De 1972 à 1983, la Division de l'histoire du Musée national de l'Homme a publié la Urban History Review/Revue d'histoire urbaine en association avec le Comité d'histoire urbaine de la Société historique du Canada. La revue couvre le domaine des études urbaines, en portant une attention toute particulière à la dimension historique. Elle paraissait trois fois par année, chaque année commençant par un numéro 1. À partir de juin 1983, en commençant avec le volume 12, numéro 1, elle n'a plus été publiée que par l'Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. Les Reviews, qui étaient brochées, comprenaient des articles, des comptes rendus de livre et des commentaires rédigés dans la langue des contributeurs. Seuls les articles publiés en association avec le Musée sont mentionnés ci-après.


The Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine was published by the History Division of the National Museum of Man in association with the Urban History Committee of the Canadian Historical Association from 1972 to 1983. The review encompasses the field of urban studies with special attention given to the historical dimension. It was published three times a year, each year beginning with issue number 1. As of June 1983, commencing with volume 12, number 1, it was published solely by the Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. The Reviews, which were paper bound, included articles, book reviews and commentaries written in the language of the contributors. Only the articles of the issues published in association with the Museum are listed below.

Urban History Review, No. 1 (February 1972) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1 (février 1972). 23 pages, ISBN 0-660-50259-3 / 978-0-660-50259-5. Includes / Inclus:

ARTIBISE, Alan. "The Urban Development of Winnipeg, 1874-1914," p. 5-7.

LINTEAU, Paul-André. « L'histoire urbaine au Québec : bilan et tendances », p. 7-11.

ARMSTRONG, F. H. "Urban History in Canada: State and Future Prospects," p. 11-15.

STELTER, Gilbert A. "The Use of Selected Quantifiable Sources in Canadian Urban History," p. 15-23.

Urban History Review, No. 2 (June 1972) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2 (juin 1972). 24 pages, ISBN 0-660-50257-7 / 978-0-660-50257-1. Includes / Inclus:

"Resources for the Study of Urban History in the Public Archives of Canada." 11 pages.

BELL, M. "Paintings, Drawings and Prints Section," p. 3-6.

GILLIS, Peter. "Manuscript Division," p. 6-8.

DAHL, Edward D. "The National Map Collection," p. 8-11.

BIRRELL, A. J. "Photographic Resources," p. 11-14.

ARTIBISE, Alan. "Researching Winnipeg, Part II," p. 14-19.

RIIS, Nelson. "Settlement Abandonment ─ A Case Study of Walhachin, B.C." p. 19-24.

Notes and Inquiries / Notes et enquêtes, p. 24.

Urban History Review, No. 3 (November 1972) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3 (novembre 1972). 21 pages, ISBN 0-660-50258-5 / 978-0-660-50258-8. Includes / Inclus:

ODGEN, R. Lynn. "The Records of Business and the Urban Historian," p. 2-6.

GRAFF, Harvey J. "Approaches to the Historical Study of Literacy," p. 6-12.

CROSS, D. S., and J. G. Dudley. "Comparative Study of Street Directories and Census Returns for 1871," p. 12-17.

Urban History Review, No. 1-73 (May 1973) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1-73 (mai 1973). 28 pages, ISBN 0-660-50260-7 / 978-0-660-50260-1. Includes / Inclus:

HAYWARD, Robert J. "Sources for Urban Historical Research: Insurance Plans and Land Use Atlases," p. 1-10.

KNIGHT, David B., and John Clark. "Some Reflections on a Conference on the Historical Urbanization of North America," p. 10-15.

MARSHAL, John U. "Geography's Contribution to the Historical Study of Urban Canada," p. 15-24.

Notes and Inquiries / Notes et enquêtes, p. 24-28.

Urban History Review, No. 2-73 (October 1973) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2-73 (octobre 1973). 28 pages, ISBN 0-660-50261-5 / 978-0-660-50261-8. Includes / Inclus:

MARPLE, David. "The Utility of Quantitative Sources in the Study of Transportation and the Growth of Ontario and Quebec Urban Hierarchy, 1861-1901: An Example,"

p. 2-8.

PRESSMAN, Norman E. P. "The Built Environment: A Planning Approach to the Study of Past Urban Settlement," p. 8-13.

LEMON, James T. "Approaches to the Study of the Urban Past: Geography," p. 13-20.

