Les Material History Bulletins/Bulletins d'histoire de la culture matérielle offrent un lieu de présentation d'articles et de rapports de recherche englobant une gamme d'approches de l'interprétation du passé par une analyse des relations des Canadiens et des Canadiennes avec leur monde matériel. Un examen de livres, d'expositions et de lieux historiques, d'études d'artefacts et de rapports concernant des collections et des conférences sont inclus. Les Bulletins furent publiés semestriellement par la Division de l'histoire du Musée national de l'Homme, de 1976 à 1986. À partir du numéro du printemps 1986 et jusqu'à celui de l'automne 1989, les Bulletins étaient coproduits avec le Musée national des sciences et de la technologie. Le Musée national des sciences et de la technologie a publié seul les éditions ultérieures. Tous les Bulletins étaient brochés, illustrés en noir et blanc et les contributions étaient dans la langue des auteurs. Ci-après se trouve la liste des articles publiés dans les Bulletins d'histoire de la culture matérielle du Musée national de l'Homme.


Material History Bulletins / Bulletins d'histoire de la culture matérielle provide a venue for articles and research reports encompassing a range of approaches in interpreting the past through an analysis of Canadians' relationship to their material world. Critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and historic sites, artifact studies and reports on collections and conferences are included. Bulletins were published twice yearly by the History Division of the National Museum of Man from 1976 to 1986. Beginning with the Spring 1986 edition and ending with the Fall 1989 edition, Bulletins were co-published with the National Museum of Science and Technology. Subsequent editions were published solely by the National Museum of Science and Technology. All Bulletins were paper bound, illustrated in black and white, and contributions were in the language of the authors. Listed below are the articles that appeared in the Material History Bulletins of the National Museum of Man.

1. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds / réds. Mercury Series, History No. 15 / No 15 de la Collection Mercure. 65 pages, 13 photographs / photographies, ISBN 0-662-50409-7 / 978-0-662-50409-2. Includes / Inclus:

ELWOOD, Marie. "Father and Son, Two Halifax Cabinetmakers," p. 7-14.

GALLACHER, Daniel T. "Curators vs. Exhibits and Extension: Definitions," p. 28-32.

MARTIN, Paul-Louis. « Le film ethnographique et l'histoire du milieu », p. 14-20.

NEWLANDS, David. "The Archaeological Investigation of Two Huron County, Ontario, Earthenware Potteries, " p. 20-28.

2. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds., 1977. Mercury Series, History No. 21 / No 21 de la Collection Mercure. 78 pages, 11 photographs / photographies. Includes / Inclus:

CARELESS, Virginia. "British Columbia Interiors," p. 42-47.

MAITLAND, Leslie. "The Dating of Ontario Samplers," p. 1-9.

RASTOUL, Pierre. « La chaumière québécoise », p. 19-42.

WARDROP, Jim. "British Columbia's Experience with Early Chain Saws," p. 9-19.

WATT, Robert D. "Early B.C. Sawmill Machinery: 1869," p. 47-55. 

3. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds., 1977. Spring / Printemps 1977. 93 pages, illustrated / illustré, ISBN 0-660-02084-X / 978-0-660-02084-6. Includes / Inclus:

ELWOOD, Marie. "The State Dinner Service of Canada, 1898," p. 41-50.

FOSS, Charles. "John Warren Moore: Cabinetmaker, 1812-1893," p. 31-41.

NEWLANDS, David. "A Catalogue of Spring Moulds from Two Huron County, Ontario, Earthenware Potteries," p. 15-31.

WHITEHEAD, Ruth Holmes. "Christina Morris: Micmac Artist and Artist's Model," p. 1-15.

4. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Fall / Automne 1977. 80 pages, illustrated / illustré, ISBN 0-660-50256-9 / 978-0-660-50256-4. Includes / Inclus:

HORVATH, George N. "The Newfoundland Copper Trade, " p. 2-30.

5. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps 1978. 84 pages, illustrated / illustré, ISBN 0-660-02083-1 / 978-0-660-02083-9. Includes / Inclus:

ARCHIBALD, Stephen. "Civic Ornaments: Ironwork in Halifax Parks," p. 1-12.

