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Earth Observation
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Events and Workshops

Atmospheric Environment

ETON Celebration Event
March 23 and 24, 2007
Atmospheric sciences workshop
September 29 and 30, 2005

Physical Science in Space

2nd International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space held jointly with Spacebound 2004
May 23 to 27, 2004

Annual Review of Research Supported by the Physical Sciences Program
November 24 to 26, 2004

Space Astronomy

Canadian Space Astronomy Workshop (CSAW)
November 23 – 24, 2006

Science Data

Science Data WorkshopNEW!
October 2 and 3, 2007

Space Exploration

Exploration Canada 2006
October 17 and 18, 2006

The 5th Canadian Space Exploration Workshop (CSEW5)
May 12 to 13, 2005

Space Life Science

Canadian Workshop on Bed Rest StudiesNEW!
November 13 and 14, 2007

Humans in Space Symposium
May 18 to 22, 2003


Updated: 2007/08/29 Important Notices