STELTER, Gilbert. "A Sense of Time and Place: The Historian's Approach to the Urban Past," p. 20-23.

BELLAN, Reuben. "Commentary: Approaches to the Urban Past," p. 23-26.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 26-28.

Urban History Review, No. 3-73 (February 1974) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-73 (février 1974). 22 pages, ISBN 0-660-50256-3 / 978-0-660-50256-4. Includes / Inclus:

JAMES, R. Scott. "The City of Toronto Archives," p. 2-10.

KNIGHT, David. "Boosterism and Locational Analysis or One Man's Swan is Another Man's Goose," p. 10-17.

LINTEAU, Paul- André. « La société Montréalaise au 19e siècle », p. 17-20.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 20-22.

Urban History Review, No. 1-74 (June 1974) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1-74 (juin 1974). 25 pages, ISBN 0-660-50263-1 / 978-0-660-50263-2. Includes / Inclus:

MIGNER, Robert-Maurice. « Le bossisme politique à Montréal: Camillien Houde remplace Méderic Martin (1923-1929) », p. 2-9.

CARELESS, J. M. S. "Urban Development in Canada," p. 9-14.

CLARK, S. D. "Canadian Urban Development," p. 14-20.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 20-25.

Urban History Review, No. 2-74 (October 1974) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2-74 (octobre 1974). 26 pages, ISBN 0-660-50264-X / 978-0-660-50264-9. Includes / Inclus:

GéRIN-LAJOIE, Henri. « Les archives municipale de la ville de Montréal », p. 2-5.

CROSS, L. Doreen. "Locating Selected Occupations: Ottawa, 1870," p. 5-15.

ROBERTS, David. "Social Structure in a Commercial City: Saint John, 1871," p. 15-19.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 19-26.

Urban History Review, No. 3-74 (February 1975) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-74 (février 1975). 20 pages, ISBN 0-660-50265-8 / 978-0-660-50265-6. Includes / Inclus:

LAROSE, Helen. "The City of Edmonton Archives," p. 2-8.

KLASSEN, Henry C. "Social Troubles in Calgary in the Mid-1890s," p. 8-18.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 18-20.

Urban History Review, No. 1-75 (June 1975). The Canadian City in the 19th Century. 56 pages, English only, ISBN 0-660-50266-6 / 978-0-660-50266-3. Includes:

STELTER, G. "Introduction," p. 2-7.

SUTHERLAND, D. "Halifax," p. 7-12.

WALLACE, C. "St. John," p. 12-22.

RUDDELL, T., and M. Lafrance. "Quebec City," p. 22-31.

LINTEAU, P.-A. "Montreal," p. 31-36.

TAYLOR, J. "Ottawa," p. 36-38.

SPENCER, S. "Toronto," p. 38-43.

ARTIBISE, A. "Winnipeg," p. 43-51.

MACDONALD, N. "Vancouver," p. 51-55.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 55-56.

Urban History Review, No. 2-75 (October 1975) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2-75 (octobre 1975).

42 pages, ISBN 0-660-50267-4 / 978-0-660-50267-0. Includes / Inclus:

TROPER, Harold. "Images of the 'Foreigner' in Toronto, 1900-1930: A Report," p. 1-9.

DAHMS, Frederic A. "Some Quantitative Approaches to the Study of Central Places in the Guelph Area, 1891-1970," p. 9-31.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 31-42.

Urban History Review, No. 3-75 (February 1976) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-75 (février 1976). 73 pages, ISBN 0-660-50268-2 / 978-0-660-50268-7. Includes / Inclus:

LAFRANCE, Marc. « Evolution physique et politiques urbaines : Québec sous le règime français », p. 3-23.

MUISE, D. A. "The Dun and Bradstreet Collection: A Report," p. 23-27.

STELTER, Gilbert A. "Current Research in Canadian Urban History," p. 27-37.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 37-73.

Urban History Review, No 1-76 (June 1976) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1-76 (juin 1976). 48 pages, ISBN 0-660-50269-0 / 978-0-660-50269-4. Includes / Inclus:

OTTER, A. A. Den. "Coal Town in Wheat Country: Lethbridge, Alberta, 1885-1905,"

p. 3-6.

VAN NUS, Walter. "Sources for the History of Urban Planning in Canada, 1890-1939," p. 6-10.

WELCH, Edwin. "The City of Ottawa Archives," p. 10-14.

