Welcome to CITIZENShift!

Welcome to CITIZENShift!

CITIZENShift is an interactive platform where you can explore social issues through: films, photography, articles, blogs and podcasts. Focusing on a new theme every month, this is a space for you to engage with other activists and creative people and share your media. CITIZENShift is inspired by Challenge for Change - a 1960s experimental National Film Board initiative that involved communities in the documentary filmmaking process.

Over forty years later, CITIZENShift offers a unique online platform that gives users a forum to debate social issues and encourage social change. Watch the films. Check out the photography. Download the podcasts. Read the articles and blogs and let us know what you think. This is a chance to become informed, engage with others and to share your creative work.

To contact the CITIZENShift team, please write to citizen[at]nfb[dot]ca.


Sony / AMTEC Logo


The CitizenShift team:

Executive Producer
Ravida Din

Reisa Levine

Project Coordinator
Colleen Ayoup

Outreach and Marketing
Catrina Longmuir
Denise Hastings

Podcasting Coordinator
Matt Forsythe

Compression and Digitization
Clement Glenn

Dan Emery
Sia Koukoulas
Theodora Kolovos
Miya Kondo

A production of the National Film Board of Canada © 2004

