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Acting with Conviction

Overview of the St. Lawrence Centre

Reporting to the Environmental Conservation Branch of Environment Canada, the SLC is a place where science supports action on the environment.


Acting on Research

The Mission and the Mandate of the St. Lawrence Centre

The mission of the St. Lawrence Centre is to enhance understanding of St. Lawrence River ecosystems based on sound science and an integrated-knowledge approach.


Acting for the Future

The Protection and the Conservation of the River

The St. Lawrence River is one of the world’s largest watercourses. Its drainage basin covers an area of 1 610 000 km2 and represents, along with the Great Lakes, some 25% of the Earth’s freshwater reserves.


Acting by Sharing Knowledge and Experience

Training and Technology Transfer

Being a leader in research and development on river ecosystems means more than just “doing science”. Recognized nationally and internationally for its expertise, the St. Lawrence Centre devotes particular attention to knowledge sharing and technology transfer.


Acting beyond Borders

Co-operating with International Partners

By virtue of its reputation and its co-operative efforts with organizations around the world, the St. Lawrence Centre has quickly established an international expertise in river ecosystems and in the integrated management of watercourses.


Partners and Related Web Sites

Other agencies or programs with web sites offering information on the St. Lawrence River.