NORRIS, Darrell A. "Some Comments Concerning a Meeting of Ontario Historical Geographers," p. 14-21.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 21-48.

Urban History Review, No 2-76 (October 1976). Approaches to the History of Urban Reform. 109 pages, English only, ISBN 0-660-50270-4 / 978-0-660-50270-0. Includes:

WEAVER, John. "Introduction," p. 3-12.

BAKER, M. "The Politics of Municipal Reform in St. John's, Newfoundland, 1888-1892," p. 12-30.

KUTCHER, S. "J.W. Bengough and the Millenium in Hogtown: A Study of Motivation in Urban Reform," p. 30-50.

NELLES, H. V., and C. Armstrong. "The Great Fight for Clean Government," p. 50-67.

Book Notes / Notes de livre, p. 67-76.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 76-88.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 88-109.

Urban History Review, No 3-76 (February 1977) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-76 (février 1977). 82 pages, ISBN 0-660-50271-2 / 978-0-660-50271-7 Includes / Inclus:

MCGGAHAN, Elizabeth. "The Port of Saint John, New Brunswick, 1867-1911: Exploration of an Ecological Complex," p. 3-14.

JARVIS, Eric. "Municipal Compensation Cases: Toronto in the 1860s," p. 14-23.

PIVA, Michael J. "Workers and Tories: The Collapse of the Conservative Party in Urban Ontario, 1908-1919," p. 23-40.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 40-55.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 55-63.

Book Notes / Notes de livre, p. 63-82.

Urban History Review No. 1-77 (June 1977) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1-77 (juin 1977). 119 pages, ISBN 0-660-50272-0 / 978-0-660-50272-4. Includes / Inclus:

STELTER, Gilbert A. "Canada's Urban Past" Canadian Urban History Conference,"

p. 3-33.

DOYLE-FRENIERE, Murielle. « Les archives de la ville de Québec », p. 33-38.

FOX, M. F. "Birds Eye Views of Canadian Cities: A Review," p. 38-46.

LUTMAN, John H. "Conducting Urban Heritage Surveys: A Case Study of London, Ontario," p. 46-55.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires" p.55-88.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 88-107.

Book Notes / Notes de livre, p. 107-119.

Urban History Review No. 2-77 (October 1977) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 2-77 (octobre 1977). 134 pages, ISBN 0-660-50273-9 / 978-0-660-50273-1. Includes / Inclus:

MCKEE, Bill. "The Resources of the Vancouver City Archives," p. 3-10.

ARMSTRONG, Frederick H., and Edward C. Phelps. "Urban Preservation and the Municipal Advisory Committee in London, Ontario," p. 10-20.

WEAVER, John C. "Edmonton's Perilous Course, 1904-1929," p. 20-33.

STECK, Warren F., and William A. S. Sarjeant. "The History and Achievements of the Saskatoon Environmental Society," p. 33-55.

BREEN, David H. "Calgary: The City and the Petroleum Industry since World War Two," p. 55-72.

KNIGHT, David B., and John H. Taylor. "Canada's Urban Past: a Report on the Canadian Urban History Conference," p. 72-101.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 87-101.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 101-134.

Urban History Review No. 3-77 (February 1978) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-77 (février 1978). 126 pages, ISBN 0-660-50274-7 / 978-0-660-50274-8. Includes / Inclus:

DOUCET, M. J. "Mass Transit and the Failure of Private Ownership: The Case of Toronto," p. 3-34.

SELWOOD, H. J. "Urban Development and the Streetcar: The Case of Winnipeg, 1881-1014," p. 34-42.

DAY, R. J. "Edmonton Civic Politics, 1891-1914," p. 42-69.

JAMESON, S. S. "The Archives of the Glenbow-Alberta Institute (Calgary),"p. 69-80.

BALDWIN, D. "Primary Source Materials for the History of Northern Ontario Mining Towns: The Case of Cobalt," p. 80-86.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 86-99.

Book Reviews and Notes / Comptes rendus et notes, p. 99-126.

Urban History Review No. 1-78 (June 1978) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 1-78 (juin 1978). 131 pages, ISBN 0-660-50275-5 / 978-0-660-50275-5. Includes / Inclus:

MACDERMAID, Anne. "The City of Kingston Archives," p. 3-9.

FORWARD, Charles N. "Regina and Saskatoon as Retirement Centres," p. 9-18.

