Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Argo is an international programme aimed at deploying approximately 3000 profiling Alace floats around the world. Every 10-15 days these floats surface with a temperature and salinity profile and a surface drift velocity. Canada will be contributing approximately 90 floats to the programme.

Atlantic Zone Monitoring Programme (AZMP)
An operational marine research program conducted by DFO for the North-Western Atlantic, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy.  The data and information reside on servers in each DFO region and at MEDS.  Access is password protected for some limited data sets.

National Contaminants Information System (NCIS)
The NCIS is a computerized warehouse of information on toxic chemicals in fish, other aquatic life and their habitats.  It was begun as part of the Department's Green Plan. The data and information reside on servers in each DFO region and at MEDS.  Access is protected by password to people involved in its development.

TWL Application
A collection of applications which allows access to data pertaining to the collection of tide, water level and current data collected throughout the country. The inventory of stations, history pertaining to these stations, benchmark information and harmonic constituents for tidal heights and currents are available. The data reside on a server located at MEDS and the data are maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. Access is password protected.





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