Do you have a film, short video, photos, audio, text, or a good idea to submit to CITIZENShift? Tell us about it! We welcome new submissions or submissions that complement existing content on the site.

We are currently working on the following features: Haiti, alternative education, child poverty.

How to Submit a Proposal

Simply address the following questions and send it to citizen (at)
  1. Your name, email address, phone number, province and country.
  2. The title of your project and a short paragraph on what it is about.
  3. If you are proposing a full feature, write a short paragraph on why you feel it should be on CitizenShift?
  4. Are there any ongoing campaigns or organizations currently active in the area of your social issue? Tell us a little about them and include links.
  5. If available, send us your media on the topic, including: videos, still images, audio recordings, texts, and web links related to your project, along with relevant contact information for any material that is not your own.

Do not hesitate to contact us for additional information at citizen (at)