GIDNEY, Norman. "From Coal to Forest Products: The Changing Resource Base of Nanaimo, B.C.," p. 18-48.

GASKELL, S. M. "First International Conference on the History of Urban and Regional Planning: A Report," p. 48-57.

CHECKLAND, S. G. "Urban History in the British Idiom," p. 57-78.

PRESSMAN, N., and K. Lauder. "Resource Towns as New Towns," p. 78-96.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 96-111.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 111-131.

Urban History Review No. 2-78 (October 1978). Immigrants in the City. 1978. 125 pages, English only, ISBN 0-660-50276-3 / 978-0-660-50276-2. Includes:

HARNEY, Robert F., and Harold Troper. "Introduction," p. 3-8.

HARNEY, Robert F. "Boarding and Belonging: Thoughts on Sojourner Institutions,"

p. 8-38.

STURINO, Franc. "A Case Study of a South Italian Family in Toronto, 1935-1960,"

p. 38-58.

PETROFF, Lillian. "Macedonians in Toronto: From Encampment to Settlement,"

p. 58-74.

POLYZOI, Elouessa. "The Greek Communal School and Cultural Survival in Pre-war Toronto," p. 74-96.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 96-106.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 106-125.

Urban History Review No. 3-78 (February 1979) / Revue d'histoire urbaine no 3-78 (février1979). 148 pages, ISBN 0-660-50277-1 / 978-0-660-50277-9. Includes / Inclus:

GERMAIN, Annick. «Histoire urbaine et histoire de l'urbanisation au Québec », p. 3-23.

TUNBRIDGE, J. E. "Separation of Residence from Workplace: A Kingston Example,"

p. 23-33.

MCKEE, W. C. "The Vancouver Park System, 1886-1929: A Product of Local Businessmen," p. 33-50.

TOUEZ, J.-P. « L'utilisation des cartes historiques dans l'analyse de l'évolution des sols en milieu urbain : le cas de Sherbrooke », p. 50-60.

DAVIS, D. F. "Mass Transit and Private Ownership: An Alternative Perspective on the Case of Toronto," p. 60-99.

CARELESS, J. M. S. "Metropolis and Region: The Interplay Between City and Region in Canadian History Before 1914," p. 99-119.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 119-127.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 127-148.

ARTIBISE, Alan F., and / et Irene Artibise, 1978. Index for the Urban History Review / Index pour la Revue d'histoire urbaine, 1972-1977. History Mercury Series 24 / Collection Mercure de l'Histoire 24. 40 pages, bilingual / bilingue, ISBN 0-662-11202-4 / 978-0-662-11202-0.

Index of the first six years of the publication of the Urban History Review / La revue d'histoire urbaine published by the History Division, National Museum of Man in association with the Urban History Committee of the Canadian Historical Association by author, subject, and book review. / Index par auteur, sujet et critique de livre des six premières années de publication de l'Urban History Review/La revue d'histoire urbaine, publiée par la Division de l'histoire, Musée national de l'Homme, en association avec le Comité d'histoire urbaine de la Société historique du Canada.

Urban History Review Vol. VIII. No. 1 (June 1979). Fire, Disease and Water in the Nineteenth Century City. 144 pages, English only. Includes:

ARTIBISE, Alan F. J. "An Editorial," p. 3-7.

TAYLOR, John H. "Introduction," p. 7-38.

FEAR, Jon. "Ottawa's Lumber Interests and the Great Fire of 1900," p. 38-66.

LLOYD, Sheila. "The Ottawa Typhoid Epidemics of 1911 and 1912," p. 66-90.

WARFE, Chris. "The Search for Pure Water in Ottawa, 1910-1915," p. 90-113.

TAYLOR, John H. "A Bibliography," p. 113-116.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 116-128.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 128-144.

Urban History Review Vol. VIII. No. 2 (October 1979) / Revue d'histoire urbaine, vol. VIII, no 2 (octobre 1979). 127 pages. Includes / Inclus:

THOMAS, Lewis G. "Okotoks: From Trading Post to Suburb," p. 3-23.

RUDIN, Ronald. "Land Ownership and Urban Growth: The Experience of Two Quebec Towns, 1840- 1914," p. 23-47.

BRADBURY, J. H. "New Settlements Policy in British Columbia," p. 47-77.

FORAN, Max. "The Boosters in Boosterism: Some Calgary Examples," p. 77-83.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 83-104.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 104-127.

