Government of Canada

Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) - User Requirements

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Appendix D — ROE Web Client User Requirements

To run ROE Web, employers should ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • High Speed Internet access;
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5 or later;
  • Meet the minimum technical requirements for using an epass as indicated on the Epass Canada siteGovernment of Canada site;
  • Users must accept the Applet warning message when using the ROE Web application.

NOTE: New Installations of Windows XP and Microsoft Server 2003 do not have the Microsoft Java VM. Due to some of the security products used within the system, clients must have a fully functional version of the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (VM) to use Internet Explorer with epass. Regrettably, some clients have been experiencing difficulties when using Windows XP and IE 6.0. As a result of a recent US Supreme Court ruling, some releases of Windows XP do not include the Microsoft Java VM. Secure Channel supports the Sun Java VM version 1.4.2_04 and above to be used under these circumstances except Sun Java VM version 1.5. If you are using version 1.5, please downloadWeb site outsite the governement of Canada the next highest version currently availabe.   

For more information...Web site outsite the governement of Canada

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