend the said Act. 05.05.1880 Motion for the consideration of the amendment to the bill by the H. of C. on Wed. next (May 12, 1880) resolved in the affirmative, on division; prorogation May 7, 1880.

3rd session (1880/12/09 - 1881/03/21)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to amend Chapter 15 of 39 Victoria, 1876, intituled "An Act to make provision for the crossing of navigable waters by Railway or other Road Companies incorporated under Provincial Acts. 12.01.1881 Order for second reading discharged from the Orders of the Day.

4th session (1882/02/09 - 1882/05/17)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
H ( Private member's public bill) Joseph Bellerose An Act to amend the Consolidated Insurance Acts, 1877. 15.03.1882 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
L ( Private bill) James Ferrier An Act for the relief of Matthew Gardiner. 03.04.1882 2nd report of Select Committee read stating that the petitioner abandoned prosecution of the bill.
Q ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to make further provision in regard to the Supreme Court of Canada. 08.05.1882 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
R ( Government bill) James C. Aikins An Act to regulate the employment of labor in work shops, mills and factories and for other purposes. 11.05.1882 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
X ( Private member's public bill) Jedediah Carvell An Act relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes in the Province of Prince Edward Island. 28.04.1882 Order for 2nd reading discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private bill) George W. Allan An Act to amend the Act incorporating the English and Colonial Insurance Company. 15.03.1882 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
^ 3rd Parliament (1874/03/26 - 1878/08/17) 1st session (1874/03/26 - 1874/05/26)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) George Alexander An Act for the prevention of the adulteration of Food and Drink and of Drugs 24.04.1874 Bill referred to a Select Committee. Not reported back before prorogation May 26, 1874.
B ( Private bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to incorporate a Company by the name of the Crédit Foncier Royal. 11.05.1874 Select Committee on Banking, Commerce and Railways discharged from further consideration of the bill and bill withdrawn.
J ( Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to oblige Railway Companies to have telegraph lines along their Railways. 11.05.1874 Order for 2nd reading discharged from the Orders of the Day.
P ( Private member's public bill) David Reesor An Act to amend the Act 36 Victoria, Chapter 49, respecting the Inspection of certain Staple Articles of Canadian Produce. 15.05.1874 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
T ( Private bill) Abner R. McClelan An Act to incorporate the Hopewell Shipbuilding Company. 23.05.1874 Amendments made in the House of Commons not concurred in and the bill was discharged.
U ( Private member's public bill) Thomas Ryan An Act to repeal certain provisions of Law injurious to the free navigation of the River St. Lawrence. 21.05.1874 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

2nd session (1875/02/04 - 1875/04/08)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
N ( Private bill) Edward G. Penny An Act to enable Damon Rivers Averill to obtain Letters Patent of Invention for certain improvements in paint. 23.03.1875 Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills reported that the Preamble was not proven to their satisfaction. No further reports before prorogation on April 8, 1875.
( Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to amend the law relating to the taking of lands by Railway Companies. 06.04.1875 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day after 3rd reading.

3rd session (1876/02/10 - 1876/04/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
A ( Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to remove doubts respecting the validity of certain Elections in the Province of Quebec. 08.03.1876 Bill withdrawn from the Orders of the Day.
B ( Private bill) David Reesor An Act for the relief of Robert Campbell. 10.04.1876 Consideration of report of Select Committee postponed until the following session.
C ( Government bill) Richard Scott An Act to define and settle the duties, rights and liability of Commons Carriers in certain cases. 22.03.1876 Motion in amendment for 3 months' hoist resolved in the affirmative.
G ( Private bill) Joseph Bellerose An Act to incorporate the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Canada. 04.04.1876 Amendments by Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills concurred in and bill referred to Judges of the Supreme Court who reported that the bill fell under Provincial Legislation.
I ( Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to amend "The Insolvent Act of 1875" 05.04.1876 2nd reading continually postponed. Prorogation, April 12, 1876 (Note: in same session H. of C. bill passed.)

4th session (1877/02/08 - 1877/04/28)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Private member's public bill) Robert Read An Act to extend the Law as to the carrying of dangerous weapons. 20.03.1877 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private bill) Thomas Ryan An Act to incorporate the Canada Traffic Company. 24.04.1877 Six months' hoist ordered for consideration of the amendments made by the H. of C. Prorogation, April 28, 1877.