Urban History Review Vol. VIII. No. 3 (February 1980) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. VIII, no 3 (février 1980). 184 pages. Includes / Inclus :

DAHMS, F. A. "The Changing Functions of Villages and Hamlets in Wellington County, 1881-1971," p. 3-20.

MIDDLETON, Diana J., and David F. Walker. "Manufacturers and Industrial Development Policy in Hamilton, 1890-1910," p. 20-47.

KILPATRICK, Alexander Bruce. "A Lesson in Boosterism: The Contest for the Alberta Provincial Capital, 1904-1906," p. 47-110.

STAVE, Bruce M. "Interview: Urban History in Canada. A Conversation with Alan F. J. Artibise," p. 110-144.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 144-160.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 160-174.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 174-184.

Urban History Review Vol. IX, No. 1 (June 1980) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. IX, no 1 (juin 1980). 168 pages. Includes / Inclus:

BLOOMFIELD, Elizabeth. "Town Planning Efforts in Kitchener-Waterloo, 1912-1925," p. 3-49.

MEEN, Sharon P. "Holy Day or Holiday? The Giddy Trolley and the Canadian Sunday, 1890-1914," p. 49-64.

NOBLE, E. J. "Entrepreneurship and Nineteenth Century Urban Growth: A Case Study of Orillia, Ontario, 1867-1898," p. 64-90.

SHRIMPTON, Mark, and C. A. Sharpe. "An Inner City in Decline: St. John's, Newfoundland," p.90-110.

STELTER, Gilbert A. "Current Research in Canadian Urban History," p. 110-129.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 129-141.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendu," p. 141-161.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 161-168.

Urban History Review Vol. IX, No. 2 (October 1980). Aspects of Urban Heritage. 156 pages, English only. Includes:

TAYLOR, John H. "Introduction," p. 3-5.

BUGGEY, Susan. "Building in Mid-Nineteenth Century Halifax," p. 5-21.

NEWTON, Michael. "The Search for Heritage in Ottawa's Lower Town," p. 21-38.

HANNA, David B. "Creation of an Early Victorian Suburb in Montreal," p. 38-65.

KONARD, Victor A., and S. Martin Taylor. "Retrospective Orientations in Metropolitan Toronto," p. 65-87.

Research Note / Note de recherché, BATOR, P. A. "Public Health Reform in Canada and Urban History: A Critical Survey, p. 87-103.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 103-123.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 123-150.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 150-156.

BORAH, Woodrow, Jorgé Hardoy, and Gilbert Stetler, eds., 1980. Urbanization in the Americas: The Background in Comparative Perspective. 155 pages, illustrated, maps, English only, ISBN 0-660-10349-4 / 978-0-660-10349-5.

A special issue of the Urban History Review, this is a collection of papers that were presented at the Symposium, Urbanization in the Americas, held in conjunction with the International Congress of Americanists, Vancouver, 1979.

Urban History Review Vol. IX, No. 3 (February 1981) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. IX, no 3 (février 1981). 136 pages. Includes:

TAYLOR, John H. "Mayors a la Mancha: An Aspect of Depression Leadership in Canadian Cities," p. 3-15.

BASKERVILLE, Peter A. "Entrepreneurship and the Family Compact: York-Toronto, 1822-1855," p. 15-35.

BAKER, Melvin. "The Establishment of Commission Government in St. John's, Newfoundland, 1914," p. 35-52.

MCCANN, L. D. "The Myth of the Metropolis: The Role of the City in Canadian Regionalism," p. 52-59.

Research Note / Note de recherche: BLOOMFIELD, E. "Municipal Bonusing of Industry: The Legislative Framework in Ontario to 1930," p. 59-77.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 77-93.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 93-130.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 130-136.

BORAH, Woodrow, Jorge Hardoy and Gilbert A. Stelter, eds. 1980. Urbanization in the Americas: The Background in Comparative Perspective. Special Issue, Urban History Review. 155 pages, illustrated, English only, ISBN 0-660-10349-4 / 978-0-660-10349-5.

This is a collection of papers presented at the symposium, Urbanization in the Americas, held in conjunction with the International Congress of Americanists at Vancouver, August 10-17, 1979. They provide a multi-disciplinary approach to urban development in Latin America, the United States and Canada.


Urban History Review Vol. X, No. 1 (June 1981) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. X, no 1 (juin 1981). 68 pages. Includes / Inclus:

SAARINEN, O. W. "Provincial Land Use Planning Initiatives in the Town of Kapuskasing," p. 1-17.

