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 Parliament of Canada
Parliament Section
Women--Federal Political Representation 1867 to Date
Note: The political affiliations are those of the Senators at appointment and those of the MPs at first election to the House of Commons.
Search Criteria

^ Senate
Political AffiliationNumber of Women
Liberal 50
Progressive Conservative 18
Independent 3
Conservative 1
Conservative (2003) 1
New Democratic Party 1

^ House of Commons
Political AffiliationNumber of Women
Liberal 81
Progressive Conservative 37
Bloc Québécois 24
New Democratic Party 24
Conservative (2003) 10
Reform 7
Canadian Alliance 4
C.C.F. 1
Independent Conservative 1
Progressive 1
Unity 1

^ Senate and House of Commons
Political AffiliationNumber of Women
Liberal 131
Progressive Conservative 55
New Democratic Party 25
Bloc Québécois 24
Conservative (2003) 11
Reform 7
Canadian Alliance 4
Independent 3
C.C.F. 1
Conservative 1
Independent Conservative 1
Progressive 1
Unity 1


© Library of Parliament
Updated on: 2007.09.05

Revised on: 2007.09.05