5th session (1878/02/07 - 1878/05/10)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Private bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to incorporate the Dominion Company. 04.04.1878 Report of the Select Committee on Banking, Commerce and Railways stating that the Preamble of the bill was not proven, ordered to lie on the Table.
I ( Private member's public bill) David Reesor An Act relating to incorporated Companies authorized to lend money. 28.03.1878 Motion for 2nd reading debated and resolved in the negative.
^ 2nd Parliament (1873/03/05 - 1874/01/02) 1st session (1873/03/05 - 1873/08/13)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
R ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act respecting a survey of Chaudière Island, Ottawa. 13.05.1873 Order for 2nd reading discharged.

2nd session (1873/10/23 - 1873/11/07)

No bills during this session
^ 1st Parliament (1867/11/06 - 1872/07/08) 1st session (1867/11/06 - 1868/05/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
C (Private bill) Donald McDonald An Act to incorporate the Dominion Life Insurance Association. 29.11.1867 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
D (Private bill) James Skead An Act to incorporate the Intercolonial Insurance Company. 12.12.1867 The report of the Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills was postponed until the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the classes of Acts for the Incorporation of Private Companies reported back on whether it fell withing parliamentary jurisdiction. No further reports from this Special Committee before prorogation on May 22, 1868.
S (Government bill) Jean-Charles Chapais An Act respecting Patents of Invention. 13.05.1868 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
V (Private member's public bill) David L. Macpherson An Act respecting Bank statements. 13.05.1868 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
Z (Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act for the release and surrender of Offenders wrongfully arrested in certain cases. 16.05.1868 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
(Private bill) Ulric J. Tessier An Act to continue the Charter of La Banque Nationale, and to provide for the increase of its Capital stock. 08.05.1868 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day

2nd session (1869/04/15 - 1869/06/22)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
M (Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act to facilitate and to render less expensive the collection of Promissory Notes in certain cases. 20.05.1869 Motion for 2nd reading and Bill withdrawn by leave of the House.
O ( Private bill) Walter McCrea An Act for the relief of George W. Jones. 10.06.1869 Adoption of the Select Committee Report recommending that they be discharged from further consideration of the Bill.
P ( Government bill) Peter Mitchell An Act respecting Masters and Mates of ships and shipping of seamen. 07.06.1869 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
X ( Private bill) John Ross An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Clifton Suspension Bridge Company. 04.06.1869 Bill read 2nd time and referred to the Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills.
Y ( Private bill) Ulric J. Tessier An Act to extend the Charter of La Banque Nationale, and to amend the same. 15.06.1869 Order of the Day for consideration of the bill and also of the amendments proposed by the Committee on Banking, Commerce, and Railways was discharged from the Orders of the Day.
EE ( Private bill) William Miller An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Union Bank of Lower Canada. 16.06.1869 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act respecting the Office for Speaker of the Senate of Canada. 31.05.1869 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private bill) William Miller An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts respecting the St. Lawrence Tow Boat Company. 16.06.1869 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

3rd session (1870/02/15 - 1870/05/12)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
J ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act for the relief of John Robert Martin. 10.05.1870 Report of the Select Committee recommending discharge of the bill, was adopted.
W ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to amend the Law respecting certain Returns to be made by Justices of the Peace. 10.05.1870 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private member's public bill) Ulric J. Tessier An Act to further amend the Acts respecting the improvement and management of the Harbour of Quebec. 22.03.1870 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.
( Private member's public bill) Jacques-Olivier Bureau An Act respecting limited partnerships for the purposes of Banking or making Insurance. 11.04.1870 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

4th session (1871/02/15 - 1871/04/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
E ( Government bill) Alexander Campbell An Act to authorize the Minister of Public Works to exempt the North Shore Railway Company from the obligation to build drawbridges over navigable rivers. 28.03.1871 Bill discharged from the Orders of the Day.

5th session (1872/04/11 - 1872/06/14)

Bill /
TitleDate of Final ConsiderationManner in Which Bill Was Concluded
( Private bill) William H. Odell An Act to incorporate the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. 13.06.1872 2nd reading continually postponed. (Prorogation, June 14, 1872).

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Updated on: 2007.01.15

Revised on: 2007.01.15