DIRKS, Patricia. "The Public Power Movement in Quebec City, 1929-1934," p. 17-31.

WHITE, William A. "Toronto's Reluctant Entrance into the Railway Mania of the 1850s," p. 31-39.

RAMIREZ, Bruno. "Montreal's Italians and the Socioeconomy of Settlement: Some Historical Hypothesis," p. 39-49.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 49-55.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 55-63.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 63-68.

Urban History Review Vol. X, No. 2 (October 1981) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. X, no 2 (octobre 1981). 68 pages. Includes / Inclus:

NORRIS, Darrell A. "Theory and Observation: A Perspective on Consumer Trip Behaviour and the Decline of the Ontario Hamlet," p. 1-13.

HUM, Derek, and Paul Phillips. "Growth, Trade and Urban Development of Staple Regions," p. 13-25.

HOMEL, Gene H. "Toronto's Sunday Tobogganing Controversy of 1912," p. 25-35.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 35-41.

Bibliography / Bibliographie, p. 41-57.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 57-65.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 65-68.

Urban History Review Vol. X, No. 3 (February 1982) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. X, no 3 (février 1982). 82 pages. Includes / Inclus:

MACDOUGALL, Heather A. "The Genesis of Public Health Reform in Toronto, 1869-1890," p. 1-11.

BAUREISS, Gunther, and Leo Driedger. "Winnipeg Chinatown: Demographic, Ecological and Organizational Change, 1900-1980," p. 11-25.

FORWARD, Charles N. "The Development of Canada's Five Leading National Ports," 25-47.

Research Notes / Notes de recherche, p. 47-57.

Contributors / Collaborateurs, p. 57.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 57-67.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 67-80.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 80-82.

Urban History Review Vol. XI, No. 1 (June 1982) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. XI, no 1 (juin 1982). 72 pages. Includes / Inclus:

RUDIN, Ronald. "Boosting the French Canadian Town: Municipal Government and Urban Growth in Quebec, 1850-1900," p. 1-11.

TUNBRIDGE, J. E. "Home-Workplace Separation in Kingston: The Legal and Medical Professions ─ Past, Present, and Future," p. 11-17.

EATON, Leonard K. " Warehouses and Warehouse Districts in Mid-American Cities,"

p. 17-27.

CAVETT, Mary Ellen, H. John Selwood and John C. Lehr. "Social Philosophy and the Early Development of Winnipeg's Parks," p. 27-40.

Contributors / Collaborateurs, p. 40.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 41-59.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 59-67.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 67-72.

Urban History Review Vol. XI, No. 2 (October 1982) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. XII, no 2 (octobre 1982). 92 pages. Includes / Inclus :

SIMPSON, Michael. "Thomas Adams in Canada, 1914-1930," p. 1-17.

EATON, Leonard K. "Winnipeg: The Northern Anchor of the Wholesale Trade," p. 17-31.

TITTLER, Robert. "Recent Research in English Urban History, c. 1450-1650," p. 31-41.

GOWANS, Alan. "Canada's Urban History in Architecture, Part One," p. 41-53.

Contributors / Collaborateurs, p. 53.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 53-59.

Bibliography / Bibliographie, p. 59-85.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 85-89.

Book Notes / Notes bibliographiques, p. 89-91.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 91-92.

Urban History Review Vol. XI, No. 3 (February 1983) / Revue d'histoire urbaine vol. XI, no 3 (février 1983). 95 pages. Includes / Inclus:

MCDONALD, Robert A. J. "The Business Elite and Municipal Politics in Vancouver,"

p. 1-15.

NÖEL, Ginette. « L'archivistique et la gestion des documents dans les municipalités du Québec », p. 15-25.

DUFRESNE, Sylvie. « Le carnaval d'hiver de Montréal, 1883-1889 », p. 25-47.

GOWANS, Alan. "Canada's Urban History in Architecture, Part II," p.47-61.

PLATT, D. C. M. "Financing the Expansion of Cities, 1860-1914," p. 61-67.

Research Note / Note de recherche, p. 67-73.

Contributors / Collaborateurs, p. 73.

Notes and Comments / Notes et commentaires, p. 73-81.

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus, p. 81-93.

Thesis Abstracts / Résumés des thèses, p. 93-95.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
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