NEWLANDS, David L. "A Toronto Pottery Company Catalogue," p. 12-36.

6. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Fall / Automne 1978. 172 pages, illustrated / illustré, ISBN 0-660-50255-0 / 978-0-660-50255-7. Includes / Inclus:

KAELLGREN, C. Peter. "Glass Used in Canada: A Survey from the Early Nineteenth Century to 1940 (Ontario)," p. 1-31.

SHEELER, John. " Factors Affecting Attribution: The Burlington Glass Works," p. 31-52.

HANRAHAN, Paul. "Bottles in the Place Royal Collection," p. 52-74.

WATT, Robert D. "Art Glass Window Design in Vancouver," p. 74-115.

7. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps 1979. 120 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

SHEPARD, R. Bruce. "The Mechanized Agricultural Frontier of the Canadian Plains," p. 1-23.

ADAMS, John. "A Review of Clayburn Manufacturing and Products, 1905 to 1918," p. 23-43.

8. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Papers from Canada's Material History : A Forum, 13 March 1979 / Communications du collogue sur l'histoire matérielle au Canada du 1er au 3 mars 1979. Special Issue / Numéro spécial, 1979. 109 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

WALLOT, Jean-Pierre. « Culture matérielle et histoire », p. 11-21.

MANNION, John J. "Multidisciplinary Dimensions in Material History," p. 21-27.

WATT, Robert D. "Toward a Three-Dimensional View of the Canadian Past," p. 27-31.

INGOLFSRUD, Elizabeth. "Tangible Social History; The Ontario Furniture Collection of the National Museum of Man," p. 31-35.

HARDY, Jean-Pierre, et Thierry Ruddel. « Un projet sur l'histoire de la culture et de la société québécoises », p. 35-43.

GOA, David J. "The Incarnation of Meaning: Approaching the Material Culture of Religious Traditions," p. 43-53.

VERMETTE, Luce. « Sources archivistiques concernant la culture matérielle », p. 53-59.

KOLTUN, Lilly. "See is Believing? A Critique of Archival Visual Sources," p. 59-65.

POCIUS, Gerald L. "Oral History and the Study of Material Culture," p. 65-71.

MCINTYRE, W. John. "Artifacts as Sources for Material History Research," p. 71-77.

FENTON, Alexander. "Material History in Great Britain," p. 77-83.

GOY, Joseph. « L'histoire de la culture matérielle en France », p. 83-89.

SCHLERETH, Thomas J. "Material Culture Studies in America," p. 89-99.

ELWOOD, Marie. "A Museum Approach to Material History Studies," p. 99-103.

MARTIN, Paul-Louis. « Un passé en quête d'avenir », p. 103-106.

9. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Fall / Automne 1979. 84 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

CAMPBELL, Anita. "An Evaluation of Iconographic and Written Sources in the Study of a Traditional Technology: Maple Sugar Making," p. 1-37.

10. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps 1980. 123 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

ECKMANN BRENT, Martha. "A Stitch in Time: Sewing Machine Industry in Ontario, 1860-1897," p. 1-31.

DICKENSON, Victoria, and Valerie Kolonel. "Computer-Based Archival Research Project: A Preliminary Report," p. 31-62.

11. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Furniture in Canada / Le mobilier au Canada. Fall / Automne 1980. 147 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

FORTIER, Yvan, et Marcel Gauthier. « Les meubles meublants dans le répertoire du mobilier ancien du Québec », p. 1-19.

PEDDLE, Walter W. "Newfoundland Outport Furniture: An Interpretation," p. 19-36.

12. WATT, Robb, and / et Barbara Riley, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps 1981. 129 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

POCIUS, Gerald L. "Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland Gravestones: Self-sufficiency, Economic Specialization and the Creation of Artifacts," p. 1-17.

13. HARDY, Jean-Pierre, and / et James Wardrop, eds. / réds. Exploiting the Forest / Exploitation forestière. Fall / Automne 1981. 122 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

TURNER, Robert D. "Logging Railroads and Locomotives in British Columbia: A Background Summary and the Preservation Record," p. 3-21.

GRIFFIN, Robert B. "The Shingle Sawing Machine in British Columbia, 1901-1915," p. 21-39.

