Chinese Mitten Crab

Photo : Crabe chinois à mitaine (Eriocheir sinensis)

Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada are looking for Chinese Mitten Crab specimens for a genetic study to identify the origin of this invasive species, which was recently discovered in the St. Lawrence River.

How to identify the Chinese Mitten Crab

  • Two front claws of similar size with white tips
  • Presence of soft, dense hair on the front part of the claws in adults
  • Presence of a notch on the carapace margin between the eyes
  • Presence of four spines on each side of the carapace
  • Legs twice as long as carapace width.

What to do if you catch a Chinese Mitten Crab

Note the date and location of capture of the specimen. DO NOT THROW CRABS BACK INTO THE WATER!  Please contact us for specimen preservation and shipping information. Whenever possible, place a segment of the fourth leg in pure (70%) alcohol. Please contact: 

Environment Canada
Attn: Yves de Lafontaine
Fluvial Ecosystem Research Section
105 McGill Street, 7th Floor
Montréal, Quebec H2Y 2E7

Tel.: 514-496-5025

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