Government of Canada

Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) - User Requirements

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II. General requirements

  1. Availability   
  2. Security and access rights
  3. Bilingual requirements
  4. Help capabilities
  5. Validation and error indication
  6. Storage and archive

1. Availability

The ROE Web application is deployed nationally.  Employers participating have access to the ROE Web application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


2. Security and Access Rights 

The ROE Web application provides a reliable authentication process for employers accessing the application from the Internet.

All electronic transactions that contain sensitive information —ROE data— are encrypted when exchanged between an employer’s system and the Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) system over the Internet.

Electronic transactions exchanged between an employer’s system and the HRSDC systems over the Internet are digitally signed to provide integrity, authentication and non-repudiation protection.

The ROE Web application does not allow employers to access ROE information of other employers.


3. Bilingual Requirements

The ROE Web application is available in both official languages.


4. Help Capabilities

The ROE Web application provides on-line help capabilities in both official languages.


5. Validation and Error Indication

The ROE Web application validates data transferred by the employers.  ROE fields are validated following the ROE Validation Rules as described in Appendices A and B. Mandatory ROE fields are indicated and must be completed. The ROE Web application validates the ROE fields and fields that failed the validation are indicated and an error message is displayed to help the employer make the required correction.


6. Storage and Archive

Employers are able to view and print ROE that they submitted via ROE Web for eleven years.

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