CURTIS, Chris. "Shanty Life in the Kawarthas, Ontario, 1850-1855," p. 39-51.

SÉGUIN, Normand, et René Hardy. « Forêt et société en Mauricie, 1850-1930 », p. 51-59.

GAUTHIER, Benôit. « La sous-traitance et l'exploitation forestière en Mauricie (1850-1875) », p. 59-69.

LAROSE, Michel. « Les contrats d'engagement des travailleurs forestiers de la Mauricie », p. 69-75.

FORTIN, Claire-Andrée. « Profil de la main-d'ouvre forestière en Mauricie d'après le recensement de 1861 », p. 75-83.

FORTIN, Claire-Andrée. « Les conditions de vie et de travail des bûcherons en Mauricie au 19e siècle », p. 83-97.

14. TISDEL, Gaston, and / et Robert D. Watt, eds. / réd. Spring / Printemps 1982. 118 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

BERVIN, George. « Espace physique et culture matérielle du marchand-négociant à Québec au début du XIXe siècle (1820-1830) », p. 1-19

LÉONIDOFF, Georges P. « L'habitat de bois en Nouvelle-France : son importance et ses techniques de construction », p. 19-37

RUSH, Anita. "Changing Women's Fashion and its Social Context, 1870-1905," p. 37-47.

15. TISDEL, Gaston, ed. Proceedings of the Atlantic Canada Institute Colloquium, Interiors: Cultural Patterns in the Atlantic Canadian Home. Special Issue, Summer 1982, 104 pages, illustrated. Includes:

POCIUS, Gerald L. "Interior Motives: Rooms, Objects, and Meaning," p. 5-11.

O'DEA, Shane. "The Development of Cooking and Heating Technology," p. 11-19.

DALE, Linda. "A Woman's Touch: Domestic Arrangements," p. 19-23.

WAREHAM, Wilfred W. "Aspects of Socializing and Partying in Outport Newfoundland," p. 23-27.

BUTLER, Gary R. "Sacred and Profane Space," p. 27-33.

DONOVAN, Kenneth. "Family Life and Living Conditions in Eighteenth Century Louisbourg," p. 33-49.

WHITFIELD, Carol M. "Barracks Life in the Nineteenth Century," p. 49-53.

WEBSTER, Donald Blake. "Furniture and the Atlantic Canada Condition," p. 53-61.

LACKEY, Thomas. "Folk Influence in Nova Scotia Interiors," p. 61-67.

ELWOOD, Marie. Halifax Cabinetmakers, 1837-1875: Apprenticeships," p.67-73.

ROGERS, Irene. "Cabinet-making in Prince Edward Island," p. 73-77.

DILWORTH, T. G. "Thomas Nisbet," p. 77-83.

GREENAWAY, Cora. "Decorated Walls and Ceilings in Nova Scotia," p. 83-89.

FOSS, Charles H. "Room Decorating and Furnishing in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century," p. 89.

ORR, David. "Traditional Furniture of Atlantic Canada," p. 89-95.

16. TISDEL, Gaston, ed. / réd. Ceramics in Canada / La céramique au Canada. Winter / Hiver, 1982. 122 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

ROSS, Lester. "The Archaeology of Canadian Potteries: An Evaluation of Production Technology, " p. 3-21.

COLLARD, Elizabeth. "Nineteenth-Century Canadian Importers' Marks," p. 21-31.

GETTY, Ronald. "The Medicine Hat and the Alberta Potteries," p. 31-41.

SUSSMAN, Lynne. "Comparing Ceramic Assemblages in Terms of Expenditure," p. 41-47.

HAMILTON, Jennifer. "Ceramics Destined for York Factory," p. 47-69.

COEDY, William, and J. D. MacArthur. "Characterization of Selected Nineteenth-Century Southern Ontario Domestic Earthenwares by Chemical Analysis," p. 69-75.

WEBSTER, Donald B. "The Prince Edward Island Pottery, 1880-98," p. 75-83.

DRAKICH, Sophie. "Eighteenth-Century Coarse Earthenwares Imported into Louisbourg," p. 83-99.

CARTER, John. "Spanish Olive Jars from Fermeuse Harbour, Newfoundland."

17. TISDEL, Gaston, ed. / réd. Material Conditions and Society in Lower Canada : Post mortem inventories / Civilisation matérielle au Bas-Canada : les inventaires après décès. Spring / Printemps, 1983. 149 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

HARDY, Jean-Pierre, David-Thiery Ruddel and / et Jean-Pierre Wallot. "Material Conditions and Society in Lower Canada, 1792-1835" / « Culture matérielle et société au Québec, 1792-1835 », p. 1-25.

PACQUETTE, Gilles, et Jean-Pierre Wallot. « Structures sociales et niveaux de richesse dans les campagnes du Québec, 1792-1812 », p. 25-45.

BERBVIN, George. « Environnement matériel et activités économiques des conseillers exécutifs et législatifs à Québec, 1810-1830 », p. 45-63.

HARDY, Jean-Pierre. « Niveaux de richesse et intérieurs domestiques dans le quartier Saint-Roch à Québec, 1820-1850 », p. 63-95.

RUDDEL, David-Thierry. "The Domestic Textile Industry in the Region and City of Quebec, 1792-1835," p. 95-127.

DESSUREAULT, Christian. « L'inventaire après décès et l'agriculture bas-canadienne », p. 127-139.

GADOURY, Lorraine. « Les stocks des habitants dans les inventaires après décès », p. 139-149.

18. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Fall / Automne, 1983. 80 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

RUSH, Anita. "The Bicycle Boom of the Gay Nineties: A Reassessment," p. 1-13.

SULLIVAN, Catherine. "The Bottles of Northrup and Lyman. A Canadian Drug Firm," p. 13-31.

19. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Spring / Printemps, 1984. 115 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

RUSSELL, Hilary. " 'Canadian Ways': An Introduction to Comparative Studies of Housework, Stoves and Diet in Great Britain and Canada," p. 1-13.

RADFORTH, Ian. "In the Bush: The Changing World of Work in Ontario's Pulpwood Logging Industry during the Twentieth Century," p. 13-25.

MCINTYRE, W. John. "From Workshop to Factory: The Furnituremaker," p. 25-37.

BARBER, Marilyn J. "Below Stairs: The Domestic Servant," p. 37-47.

20. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Fall / Automne, 1984. 114 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

MATHIEU, Jocelyne. « Le mobilier contenant : traitement comparatif Perche-Québec, d'après des inventaires des bien après décès des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles », p. 1-19.

PRENTICE, Alison. "From Household to School House: Emergence of the Teacher as Servant of the State," p. 19-31.

21. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Spring / Printemps, 1985. 77 pages, illustrated / illustré.

A selection of papers delivered at the Heritage Conference '85, "Children and Changing Perspectives on Childhood in the Nineteenth Century," Toronto by the Royal Ontario Museum. Includes / Inclus:

SCHLERETH, Thomas J. "The Material Culture of Childhood: Problems and Potential in Historical Explanation," p. 1-15.

NOWELL-SMITH, Felicity. "Feeding the Nineteenth-Century Baby: Implications for Museum Collections," p. 15-25

BATES, Christina. Beauty Unadorned: Dressing Children in Late Nineteenth-Century Ontario," p. 25-35.

RUSSELL, Hilary. "Training, Restraining, and Sustaining: Infant and Child Care in the Late Nineteenth Century," p. 35-51.

HOLMES, Janet. "Economic Choices and Popular Toys," p. 51-57.

TIVY, Mary. "Nineteenth-Century Canadian Children's Games," p. 57-65.

22. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Fall / Automne, 1985. 110 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

STIEB, Ernest W. "A Professional Keeping Shop: The Nineteenth-Century Apothecary," p. 1-11.

MCINTYRE, W. John. "Diffusion and Vision: A Case Study of the Ebenezer Doan House in Sharon, Ontario," p. 11-21.

CURTIS, Bruce. "The Playground in Nineteenth-Century Ontario: Theory and Practice," p. 21-31.

23. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Spring / Printemps, 1986. 83 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

GOA, David J. "Dying and Rising in the Kingdom of God: The Ritual Incarnation of the 'Ultimate' in Eastern Christian Culture," p. 1-13.

HALL, Roger, and Bruce Bowden. "Beautifying the Boneyard: The Changing Image of the Cemetery in Nineteenth-Century Ontario," p. 13-25.

POCIUS, Gerald L. "The Transformation of the Traditional Newfoundland Cemetery: Institutionalizing the Secular Dead," p. 25-35.

24. RILEY, Barbara, ed. / réd. Fall / Automne, 1986. 67 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

DAWSON, Joyce Taylor. "An Analysis of Liturgical Textiles at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons," p. 1-13.

25. RILEY, Barbara, Jean-Pierre Hardy, and / et Geoff Rider, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps, 1987. 89 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

MCGAHAN, Elizabeth W. "Inside the Hallowed Walls: Convent Life through Material History," p. 1-11.

COATES, Colin M. "Monuments and Memories: The Evolution of British Columbian Cemeteries, 1850-1950," p. 11-21.

CONDON, Ann Gorman. "Loyalist Style and the Culture of the Atlantic Seaboard," p. 21-29.

26. FINLEY, A. Gregg, Jean-Pierre Hardy, and / et Geoff Rider, eds. / réds. Fall / Automne, 1987. 62 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

KLYMASZ, Robert B. "Crucial Trends in Modern Ukrainian Embroidery," p. 1-7.

MATHIEU, Jacques, Georges-Pierre Léonidoff, et John R. Porter. « L'objet et ses contextes », p. 7-19.

HAWKER, Ronald W. "Monuments in the Nineteenth-Century Public Cemeteries of Victoria, British Columbia," p. 19-27.

27. FINLEY, A. Greg, Jean-Pierre Hardy, and / et Geoff Rider, eds. / réds. Spring / Printemps, 1988. 92 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

SUMMERS, John. "Beyond Brown Bread and Oatmeal Cookies: New Directions for Historic Kitchens," p. 1-15.

MACKINNON, Richard. "Carriage Making in St. John's, Newfoundland: A Folkloristic Perspective on a Historical Industry," p. 15-27.

COLLINS, John B. "Design in Industry Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, 1946: Turning Bombers into Lounge Chairs," p. 27-39.

28. RIDER, Peter E., ed. / réd. Fall / Automne, 1988. 90 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus :

MARCHAND, Suzanne. « L'impact des innovations technologiques sur la vie quotidienne des Québécoise du début du XXe siècle (1910-1940) », p. 1-15.

MACDONALD, M. A. "Before the Loyalists: The Material Culture of New Brunswick's Early English Settlers," p. 15-35

LEUNG, Felicity L. "Japanese Wallpaper in Canada, 1880s-1930s," p. 35-43.

29. RIDER, Peter E., ed. / réd. The Ukrainians in Canada, 1891-1991 / Les Ukrainiens au Canada, 1891-1991. Spring / Printemps 1989. 127 pages, illustrated / illustré, $5.95 / 5,95 $, ISBN 0-660-50294-1 / 978-0-660-50294-6. Includes / Inclus:

LEHR, John C. "The Ukrainian Sacred Landscape: A Metaphor of Survival and Acculturation," p. 3-13.

GOA, David J. "Three Urban Parishes: A Study of Sacred Space," p. 13-25.

HRYNIUK, Stella. "A Heritage Lost: The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, 1927-1983," p. 25-37.

MELNYCKY, Peter. "Draught Horses and Harnesses among Early Ukrainian Settlers in East-Central Alberta," p. 37-45.

BILASH, Radomir B. "Ukrainian Peel Ovens in Western Canada," p. 45-55.

30. RIDER, Peter E., ed. / réd. Fall 1989 / Automne 1989. 83 pages, illustrated / illustré. Includes / Inclus:

TYE, Diane. "Retrospective Analysis of Folk History: A Nova Scotian Case History," p. 1-9.

TRANT, Jennifer. "The Krug Brothers' Furniture Factory, Chelsey, Ontario: Industrialization and Furniture Design in the Late Nineteenth Century," p. 9-25.

MCCULLOUGH, A.B. "Technology and Textile Mill Architecture in Canada," p. 25-39.

MATHER, Ken. "Material History in situ - Original Furniture at O'Keefe Historic Ranch," p. 39-47.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
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